Sunday 25 February 2018

الفوركس التداول في الهند - ويكي الرحلات

مبادئ الماليةالقسم 1 الأسواق والمؤسسات الماليةفكس سوق العملات الأجنبية (الفوركس أو سوق العملات) هو شكل من أشكال التبادل التجاري اللامركزي العالمي للعملات الدولية. المراكز المالية في جميع أنحاء العالم تعمل كمراسي للتداول بين مجموعة واسعة من أنواع مختلفة من المشترين والبائعين على مدار الساعة، باستثناء عطلة نهاية الأسبوع. ويحدد سوق الصرف الأجنبي القيم النسبية للعملات المختلفة. 1 يساعد سوق الصرف الأجنبي التجارة الدولية والاستثمار من خلال تمكين تحويل العملات. على سبيل المثال، يسمح هذا القانون للشركات في الولايات المتحدة باستيراد السلع من الدول الأعضاء في الاتحاد الأوروبي وخاصة أعضاء منطقة اليورو ودفع اليورو، على الرغم من أن دخلها هو بدولارات الولايات المتحدة. كما أنها تدعم المضاربة المباشرة في قيمة العملات، وتجارة الحمل، والمضاربة على أساس الفرق في سعر الفائدة بين عملتين. 2 في معاملة نموذجية للعمالت األجنبية، يشتري طرف ما كمية من عملة واحدة عن طريق دفع بعض الكمية من عملة أخرى. وقد بدأ سوق النقد الأجنبي الحديث خلال السبعينات من القرن الماضي بعد ثلاثة عقود من القيود الحكومية المفروضة على معاملات الصرف الأجنبي (نظام بريتون وودز للإدارة النقدية وضع قواعد للعلاقات التجارية والمالية بين الدول الصناعية الكبرى في العالم بعد الحرب العالمية الثانية) تحولت تدريجيا إلى أسعار صرف عائمة من نظام سعر الصرف السابق، الذي ظل ثابتا وفقا لنظام بريتون وودز. سوق العملات الأجنبية فريد من نوعه بسبب الخصائص التالية: حجم التداول الضخم الذي يمثل أكبر فئة أصول في العالم مما يؤدي إلى سيولة عالية تشتت الجغرافي تشغيله المستمر: 24 ساعة في اليوم ما عدا عطلة نهاية الأسبوع، أي التداول من 20:15 بتوقيت جرينتش على الأحد حتى الساعة 22:00 بتوقيت جرينتش يوم الجمعة مجموعة متنوعة من العوامل التي تؤثر على أسعار الصرف انخفاض هوامش الربح النسبي مقارنة مع الأسواق الأخرى للدخل الثابت واستخدام الرافعة المالية لتعزيز الأرباح والخسائر هوامش وفيما يتعلق بحجم الحساب. وعلى هذا النحو، يشار إليها بأنها أقرب سوق إلى المثالية للمنافسة الكاملة، على الرغم من تدخل العملة من قبل البنوك المركزية. ووفقا لبنك التسويات الدولية (3) في نيسان / أبريل 2018، يقدر متوسط ​​حجم التداول اليومي في أسواق النقد الأجنبي العالمية بنحو 3.98 تريليون دولار، أي بمعدل نمو يقارب 20 من حجم التداول اليومي البالغ 3.21 تريليون دولار في نيسان / أبريل 2007. وبعض الشركات المتخصصة في مجال النقد الأجنبي السوق قد وضع متوسط ​​حجم التداول اليومي أكثر من 4 تريليون دولار أمريكي. 4 انكماش 3.98 تريليون دولار هو كما يلي: 1.490 تريليون في المعاملات الفورية 475 مليار في الأمام إلى الأمام 1.765 تريليون في مقايضة العملات الأجنبية 43 مليار مقايضة العملات 207 مليار في الخيارات وغيرها من المنتجات القديمة تحرير الفوركس وجدت لأول مرة في العصور القديمة. 5 الناس الذين يتغيرون المال، الناس الذين يساعدون الآخرين على تغيير المال، وكذلك أخذ عمولة أو فرض رسوم كانوا يعيشون في أوقات الكتابات التلمودية (مرات الكتاب المقدس). هؤلاء الناس (وتسمى أحيانا كوليبستس) تستخدم المدينة الأكشاك، في العيد مرات المعابد محكمة الأمم بدلا من ذلك. 6 وكان الصراف أيضا في العصور القديمة الحديثة الفضة-سميثس، أو، سميثس الذهب. 7 خلال القرن الرابع، حافظت حكومة بيزنطة على احتكار الفوركس. 8 في العصور الوسطى وفي وقت لاحق تحرير خلال القرن الخامس عشر كان مطلوبا عائلة ميديشي لفتح البنوك في مواقع أجنبية من أجل تبادل العملات للعمل للتجار النسيج. 9 10 لتسهيل التجارة قام البنك بتكوين كتاب حساب من الشركة الإيطالية المترجمة والذي يحتوي على مدخلين يدرجان كميات من العملات الأجنبية والمحلية ومعلومات تتعلق بالحفاظ على حساب لدى بنك أجنبي. 11 12 13 14 خلال القرن السابع عشر (أو الثامن عشر) حافظت أمستردام على سوق الفوركس النشط. 15 خلال 1704 تم تبادل العملات الأجنبية بين وكلاء يعملون لصالح دولتي إنغالاند وهولندا. 16 في وقت مبكر الحديث تحرير شركة ألكسندر براون أمبير الأبناء المتداولة تبادل العملات الأجنبية في وقت ما حوالي عام 1850 وكانت من المشاركين البارزين في هذا داخل الولايات المتحدة من A. 17 خلال 1880 جم دو إسبريتو سانتو دي سيلفا (بانكو إسبريتو e كوميرسيال دي ليسبوا) تم منح الإذن للبدء في الانخراط في تجارة العملات الأجنبية. 18 19 1880 يعتبر من مصدر واحد أن يكون بداية من النقد الأجنبي الحديث، كبيرة لحقيقة بداية معيار الذهب خلال العام. 20 الحديثة إلى ما بعد الحداثة تحرير قبل الحرب العالمية الثانية تحرير من 1899 حتي 1913 حيازات البلدان ارتفعت العملات الأجنبية بنسبة 10.8، في حين ارتفعت حيازات الذهب بنسبة 6.3. (21) في وقت إغلاق عام 1913، كان ما يقرب من نصف العملات الأجنبية في العالم يجري باستخدام الاسترليني. 22 زاد عدد البنوك الأجنبية العاملة داخل حدود لندن في السنوات من 1860 إلى 1913 من 3 إلى 71. في عام 1902 كان هناك تماما اثنين من وسطاء العملات الأجنبية لندن. 23 في السنوات الأولى من القرن العشرين كانت التجارة الأكثر نشاطا في باريس ونيويورك وبرلين، في حين ظلت بريطانيا غير متعاونة إلى حد كبير في التجارة حتى عام 1914. بين عامي 1919 و 1922 ارتفع توظيف وسطاء النقد الأجنبي في لندن إلى 17، في عام 1924 كان هناك 40 شركة تعمل لأغراض التبادل. 24 خلال العشرينيات من القرن العشرين، كان ظهور التجارة في لندن أكثر تشابها في المظهر الحديث، حيث كانت تجارة الفوركس عام 1928 جزءا لا يتجزأ من الأداء المالي للمدينة. وقد عرقلت الضوابط القارية للصرافة، بالإضافة إلى عوامل أخرى، في أوروبا وأمريكا اللاتينية، أي محاولة للازدهار بالجملة من التجارة بالنسبة لأولئك الذين سادروا في الثلاثينيات من القرن الماضي في لندن. 25 وخلال فترة العشرينات من القرن العشرين، كان من المعروف أن عائلة كلينورت هي من قادة السوق، جافيتس، S، مونتاغو أمب Co.، سيليغمانز كمشاركين هامين ما زالوا يستحقون الاعتراف. 26 وفي عام 1945، كانت حكومة حكومة إثيوبيا تمتلك فائضا في النقد الأجنبي. 27 بعد الحرب العالمية الثانية بعد توقيع الحرب العالمية الثانية تم توقيع اتفاق بريتون وودز السماح للعملات لتتقلب ضمن نطاق من 1 إلى قدم المساواة العملات. 28 في اليابان تم تغيير القانون خلال عام 1954 من قبل قانون بنك النقد الأجنبي، لذلك، فإن بنك طوكيو أن يصبح بسبب هذا المركز من النقد الأجنبي بحلول سبتمبر من ذلك العام. بين 1954 و 1959 تم وضع القانون الياباني للسماح بإدراج العديد من العملات الغربية في العملات الأجنبية اليابانية. 29 وينسب إلى الرئيس نيكسون إنهاء اتفاق بريتون وودز، وأسعار الصرف الثابتة، مما أدى في نهاية المطاف إلى نظام للعملات الحرة العائمة. بعد وقف سريان اتفاق بريتون وودز (خلال عام 1971 30) سمح اتفاق سميثسونيان التداول ليتراوح إلى 2. خلال 1961-62 كان حجم العمليات الأجنبية من قبل الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية الاحتياطي الفدرالي الأمريكي منخفضا نسبيا. (32) وجد المتورطون في مراقبة أسعار الصرف أن حدود الاتفاق ليست واقعية، ومن ثم توقفت عن ذلك في آذار / مارس 1973، في وقت ما بعد ذلك لم يتم الاحتفاظ بأي من العملات الرئيسية مع القدرة على التحويل إلى الذهب، اعتمدت المنظمات بدلا من ذلك على احتياطيات دقة. 33 34 وخلال الفترة من 1970 إلى 1973 زاد حجم الصفقات التي تحدث في السوق ثلاثة أضعاف. 35 36 37 في بعض الوقت (وفقا ل غاندولفو خلال شباط / فبراير - آذار / مارس 1973) تم تقسيم بعض الأسواق، لذلك تم إدخال سوق عملة من مستويين في وقت لاحق، مع أسعار العملات المزدوجة. وقد ألغي ذلك خلال شهر مارس من عام 1974. 38 39 40 أدخلت شركة رويترز خلال شهر يونيو من عام 1973 شاشات الكمبيوتر، لتحل محل الهواتف والتلكس المستخدمة سابقا في أسعار التداول. 41 - markets كلوز إديت بسبب عدم فعالية اتفاق بريتون وودز في نهاية المطاف والتعويم المشترك الأوروبي، اضطرت أسواق الفوركس إلى إغلاقها في وقت ما خلال عامي 1972 و مارس 1973. 42 43 وكانت أكبر عمليات الشراء من الدولارات في تاريخ 1976 هي عندما حققت حكومة ألمانيا الغربية اقتناء ما يقرب من 3 مليارات دولار (وهو رقم أعطى 2.75 مليار دولار في المجموع من قبل رجل الدولة: المجلد 18 1974 6)، أشار هذا الحدث إلى استحالة تحقيق التوازن بين الاستقرار في أسعار الصرف من خلال تدابير الرقابة المستخدمة في الوقت، والنظام النقدي وأسواق الصرف الأجنبي في ألمانيا الغربية ودول أخرى في أوروبا مغلقة لمدة أسبوعين (خلال فبراير و، أو مارس 1973. جيرشش، باكو، أمب شميدينغ الدولة أغلقت بعد شراء 7.5 مليون دماركس براولي الدول. وكان يتعين إغلاق أسواق الصرف، وعندما أعيد فتحها، 1 مارس هو شراء كبيرة وقعت بعد إغلاق). 44 45 46 47 بعد 1973 عدل في الواقع 1973 يشير إلى النقطة التي انتهت الدولة القومية والتجارة المصرفية والصرف الأجنبي التي تسيطر عليها وعائمة كاملة، بدأت الظروف الحرة نسبيا من سمات السوق للوضع في العصر المعاصر (وفقا لمصدر واحد) ، 48 على الرغم من أن دولة أخرى كانت المرة الأولى التي يتم منح زوج العملات كخيار للتجار الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية لشراء كان خلال عام 1982، مع عملات إضافية المتاحة بحلول العام المقبل. 49 50 في يناير / كانون الثاني 1 من عام 1981 (كجزء من التغييرات التي بدأت خلال عام 1978 51) سمح بنك الصين لبعض الشركات المحلية بالمشاركة في تداول العملات الأجنبية. 52 في وقت ما خلال أشهر عام 1981، أنهت حكومة كوريا الجنوبية ضوابط الفوركس وسمحت بتجارة حرة لأول مرة. وفي عام 1988 قبلت حكومة البلدان حصة صندوق النقد الدولي للتجارة الدولية. 53 أثر تدخل البنوك الأوروبية وخاصة بنك بوندسبانك على سوق الفوركس، في فبراير 27th 1985 بشكل خاص. 54 وكانت أكبر نسبة من جميع الصفقات في جميع أنحاء العالم خلال عام 1987 داخل المملكة المتحدة، أكثر قليلا من الربع، مع الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية الأمة مع ثاني أكبر الأماكن المشاركة في التجارة. 55 وخلال عام 1991، غيرت جمهورية إيران الاتفاقات الدولية مع بعض البلدان من مقايضة النفط إلى النقد الأجنبي. 56 حجم السوق وسيولة تحرير دوران سوق الصرف الأجنبي الرئيسي، 19882007، ويقاس بمليارات الدولارات الأمريكية. سوق الصرف الأجنبي هو السوق المالي الأكثر سيولة في العالم. ويشمل التجار البنوك الكبيرة والبنوك المركزية والمستثمرين من المؤسسات ومضاربي العملات والشركات والحكومات والمؤسسات المالية الأخرى ومستثمري التجزئة. ويزداد باستمرار معدل الدوران اليومي في النقد الأجنبي العالمي والأسواق ذات الصلة. ووفقا لمسح البنك المركزي الذي يجري كل ثلاث سنوات، الذي ينسقه مصرف التسويات الدولية، بلغ متوسط ​​حجم التداول اليومي 3،98 تريليون دولار أمريكي في نيسان / أبريل 2018 (مقابل 1،7 تريليون دولار في عام 1998). 3 من هذا 3.98 تريليون دولار، كان 1.5 تريليون المعاملات الفورية و 2.5 تريليون تم تداولها في الأمام إلى الأمام، والمقايضات وغيرها من المشتقات. وشكلت التجارة في المملكة المتحدة 36.7 من المجموع، مما يجعلها إلى حد بعيد أهم مركز لتداول العملات الأجنبية. وشكلت التجارة في الولايات المتحدة 17.9، وشكلت اليابان 6.2. (57) نمت عمليات تداول العقود الآجلة والخيارات الآجلة للتبادل التجاري بسرعة في السنوات الأخيرة، حيث بلغت 166 بليون دولار في نيسان / أبريل 2018 (أي ضعف معدل المبيعات المسجل في نيسان / أبريل 2007). متثل مشتقات العمالت الأجنبية املتداولة يف اأشواق الشرف 4 اأرباح شوق العمالت الأجنبية غري املتداولة. تم إبرام العقود الآجلة لصرف العملات الأجنبية في عام 1972 في بورصة شيكاغو التجارية وتم تداولها بنشاط بالنسبة لمعظم العقود الآجلة الأخرى. وتسمح معظم البلدان المتقدمة بتداول المنتجات المشتقة (مثل العقود الآجلة والخيارات المتعلقة بالعقود الآجلة) في أسواقها. وجميع هذه البلدان المتقدمة النمو لديها بالفعل حسابات رأسمالية قابلة للتحويل بالكامل. بعض حكومات الاقتصادات الناشئة لا تسمح للمنتجات المشتقة من النقد الأجنبي في التبادلات لأنها لديها ضوابط رأس المال. ويزداد استخدام المشتقات في العديد من الاقتصادات الناشئة. (58) أقامت بلدان مثل كوريا الجنوبية وجنوب أفريقيا والهند تبادلا للعملات الآجلة على الرغم من وجود بعض الضوابط على رأس المال. أعلى 10 متداولين بالعملات 59 من الحجم الإجمالي، مايو 2018 ارتفع تداول العملات الأجنبية بنسبة 20 في الفترة ما بين أبريل 2007 ونيسان / أبريل 2018، وقد تضاعف أكثر من الضعف منذ عام 2004. 60 وتعود الزيادة في عدد المعاملات إلى عدد من العوامل: كفئة الأصول، وزيادة النشاط التجاري للتجار عالية التردد، وظهور المستثمرين التجزئة باعتبارها شريحة سوق هامة. وقد أدى نمو التنفيذ الإلكتروني والاختيار المتنوع لأماكن التنفيذ إلى خفض تكاليف المعاملات وزيادة السيولة في السوق وجذب مشاركة أكبر من العديد من أنواع العملاء. وعلى وجه الخصوص، جعلت التجارة الإلكترونية عبر البوابات الإلكترونية من السهل على تجار التجزئة التجارة في سوق الصرف الأجنبي. وبحلول عام 2018، يقدر أن تجارة التجزئة تمثل ما يصل إلى 10 من قيمة التداول الفوري، أو 150 مليار في اليوم (انظر منصة صرف العملات الأجنبية بالتجزئة). النقد الأجنبي هو سوق غير مباشر حيث يتفاوض الوسطاء مباشرة مع بعضهم البعض، لذلك ليس هناك تبادل مركزي أو غرفة مقاصة. أكبر مركز تجاري جغرافي هو المملكة المتحدة، في المقام الأول لندن، والتي وفقا لتقديرات ثيسيتيوك زادت حصتها من دوران العالمي في المعاملات التقليدية من 34.6 في أبريل 2007 إلى 36.7 في أبريل 2018. نظرا لهيمنة لوندونس في السوق، السعر المعروض هو عادة سعر السوق في لندن. فعلى سبيل المثال، عندما يحسب صندوق النقد الدولي قيمة حقوقه الخاصة في السحب كل يوم، يستخدمون أسعار سوق لندن عند الظهر من ذلك اليوم. وخلافا لسوق الأوراق المالية، ينقسم سوق الصرف الأجنبي إلى مستويات الوصول. في الأعلى هو سوق ما بين البنوك، والتي تتكون من أكبر البنوك التجارية وتجار الأوراق المالية. ضمن السوق ما بين البنوك، ينتشر، وهو الفرق بين أسعار العطاء وأسعار، هي الحلاقة حاد وغير معروف للاعبين خارج الدائرة الداخلية. الفرق بين أسعار العطاء وأسعار الطلب يتسع (على سبيل المثال من 0-1 نقطة إلى 1-2 نقطة لعملات مثل اليورو) كما تذهب إلى مستويات الوصول. ويرجع ذلك إلى حجم. إذا كان بإمكان المتداول ضمان عدد كبير من المعاملات لكميات كبيرة، فإنه يمكن أن يطلب فرقا أصغر بين عرض السعر وسعر الطلب، والذي يشار إليه على أنه انتشار أفضل. وتحدد مستويات الوصول التي تشكل سوق الصرف الأجنبي بحجم الخط (مقدار الأموال التي يتاجر بها). ويمثل السوق بين البنوك من الدرجة الأولى 53 من جميع المعاملات. من هناك، البنوك الصغيرة، تليها الشركات الكبيرة متعددة الجنسيات (التي تحتاج إلى التحوط المخاطر ودفع الموظفين في مختلف البلدان)، وصناديق التحوط كبيرة، وحتى بعض صناع سوق التجزئة. ووفقا لجالاتي وملفين، فقد لعبت صناديق التقاعد وشركات التأمين وصناديق الاستثمار المشترك والمستثمرين المؤسسيين الآخرين دورا متزايد الأهمية في الأسواق المالية بشكل عام وفي أسواق العملات الأجنبية على وجه الخصوص منذ بداية العقد الأول من القرن الحادي والعشرين. (2004) وبالإضافة إلى ذلك، يلاحظ أن صناديق التحوط قد شهدت نموا ملحوظا خلال الفترة 2001-2004 من حيث العدد والحجم الإجمالي. 61 - وتشارك المصارف المركزية أيضا في سوق الصرف الأجنبي لمواءمة العملات مع احتياجاتها الاقتصادية. الشركات التجارية تحرير جزء مهم من هذا السوق يأتي من الأنشطة المالية للشركات التي تسعى إلى صرف العملات الأجنبية لدفع ثمن السلع أو الخدمات. وكثيرا ما تتاجر الشركات التجارية بمبالغ صغيرة نسبيا مقارنة بمبالغ المصارف أو المضاربين، وغالبا ما يكون لحرفها أثر قصير الأجل على أسعار السوق. ومع ذلك، تعتبر التدفقات التجارية عاملا هاما في الاتجاه الطويل الأجل لسعر صرف العملة. يمكن أن يكون لبعض الشركات متعددة الجنسيات تأثير لا يمكن التنبؤ به عندما يتم تغطية مواقف كبيرة جدا بسبب التعرض التي ليست معروفة على نطاق واسع من قبل المشاركين في السوق الأخرى. البنوك المركزية تلعب المصارف المركزية الوطنية دورا مهما في أسواق الصرف الأجنبي. وهم يحاولون التحكم في عرض النقود، والتضخم، وأسعار الفائدة، وكثيرا ما يكون لديهم معدلات مستهدفة رسمية أو غير رسمية لعملاتهم. ويمكنهم استخدام احتياطيات النقد الأجنبي الكبيرة في كثير من الأحيان لتحقيق الاستقرار في السوق. ومع ذلك، فإن فعالية البنك المركزي استقرار المضاربة مشكوك فيها لأن البنوك المركزية لا تفلس إذا كانت خسائر كبيرة، مثل غيرها من التجار سوف، وليس هناك دليل مقنع على أنها تقوم بتداول الأرباح. تحويل العملات الأجنبية تحديد تحرير العملات الأجنبية هو سعر الصرف النقدي اليومي الذي يحدده البنك الوطني لكل بلد. والفكرة هي أن البنوك المركزية تستخدم وقت التثبيت وسعر الصرف لتقييم سلوك عملتهم. ويعكس تحديد أسعار الصرف القيمة الحقيقية للتوازن في السوق. وتستخدم البنوك والتجار والتجار معدلات تثبيت كمؤشر الاتجاه. إن مجرد توقع أو شائعات عن تدخل البنك المركزي في النقد الأجنبي قد يكون كافيا لتحقيق الاستقرار في العملة، ولكن التدخل العدواني يمكن أن يستخدم عدة مرات كل عام في البلدان التي لديها نظام عملة تعويم قذرة. ولا تحقق المصارف المركزية دائما أهدافها. الموارد المشتركة للسوق يمكن بسهولة تطغى أي البنك المركزي. (62) شوهدت عدة سيناريوهات من هذا النوع في انهيار آلية سعر الصرف الأوروبية لعام 1992، وفي الآونة الأخيرة في جنوب شرق آسيا. صناديق التحوط كمضاربين تعديل ما بين 70 إلى 90 اقتباسا من معاملات الصرف الأجنبي هي مضاربة. وبعبارة أخرى، فإن الشخص أو المؤسسة التي اشترت أو باعت العملة ليس لديها خطة لتسليم العملة فعلا في النهاية بدلا من ذلك، كانت مجرد تكهنات على حركة تلك العملة بالذات. وقد اكتسبت صناديق التحوط سمعة لمضاربة العملة العدوانية منذ عام 1996. وهي تسيطر على مليارات الدولارات من الأسهم ويمكن أن تقترض مليارات أخرى، وبالتالي قد تطغى تدخل البنوك المركزية لدعم أي عملة تقريبا، إذا كانت الأساسيات الاقتصادية في صناديق التحوط لصالح . شركات إدارة الاستثمار تستخدم شركات إدارة الاستثمار (التي تدير عادة حسابات كبيرة نيابة عن العملاء مثل صناديق المعاشات التقاعدية والأوقاف) سوق الصرف الأجنبي لتسهيل المعاملات في الأوراق المالية الأجنبية. فعلى سبيل المثال، يحتاج مدير استثمار يحمل محفظة أسهم دولية إلى شراء وبيع عدة أزواج من العملات الأجنبية لدفع ثمن شراء الأوراق المالية الأجنبية. كما أن لدى بعض شركات إدارة الاستثمار عمليات تراكب أكثر تخصصا للعملة، والتي تدير حالات تعرض العملات للعملاء بهدف تحقيق الأرباح وكذلك الحد من المخاطر. وفي حين أن عدد هذا النوع من الشركات المتخصصة صغير جدا، فإن لدى الكثير منها قيمة كبيرة من الأصول الخاضعة للإدارة)، ومن ثم يمكن أن تولد صفقات كبيرة. تجزئة تجار العملات الأجنبية تحرير الأفراد التجزئة تجار المضاربة يشكلون شريحة متنامية من هذا السوق مع ظهور منصات الصرف الأجنبي التجزئة، سواء في الحجم والأهمية. وهم يشاركون حاليا بصورة غير مباشرة من خلال وسطاء أو بنوك. أما وسطاء التجزئة، في حين خضعوا للسيطرة والتنظيم إلى حد كبير في الولايات المتحدة من قبل لجنة تداول السلع الآجلة والرابطة الوطنية للعقود الآجلة فقد تعرضوا في الماضي إلى عمليات احتيال دورية في العملات الأجنبية. 63 64 للتعامل مع هذه القضية، في عام 2018 تطلب نفا أعضائها التي تتعامل في أسواق الفوركس للتسجيل على هذا النحو (أي كتا الفوركس بدلا من كتا). ويتعرض أعضاء تلك الهيئة التي تخضع تقليديا لمتطلبات الحد الأدنى من رأس المال الصافي، ومعدلات رأس المال المتداولة (فمس) والشرآات المتداولة (يبس) إلى الحد الأدنى من متطلبات رأس المال الصافية إذا آانوا يتعاملون في الفوركس. يعمل عدد من سماسرة النقد األجنبي من المملكة المتحدة بموجب أنظمة سلطة الخدمات المالية حيث يكون تداول العمالت األجنبية باستخدام الهامش جزءا من صناعة التداول بالمشتقات غير المدرجة في البورصة والتي تشمل عقود الفروقات ومراهنات االنتشار المالي. هناك نوعان رئيسيان من وسطاء الفوركس بالتجزئة يتيحان الفرصة لتداول العملات المضاربة: الوسطاء والتجار أو صناع السوق. الوسطاء يعملون كوكيل للعميل في سوق العملات الأجنبية الأوسع نطاقا، من خلال السعي للحصول على أفضل الأسعار في السوق لأوامر البيع بالتجزئة والتعامل نيابة عن العملاء التجزئة. وهم يتقاضون عمولة أو علامة المتابعة بالإضافة إلى السعر الذي تم الحصول عليه في السوق. تجار أو صناع السوق. على النقيض من ذلك، عادة ما تكون بمثابة الأصل في الصفقة مقابل العملاء التجزئة، واقتبس السعر الذي هم على استعداد للتعامل معها. شركات الصرف األجنبي غير املصرفية تقدم شركات الصرف األجنبي غير املصرفية صرف العمالت واملدفوعات الدولية لألفراد والشركات. ويعرف هؤلاء أيضا بسماسرة النقد الأجنبي، ولكنهم متميزون من حيث أنهم لا يقدمون تداولا بالمضاربات بل بالأحرى صرف العملات مع المدفوعات (أي عادة ما يكون التسليم المادي للعملة إلى حساب مصرفي). وتشير التقديرات إلى أنه في المملكة المتحدة، يتم إجراء 14 تحويلا من العملات 65 عن طريق شركات الصرف الأجنبي. 66 هذه نقطة بيع الشركات هي عادة أنها سوف تقدم أسعار صرف أفضل أو دفعات أرخص من بنك العملاء. تختلف هذه الشركات عن شركات تحويل الأموال حيث أنها تقدم عموما خدمات ذات قيمة أعلى. تحويل الأموال شركات تحويل الأموال ومكاتب التغيير شركات تحويل الأموال تقوم شركات تحويل الأموال بتحويلات كبيرة ذات قيمة منخفضة عموما من قبل المهاجرين الاقتصاديين إلى بلادهم. في عام 2007، قدرت مجموعة آيت أن هناك 369 مليار تحويلات (بزيادة 8 في السنة السابقة). وتحصل أكبر أربعة أسواق (الهند والصين والمكسيك والفلبين) على 95 مليار دولار. وأكبر وأكبر مزود معروف هو ويسترن يونيون مع 345،000 وكلاء على الصعيد العالمي تليها سوق الإمارات العربية المتحدة تحتاج الاقتباس مكاتب التغيير أو شركات تحويل العملات توفر خدمات صرف العملات الأجنبية ذات القيمة المنخفضة للمسافرين. وتتواجد هذه المطارات عادة في المطارات والمحطات أو في المواقع السياحية وتسمح بتبادل الملاحظات المادية من عملة إلى أخرى. وهم يستطيعون الوصول إلى أسواق الصرف الأجنبي عن طريق البنوك أو شركات الصرف الأجنبي غير المصرفية. ولا يوجد سوق موحد أو مركزيا بالنسبة لمعظم الصفقات، ولا يوجد سوى القليل جدا من التنظيم عبر الحدود. ونظرا لطبيعة أسواق العملات دون وصفة طبية، هناك عدد من الأسواق المترابطة، حيث يتم تداول أدوات العملات المختلفة. وهذا يعني أنه ال يوجد سعر صرف واحد، بل عدد من األسعار) األسعار (المختلفة، وهذا يتوقف على ما يتداوله البنك أو صانع السوق، وأين هو. في الممارسة العملية معدلات قريبة جدا بسبب المراجحة. ويرجع ذلك إلى هيمنة لوندونس في السوق، وهو سعر معين كورينسيس عادة ما يكون سعر السوق في لندن. وتشمل المبادلات التجارية الرئيسية إبس ورويترز، في حين تقدم البنوك الكبرى أيضا أنظمة التداول. افتتح مشروع مشترك بين بورصة شيكاغو التجارية ورويترز، يسمى فسماركيتسباس في عام 2007، وتطلع ولكن فشل في دور آلية مركزية لتصفية السوق. تحتاج المراكز التجارية الرئيسية إلى نيويورك ولندن، على الرغم من أن طوكيو وهونغ كونغ وسنغافورة كلها مراكز هامة أيضا. البنوك في جميع أنحاء العالم تشارك. تداول العملات يحدث بشكل مستمر على مدار اليوم مع انتهاء جلسة التداول الآسيوية، تبدأ الجلسة الأوروبية، تليها جلسة أمريكا الشمالية ثم تعود إلى الجلسة الآسيوية، باستثناء عطلة نهاية الأسبوع. وعادة ما تكون التقلبات في أسعار الصرف ناتجة عن التدفقات النقدية الفعلية وتوقعات التغيرات في التدفقات النقدية الناجمة عن التغيرات في نمو الناتج المحلي الإجمالي والتضخم (نظرية تكافؤ القوة الشرائية) وأسعار الفائدة (تعادل سعر الفائدة، تأثير الدولية فيشر)، والعجز في الميزانية والتجارة أو الفوائض، صفقات مامبا عبر الحدود الكبيرة وظروف الاقتصاد الكلي الأخرى. يتم نشر الأخبار الرئيسية علنا، في كثير من الأحيان في المواعيد المقررة، وكثير من الناس لديهم إمكانية الوصول إلى نفس الأخبار في نفس الوقت. ومع ذلك، فإن البنوك الكبيرة لديها ميزة هامة أنها يمكن أن نرى عملائها تدفق النظام. يتم تداول العملات مقابل بعضها البعض. وبالتالي فإن كل زوج من العملات يشكل منتجا تجاريا فرديا ويشير تقليديا إلى زسكي أو زسكيي، حيث زس و ي هما رمز إسو 4217 الدولي المكون من ثلاثة أحرف للعملات المعنية. العملة الأولى (زس) هي العملة الأساسية التي يتم اقتباسها بالنسبة إلى العملة الثانية (ي)، والتي تسمى عملة العداد (أو عملة الاقتباس). على سبيل المثال، فإن الاقتباس يوروس (اليورو مقابل الدولار الأميركي) 1.5465 هو سعر اليورو أعرب بالدولار الأمريكي، وهذا يعني 1 € 1.5465 دولار. اتفاقية السوق هي أن اقتبس معظم أسعار الصرف مقابل الدولار الأمريكي مع الدولار الأمريكي كعملة أساسية (مثل أوسجبي، أوسكاد، أوشف). الاستثناءات هي الجنيه الإسترليني، الدولار الاسترالي، الدولار النيوزلندي (نزد) واليورو (ور) حيث الدولار الأمريكي هو العملة المقابلة (على سبيل المثال غبوسد، أودوس، نزدوسد، يوروس). ستؤثر العوامل التي تؤثر على زس على كل من زسكي و زسززز. يؤدي هذا إلى وجود ارتباط إيجابي بالعملة بين زسكي و زسززز. وفي السوق الفورية، ووفقا لمسح 2018 الذي يجري كل ثلاث سنوات، كانت أزواج العملات الثنائية الأكثر تداولا هي: وشاركت العملة الأمريكية في 84.9 من المعاملات، يليها اليورو (39.1) والين (19.0) والاسترليني (12.9 ) (انظر الجدول). يجب أن تضيف النسب المئوية للحجم لجميع العملات الفردية ما يصل إلى 200، حيث أن كل معاملة تنطوي على عملتين. وقد نما حجم التداول في اليورو بشكل كبير منذ إنشاء شركة كيرنسيس في يناير 1999، ومدة استمرار سوق النقد الأجنبي في التركيز على الدولار. حتى وقت قريب، كان تداول اليورو مقابل العملة غير الأوروبية زز عادة ما ينطوي على صفقتين: يوروس و أوززز. الاستثناء من ذلك هو وربي، وهو زوج العملات المتداولة في السوق الفورية بين البنوك. وبما أن قيمة الدولارات قد تآكلت خلال عام 2008، فإن الاهتمام باستخدام اليورو كعملة مرجعية لأسعار السلع الأساسية (مثل النفط)، فضلا عن عنصر أكبر من الاحتياطيات الأجنبية من قبل المصارف، قد زاد بشكل كبير من الاقتباس. كما أدت المعاملات بعملات البلدان المنتجة للسلع الأساسية مثل الدولار الأسترالي والدولار النيوزلندي والدولار الكندي إلى زيادة الاستشهادات اللازمة محددات أسعار الصرف تعديل النظريات التالية توضح التقلبات في أسعار الصرف في نظام سعر الصرف العائم (في نظام سعر الصرف الثابت) ، تحدد الأسعار من قبل حكومتها): شروط التكافؤ الدولية: تعادل القوة الشرائية النسبية، تعادل سعر الفائدة، تأثير فيشر المحلي، تأثير فيشر الدولي. وعلى الرغم من أن النظريات المذكورة أعلاه تقدم إلى حد ما تفسيرا منطقيا للتقلبات في أسعار الصرف، إلا أن هذه النظريات تتعثر لأنها تستند إلى افتراضات قابلة للتحدي مثل والتدفق الحر للسلع والخدمات ورأس المال التي نادرا ما يكون صحيحا في العالم الحقيقي. نموذج ميزان المدفوعات (انظر سعر الصرف): إلا أن هذا النموذج يركز بشكل كبير على السلع والخدمات القابلة للتداول، متجاهلا الدور المتزايد لتدفقات رؤوس الأموال العالمية. ولم يقدم أي تفسير للتقدير المستمر للدولار خلال الثمانينات ومعظم فترة التسعينات في مواجهة ارتفاع عجز الحساب الجاري في الولايات المتحدة. نموذج سوق األصول) انظر سعر الصرف (: ينظر إلى العمالت باعتبارها فئة أصول هامة لبناء محافظ استثمارية. وتتأثر أسعار األصول في الغالب باستعداد الشعوب إلحتفاظ الكميات الموجودة من األصول، والتي تعتمد بدورها على توقعاتها بشأن القيمة المستقبلية لهذه األصول. وينص نموذج سوق الأصول الخاص بتقرير سعر الصرف على أن سعر الصرف بين عملتين يمثل السعر الذي يوازن فقط الإمدادات النسبية والطلب على الأصول المقومة بتلك العملات. ولم تنجح أي من النماذج التي تم تطويرها حتى الآن في تفسير أسعار الصرف والتقلب في الأطر الزمنية الأطول. ولأطر زمنية أقصر (أقل من بضعة أيام) يمكن وضع خوارزميات للتنبؤ بالأسعار. ومن المفهوم من النماذج المذكورة أعلاه أن العديد من العوامل الاقتصادية الكلية تؤثر على أسعار الصرف، وفي نهاية المطاف أسعار العملات هي نتيجة لقوى مزدوجة من العرض والطلب. ويمكن النظر إلى أسواق العملات العالمية على أنها وعاء ذوبان ضخم: ففي مزيج كبير ومتغير باستمرار من الأحداث الجارية، تتغير عوامل العرض والطلب باستمرار، ويتحول سعر عملة واحدة فيما يتعلق بتحويلات أخرى تبعا لذلك. ولا يوجد سوق آخر (ويقطر) بقدر ما يحدث في العالم في أي وقت من الأوقات كعملة أجنبية. (67) لا يتأثر العرض والطلب على أي عملة، وبالتالي قيمتها، بأي عنصر منفرد بل بالأحرى. وتنقسم هذه العناصر عموما إلى ثلاث فئات: العوامل الاقتصادية والظروف السياسية وعلم النفس في السوق. العوامل االقتصادية تشمل هذه السياسات ما يلي:) أ (السياسة االقتصادية، التي تنشرها الهيئات الحكومية والبنوك المركزية،) ب (الظروف االقتصادية، التي يتم الكشف عنها بشكل عام من خالل التقارير االقتصادية وغيرها من المؤشرات االقتصادية. وتشمل السياسة الاقتصادية السياسة المالية الحكومية (ممارسات الميزانية) والسياسات النقدية (الوسائل التي يؤثر بها البنك المركزي الحكومي على العرض وتكلفة المال، وهو ما ينعكس في مستوى أسعار الفائدة). العجز أو الفوائض في الموازنة الحكومية: يتفاعل السوق عادة مع زيادة عجز الموازنة الحكومية، ويؤثر إيجابيا على تضييق العجز في الميزانية. وينعكس الأثر في قيمة عملة البلد. ميزان الميزان التجاري واتجاهاته: يبين التدفق التجاري بين البلدان الطلب على السلع والخدمات، وهو ما يشير بدوره إلى الطلب على عملة البلد في إجراء التجارة. وتعكس الفوائض والعجز في تجارة السلع والخدمات القدرة التنافسية لاقتصاد الأمم. فعلى سبيل المثال، قد يكون للعجز التجاري أثر سلبي على عملة الأمم. مستويات التضخم واتجاهاته: عادة ما تفقد العملة قيمة إذا كان هناك مستوى مرتفع من التضخم في البلاد أو إذا كان من المتصور أن مستويات التضخم آخذة في الارتفاع. ويرجع ذلك إلى أن التضخم يضعف القدرة الشرائية، وبالتالي الطلب على تلك العملة بالذات. ومع ذلك، قد تتعزز العملة أحيانا عندما يرتفع التضخم بسبب التوقعات بأن البنك المركزي سوف يرفع أسعار الفائدة قصيرة الأجل لمكافحة ارتفاع التضخم. النمو الاقتصادي والصحة: ​​تقارير مثل الناتج المحلي الإجمالي ومستويات العمالة ومبيعات التجزئة، واستخدام القدرات وغيرها، وتفاصيل مستويات النمو الاقتصادي والصحة في بلد ما. وبوجه عام، كلما كان اقتصاد البلد أكثر صحة وقوة، كان أداء عمله أفضل، وكلما زاد الطلب عليه. إنتاجية الاقتصاد: ينبغي أن تؤثر زيادة الإنتاجية في الاقتصاد تأثيرا إيجابيا على قيمة عملته. وتكون آثاره أكثر بروزا إذا كانت الزيادة في القطاع المتداول 7. الظروف السياسية يمكن أن يكون لألحداث واألحداث السياسية الداخلية واإلقليمية والدولية تأثير عميق على أسواق العملة. وجميع أسعار الصرف عرضة لعدم الاستقرار السياسي والتوقعات بشأن الحزب الحاكم الجديد. ويمكن أن يكون للاضطرابات السياسية وعدم الاستقرار أثر سلبي على اقتصاد الأمم. فعلى سبيل المثال، يمكن أن يؤدي زعزعة استقرار حكومات التحالف في باكستان وتايلند إلى التأثير سلبا على قيمة عملاتها. وبالمثل، يمكن أن يكون لظهور فصيل سياسي ينظر إليه على أنه مسؤول ماليا أثر معاكس في بلد يواجه صعوبات مالية. كما أن الأحداث في بلد ما في منطقة ما قد تحفز المصالح الإيجابية في بلد مجاور وتؤثر، في هذه العملية، على عملته. علم النفس في السوق إديت السوق تؤثر تصورات علم النفس والتاجر على سوق الصرف الأجنبي بطرق مختلفة: الرحلات إلى الجودة: يمكن أن تؤدي الأحداث الدولية المقلقة إلى رحلة إلى نوعية، وهو نوع من هروب رؤوس الأموال حيث يقوم المستثمرون بتحويل أصولهم إلى ملاذ آمن متصور. سيكون هناك طلب أكبر، وبالتالي أعلى سعر، بالنسبة للعملات التي تعتبر أقوى على نظرائهم أضعف نسبيا. وكان الدولار الأمريكي والفرنك السويسري والذهب ملاذات آمنة تقليدية في أوقات عدم اليقين السياسي أو الاقتصادي. 68 الاتجاهات طويلة الأجل: غالبا ما تتحرك أسواق العملات في اتجاهات واضحة على المدى الطويل. على الرغم من أن العملات ليس لديها موسم النمو السنوي مثل السلع المادية، دورات الأعمال تجعل يشعرون أنفسهم. وينظر تحليل الدورة إلى اتجاهات الأسعار الأطول أجلا التي قد ترتفع من الاتجاهات الاقتصادية أو السياسية. 69 شراء الشائعات، بيع الحقيقة: هذه الحقيقة في السوق يمكن أن تنطبق على العديد من حالات العملة. إن الميل إلى أن يعكس سعر العملة تأثير إجراء معين قبل حدوثه، وعندما يتأخر الحدث المتوقع، يتفاعل في الاتجاه المعاكس تماما. وقد یشار إلی ذلك أیضا بکونھا سوق ذروة بیع أو ذروة شراء. 70 لشراء الشائعات أو بيع الحقيقة يمكن أيضا أن يكون مثالا على التحيز المعرفي المعروف باسم رسو، عندما يركز المستثمرون كثيرا على أهمية الأحداث الخارجية لأسعار العملات. الأرقام الاقتصادية: في حين أن الأرقام الاقتصادية يمكن أن تعكس بالتأكيد السياسة الاقتصادية، وبعض التقارير والأرقام تأخذ على تأثير مثل التاليسمان: العدد نفسه يصبح مهما لعلم النفس السوق وربما يكون لها تأثير فوري على التحركات في السوق على المدى القصير. ما يمكن مشاهدته يمكن أن يتغير بمرور الوقت. وفي السنوات الأخيرة، على سبيل المثال، أخذت الأضواء على المعروض من النقود والعمالة وأرقام الميزان التجاري وأرقام التضخم في دائرة الضوء. اعتبارات التداول الفني: كما هو الحال في الأسواق الأخرى، فإن تحركات الأسعار المتراكمة في زوج العملات مثل اليورو مقابل الدولار الأميركي يمكن أن تشكل أنماطا واضحة قد يحاول التجار استخدامها. العديد من التجار دراسة الرسوم البيانية السعر من أجل تحديد مثل هذه الأنماط. (71) الصفقة الفورية هي معاملة تسليم تستغرق يومين (باستثناء حالة الصفقات بين الدولار الأمريكي والدولار الكندي والليرة التركية واليورو والروبل الروسي التي ستستقر في يوم العمل التالي)، في مقابل العقود الآجلة التي عادة ما تكون ثلاثة أشهر. ويمثل هذا التبادل التجاري تبادلا مباشرا بين عملتين، له أقصر إطار زمني، ينطوي على نقد بدلا من عقد، ولا تدرج الفائدة في المعاملة المتفق عليها. إلى الأمام تحرير طريقة واحدة للتعامل مع مخاطر الصرف الأجنبي هو الانخراط في صفقة إلى الأمام. في هذه الصفقة، والمال لا يتغير فعلا حتى بعض المتفق عليها في تاريخ لاحق. ويوافق المشتري والبائع على سعر الصرف لأي تاريخ في المستقبل، وتحدث المعاملة في ذلك التاريخ، بصرف النظر عن أسعار السوق. مدة التجارة يمكن أن يكون يوم واحد، بضعة أيام، أشهر أو سنوات. وعادة ما يحدد موعدها من قبل الطرفين. ثم يتم التفاوض على العقد الآجل والموافقة عليه من قبل الطرفين. النوع الأكثر شيوعا من المعاملات الآجلة هو المبادلة. في مقايضة، يقوم طرفان بتبادل العملات لفترة معينة من الزمن والموافقة على عكس الصفقة في وقت لاحق. هذه العقود ليست موحدة ولا يتم تداولها من خلال البورصة. وكثيرا ما يطلب إيداع من أجل الاحتفاظ بالموقف مفتوحا حتى يتم إتمام المعاملة. فيوتشر إديت العقود الآجلة هي عقود موحدة موحدة، وعادة ما يتم تداولها في بورصة تم إنشاؤها لهذا الغرض. ويبلغ متوسط ​​مدة العقد حوالي 3 أشهر. Futures contracts are usually inclusive of any interest amounts. Option Edit A foreign exchange option (commonly shortened to just FX option) is a derivative where the owner has the right but not the obligation to exchange money denominated in one currency into another currency at a pre-agreed exchange rate on a specified date. The options market is the deepest, largest and most liquid market for options of any kind in the world. Controversy about currency speculators and their effect on currency devaluations and national economies recurs regularly. Nevertheless, economists including Milton Friedman have argued that speculators ultimately are a stabilizing influence on the market and perform the important function of providing a market for hedgers and transferring risk from those people who dont wish to bear it, to those who do. 72 Other economists such as Joseph Stiglitz consider this argument to be based more on politics and a free market philosophy than on economics. 73 Large hedge funds and other well capitalized position traders are the main professional speculators. According to some economists, individual traders could act as noise traders and have a more destabilizing role than larger and better informed actors. 74 Currency speculation is considered a highly suspect activity in many countries. While investment in traditional financial instruments like bonds or stocks often is considered to contribute positively to economic growth by providing capital, currency speculation does not according to this view, it is simply gambling that often interferes with economic policy. For example, in 1992, currency speculation forced the Central Bank of Sweden to raise interest rates for a few days to 500 per annum, and later to devalue the krona. 75 Former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad is one well known proponent of this view. He blamed the devaluation of the Malaysian ringgit in 1997 on George Soros and other speculators. Gregory J. Millman reports on an opposing view, comparing speculators to vigilantes who simply help enforce international agreements and anticipate the effects of basic economic laws in order to profit. 76 In this view, countries may develop unsustainable financial bubbles or otherwise mishandle their national economies, and foreign exchange speculators made the inevitable collapse happen sooner. A relatively quick collapse might even be preferable to continued economic mishandling, followed by an eventual, larger, collapse. Mahathir Mohamad and other critics of speculation are viewed as trying to deflect the blame from themselves for having caused the unsustainable economic conditions. Fig.1 Chart showing MSCI World Index of Equities fell while the US Dollar Index rose. Risk aversion is a kind of trading behavior exhibited by the foreign exchange market when a potentially adverse event happens which may affect market conditions. This behavior is caused when risk averse traders liquidate their positions in risky assets and shift the funds to less risky assets due to uncertainty. 77 In the context of the foreign exchange market, traders liquidate their positions in various currencies to take up positions in safe-haven currencies, such as the US Dollar. 78 Sometimes, the choice of a safe haven currency is more of a choice based on prevailing sentiments rather than one of economic statistics. An example would be the Financial Crisis of 2008. The value of equities across the world fell while the US Dollar strengthened (see Fig.1). This happened despite the strong focus of the crisis in the USA. 79 Currency carry trade refers to the act of borrowing one currency that has a low interest rate in order to purchase another with a higher interest rate. A large difference in rates can be highly profitable for the trader, especially if high leverage is used. However, with all levered investments this is a double edged sword, and large exchange rate fluctuations can suddenly swing trades into huge losses. Forex trade alerts, often referred to as Forex Signals are trade strategies provided by either experienced traders or market analysts. These signals which are often charged a premium fee for can then be copied or replicated by a trader to his own live account. Forex Signal products are packaged as either alerts delivered to a users inbox or sms, or can be installed to a traders trading platform. Hong Kong International Airport Hong Kong International Airport (IATA. HKG ,160ICAO. VHHH ) is the main airport in Hong Kong. It is located on the island of Chek Lap Kok. which largely comprises land reclaimed for the construction of the airport itself. The airport is also colloquially known as Chek Lap Kok Airport (), to distinguish it from its predecessor, the closed Kai Tak Airport. The airport has been commercially operational since 1998, replacing the former Kai Tak Airport, and is an important regional trans-shipment centre, passenger hub and gateway for destinations in Mainland China (with 45 destinations) and the rest of Asia. The airport is the worlds busiest cargo gateway and one of the worlds busiest passenger airports. 4 The Hong Kong International Airport is also home to one of the worlds largest passenger terminal buildings (the largest when opened in 1998). Hong Kong International Airport is one of the busiest airports in Asia. Operated by the Airport Authority Hong Kong 24 hours a day, the airport is the primary hub for Cathay Pacific (the flag carrier of Hong Kong), Dragonair. Hong Kong Airlines. Hong Kong Express Airways and Air Hong Kong (cargo carrier). The airport is one of the hubs of Oneworld alliance. and it is also one of the Asian-Pacific cargo hubs for UPS Airlines. 1 It is a focus city for many airlines, including China Airlines (Taiwan), and China Eastern Airlines. Singapore Airlines. Ethiopian Airlines. and Air India use Hong Kong as a stopover point for their flights. HKIA is an important contributor to Hong Kongs economy, with approximately 65,000 employees. More than 100 airlines operate flights from the airport to over 180 cities across the globe. In 2018, HKIA handled 63.3 million passengers, 4 making it the 10th busiest airport worldwide by passenger traffic. 5 It also surpassed Memphis International Airport to become the worlds busiest airport by cargo traffic. 6 View of the airport from the Ngong Ping 360 cable car A front view of Hong Kong Airport The exterior of Hong Kong International Airport at night-time Chek Lap Kok Airport was designed as a replacement for the former Hong Kong International Airport (commonly known as Kai Tak Airport) originally built in 1925. Located in the densely built-up Kowloon City District with a single runway extending into Kowloon Bay. Kai Tak had only limited room for expansion to cope with steadily increasing air traffic. By the 1990s, Kai Tak had become one of the worlds busiest airports it far exceeded its annual passenger and cargo design capacities, and one out of every three flights experienced delays, largely due to lack of space for aircraft, gates, and a second runway. 7 In addition, noise mitigation measures restricted nighttime flights, as severe noise pollution (exceeding 105160dB(A) in Kowloon City) adversely affected an estimated total of at least 340,000 people. 89 A 1974 planning study by the Civil Aviation and Public Works departments identified the small island of Chek Lap Kok, off Lantau Island. as a possible airport replacement site. Away from the congested city centre, flight paths would be routed over the South China Sea rather than populous urban areas, enabling efficient round-the-clock operation of multiple runways. The Chek Lap Kok (CLK) airport master plan and civil engineering studies were completed towards the end of 1982 and 1983 respectively. In February 1983, however, the government shelved the project for financial and economic reasons. In 1988, the Port amp Airport Development Strategy (PADS) Study was undertaken by consultants, headed by Mott MacDonald Hong Kong Limited. reporting in December 1989. This study looked at forecasts for both airport and port traffic to the year 2018 and came up with three recommended strategies for overall strategic development in Hong Kong. One of the three assumed maintaining the existing airport at Kai Tak a second assumed a possible airport in the Western Harbour between Lantau Island and Hong Kong Island and the third assumed a new airport at Chek Lap Kok. The consultants produced detailed analyses for each scenario, enabling Government to consider these appraisals for each of the three Recommended Strategies. In October 1989 the Governor of Hong Kong announced to the Legislative Council that a decision had been made on the long-term port and airport development strategy for the territory. The strategy to be adopted was that which included a replacement airport at Chek Lap Kok and incorporating new container terminals 8 and 9 at Stonecutters Island and east of the island of Tsing Yi respectively. 10 In the PADS study the consultants advised that the earliest the airport could be opened was January 1998. However, in reaching the governments decision, this date was modified to January 1997, six months prior to the handover of the territory to China. Construction of the new airport began in 1991. As construction progressed, an agreement was reached with China that as much as possible of the airport would be completed before the handover to China in July 1997. In the event, British Prime Minister John Major opened the Tsing Ma Bridge. the main access to Lantau Island and the airport and its supporting community in May 1997, prior to the transfer of sovereignty to China. The airport itself was opened in July 1998. The construction period was very rushed specialists considered that only a 1020-year period was sufficient for this massive project. Another cause for this rush was due to the uncertain future of the airport construction after the transfer of sovereignty over Hong Kong to the Peoples Republic of China. It was originally believed that Beijing preferred to keep everything basically intact and minimise financial commitments for big projects, therefore stopping all construction despite the need for the new airport. In practice, the airport did not finish in time for the handover. However, China gave an additional years grace period to finish the project. 1112 Hong Kong International Airport was built on a large artificial island. formed by levelling Chek Lap Kok and Lam Chau islands ( Script error: No such module quotconvertquot. and Script error: No such module quotconvertquot. respectively), and reclaiming Script error: No such module quotconvertquot. of the adjacent seabed. The Script error: No such module quotconvertquot. airport site added nearly 1 to Hong Kongs total surface area, connecting to the north side of Lantau Island near Tung Chung new town. 13 Construction of the new airport was only part of the Airport Core Programme. which also involved construction of new road and rail links to the airport, with associated bridges and tunnels, and major land reclamation projects on both Hong Kong Island and in Kowloon. The project is the most expensive airport project ever, according to Guinness World Records. Construction of the new airport was voted as one of the Top 10 Construction Achievements of the 20th Century at the ConExpo conference in 1999. 14 The detailed design for the airport terminal was awarded to a consortium led by Mott Connell (the Hong Kong office of UK consultant Mott MacDonald) with British Airports Authority as specialist designers for airport related aspects, Foster and Partners as architects and Ove Arup as specialist structural designers for the roof. Mott Connell were the designers for foundations, all other structural components and the mechanical and electrical work. Project architects were Foster and Partners. The sides of the terminals, predominantly glass, were designed to break during high speed winds, relieving pressure and allowing the terminal to withstand an intense typhoon. 11 Opened on 6 July 1998, a week later than the new Kuala Lumpur International Airport. it took six years and US20180billion to build. On that day at 6:25160am, Cathay Pacific flight 889 was the first commercial flight to land at the airport, pipping the original CX292 from Rome which was the scheduled first arrival. However, on the first day of opening, the airport had already started to experience some technical difficulties. The flight information display system (FIDS) had suddenly shut down which caused long delays. Shortly afterwards, the cargo communication link with Kai Tak, where all the data was stored, went down. In the same period of time, someone had accidentally deleted a critical database for cargo services. This meant that cargo had to be manually stored. At one point, the airport had to turn away freight headed for and exported from Hong Kong (except food and medical supplies) while it sorted out the mess. HKIA simply could not keep up without an automated computer assisting. 11 For three to five months after its opening, it suffered various severe organisational, mechanical and technical problems that almost crippled the airport. Computer glitches were to blame for the crisis. Lau Kang-way, a Hong Kong politician, was quoted saying This was meant to be a first-class project, but it has turned into a ninth-class airport and a disgrace. Our airport has become the laughing stock of the world. 1516 At one time, the government reopened the cargo terminal at Kai Tak Airport to handle freight traffic because of a breakdown at the new cargo terminal, named Super Terminal One (ST1). 17 However, after six months the airport started to operate normally. On 31 July 2000, Todd Salimuchai. a regularised illegal immigrant in Hong Kong with no provable nationality. forced his way through a security checkpoint using a fake pistol, took a woman hostage, and boarded a Cathay Pacific aircraft. He demanded to be flown to Burma, which he claimed was his native country but had refused to admit him due to his lack of documents. He surrendered to police two and a half hours later. 18 Officially opened in June 2007, the second airport terminal, called T2, (check-in facility only) is linked with the MTR Airport Express on a new platform. The terminal also features a new shopping mall, SkyPlaza. providing a large variety of shops and restaurants, together with a few entertainment facilities. T2 also houses a 36-bay coach-station for buses to and from mainland China and 56 airline check-in counters, as well as customs and immigration facilities. Besides T2, the SkyCity Nine Eagles Golf Course has been opened in 2007 whereas the second airport hotel, the Hong Kong SkyCity Marriott Hotel and a permanent cross-boundary ferry terminal, the Skypier. began operations in 2008 and 2009 respectively. Development around T2 also includes the AsiaWorld-Expo which has started operation in late 2005. 19 A second passenger concourse, the North Satellite Concourse (NSC), opened in 2018. Composition Hong Kong International Airport covers an area of Script error: No such module quotconvertquot. . The airport has a total of 66 boarding gates, 20 with 66 jet bridge gates (14, 1571, 501510) and seven virtual gates (511513, 521524) which are used as assembly points for passengers, who are then ferried to the aircraft by apron buses. Of the 66 jet bridges, five (Gates 15,23,60,62,64) are capable of handling the Airbus A380. the current users of which are Singapore Airlines. Emirates. Qantas. British Airways. Asiana Airlines. and Air France. Previous users were Korean Air. Malaysia Airlines. Thai Airways. and China Southern Airlines. Terminal 1 Terminal 1 of the HKIA, with an area measuring Script error: No such module quotconvertquot. . is the third largest airport passenger terminal building in the world, after Dubai International Airport s Terminal 3 and Beijing Capital International Airport s Terminal 3. 21 At its opening, Terminal 1 was the largest airport passenger terminal building, with a total gross floor area of Script error: No such module quotconvertquot. . It briefly conceded the status to Bangkok s Suvarnabhumi Airport ( Script error: No such module quotconvertquot. ) when the latter opened on 15 September 2006, but reclaimed the title when the East Hall was expanded, bringing the total area to its current size of Script error: No such module quotconvertquot. . (The East Hall expansion, designed by architecture firm Aedas. 22 included a Script error: No such module quotconvertquot. expansion to SkyMart, a shopping mall). Terminal 1s title as the worlds largest was surrendered to Beijing Capital International Airport Terminal 3 on 29 February 2008. Terminal 1 Departures Hall entrance View of the outside. A Boeing C-17 Globemaster is in the lower left corner Future development In June 2018, the Airport Authority unveiled plans to develop in stages the vast midfield site of the airport island. Stage 1 will involve the construction of a new 20 gate passenger concourse to be built in 2 phases (completion 2018 and 2020) with 11 gates in phase 1 growing to 20 gates in phase 2. Configuration of the new concourse is similar to those at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport. London Heathrow Terminal 5 and Incheon International Airport. After stage 1 of midfield development is completed in 2020, there will be sufficient lands remaining for further new concourses to be built as and when demand for them materialises. 37 Master Plan 2030 One year after, on 2 June 2018, the Airport Authority announced and released their latest version of a 20-year blueprint for the airports development, the Hong Kong International Airport Master Plan 2030 . 38 The study took three years and according to the authority, nine consulting organisations have been hired for the research, observation, planning and advice. The main focus is to improve the overall capacity and aircraft handling ability of the airport. Based on this, two options have been developed. Option 1: Two-runway system To maintain the current two-runway system, there will be enhancements to the terminal and apron facilities to increase the airports capacity. This option will enable the airport to handle a maximum of 420,000 flight movements per year, with annual passenger and cargo throughput increased to 74 million and six million tonnes respectively. The approximate cost of this plan is 23.4 billion Hong Kong dollars in 2018 prices, or HK42.5 billion in money-of-the-day 91 when 93 prices. It will increase the number of direct jobs associated with HKIA to 101,000 by 2030 (from 62,000 in 2008) and generate a total of HK432 billion (in 2009 dollars) in economic net present value (ENPV) up to 2061. However, the Airport Authority estimates that the airport will reach its maximum runway capacity sometime around 2020 if no extra runway is added. Option 2: Three-runway system This plan will focus on adding a third runway to the north of the Chek Lap Kok, the existing island the airport is built on, by land reclamation, using deep cement mixing. of about Script error: No such module quotconvertquot. . Associated facilities, additional terminals, airfield and apron facilities, will be built as well, and, combined with the new runway, it is estimated that the airport would be able to handle a maximum of 620,000 flights per year (102 per hour, or about one flight every 36 seconds), and meet forecast annual passenger and cargo throughput of about 97 million and 8.9 million tonnes by 2030 respectively. There are possible drawbacks. Development costs are a concern: although the proposal would increase the number of direct jobs associated with HKIA to 141,000 by 2030 and generate an ENPV of HK912 billion (in 2009 dollars) over a 50-year lifespan up to 2061, the estimated cost is approximately 86.2 billion (2018) Hong Kong Dollars, or HK141.5 billion (at money-of-the-day prices). 39 There are also environmental and local noise pollution concerns. On 20 March 2018, the Hong Kong Government adopted this option as the official expansion plan. 40 Airlines and destinations Countries served by flights from Hong Kong International Airport (includes seasonal and future destinations). The interior of the airport control tower The airport is operated by the Airport Authority Hong Kong. a statutory body wholly owned by the Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 97 The airport has two parallel runways, both of which are Template:Convert in length and Template:Convert wide. The south runway has a Category II Precision Approach. while the north runway has the higher Category IIIA rating, which allows pilots to land in only Template:Convert visibility. The two runways have an capacity of over 60 aircraft movements an hour. The Airport is upgrading ATC and runways so that they can handle 68 movements per hour. Normally, the north runway (07L25R) is used for landing passenger planes. The south runway (07R25L) is used for passenger planes taking off and cargo flights due to its proximity to the cargo terminal. 94 There are 49 frontal stands at the main passenger concourse, 28 remote stands and 25 cargo stands. There are also five parking bays at the Northwest Concourse. A satellite concourse with 10 frontal stands for narrow body aircraft has been commissioned to the north of the main concourse at the end of 2009, bringing the total number of frontal stands at the airport to 59. The airport was the third busiest for passenger traffic in Asia in 2018, and the worlds busiest airport for cargo traffic in 2018. In terms of international traffic, the airport is the third busiest for passenger traffic and the busiest for cargo since its operation in 1998. There are over 95 international airlines providing about 900 scheduled passenger and all-cargo flights each day between Hong Kong and some 160 destinations worldwide. About 76 percent of these flights are operated with wide-body jets. There are also an average of approximately 31 non-scheduled passenger and cargo flights each week. 98 The operation of scheduled air services to and from Hong Kong is facilitated by air services agreements between Hong Kong and other countries. Since the opening of HKIA, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government has implemented a policy of progressive liberalisation of air services. Many low-cost airlines have started various regional routes to compete head-on with full-service carriers on trunk routes. 99 The airports long term expansion opportunities are subject to variables. An HKD 80 billion proposal to build a third runway has been under feasibility study and consultation but would be very expensive as it would involve additional reclamation from deep waters, and the building cost of the third runway may be as high as the building cost of the entire airport. On the other hand, there exists only one airway between Hong Kong and mainland China, and this single route is often and easily backed up causing delays on both sides. In addition, China requires that aircraft flying the single air route between Hong Kong and the mainland must be at an altitude of at least 15,000 feet. Talks are underway to persuade the Chinese military to relax its airspace restriction in view of worsening air traffic congestion at the airport. Other than that, Hong Kong Airport Authority is co-operating with other airports in the area to relieve air traffic and in the future, Shenzhen may act as a regional airport while Hong Kong receives all the international flights. 100 Air traffic The Government Flying Service provides short and long range search and rescue services, police support, medical evacuation and general purpose flights for the Government. Passenger facilities Despite its size, the passenger terminal was designed for convenience. The layout and signage, moving walkways and the automated people mover help passengers move through the building. The HKIA Automated People Mover. a driverless people mover system with 3 stations transports passengers between the check-in area and the gates. The trains travel at Template:Convert. The airport also boasts an IMAX theatre that has the largest screen in Hong Kong. The theatre is located in Terminal 2, level 6 and can seat 350 persons at a time. 101 Hong Kong Business Aviation Centre Hong Kong Business Aviation Centre The Hong Kong Business Aviation Centre (BAC) is located within the airport and has its own terminal and facilities separate from the public terminal. It provides services for executive aircraft and passengers, including a passenger lounge, private rooms and showers, business centre facilities, ground handling, baggage handling, fuelling, security, customs and flight planning. Designated spaces and hangars are also provided at the BAC for private aircraft. Intermodal transportation hub To sustain the growth of passengers, the Airport Authority formulated a push and pull through strategy to expand its connections to new sources of passengers and cargo. This means adapting the network to the rapidly growing markets in China and in particular to the Pearl River Delta region (PRD). In 2003, a new Airport-Mainland Coach Station opened. The coach station has a Template:Convert waiting lounge and sheltered bays for ten coaches. Many buses operate each day to transport passengers between HKIA and major cities in the Mainland. 102 The Coach Station was relocated to the ground floor (level 3) of Terminal 2 in 2007. The 36 bays at the new Coach Station allow cross-border coaches to make 320 trips a day carrying passengers between the airport and 90 cities and towns in the PRD. Local tour and hotel coaches also operate from T2. The coach station at T2 has shops and waiting lounges as well as a mainland coach service centre which gathers all operators together. 103 In late September 2003, the SkyPier high-speed ferry terminal opened. Passengers arriving at the SkyPier board buses to the terminal and arriving air passengers board ferries at the pier for their ride back to the PRD. Passengers travelling both directions can bypass custom and immigration formalities, which reduces transit time. Four ports Shekou. Shenzhen. Macau and Humen (Dongguan ) were initially served. As of August 2007, SkyPier serves Shenzhens Shekou and Fuyong. Dongguans Humen, Macau, Zhongshan and Zhuhai. Passengers travelling from Shekou and Macau can complete airline check-in procedures with participating airlines before boarding the ferries and go straight to the boarding gate for the flight at HKIA. In 2009, the permanent SkyPier Terminal opened. The permanent ferry terminal is equipped with four berths, but the terminal is designed to accommodate eight berths. Transfer desks and baggage handling facilities are included, and the terminal is directly connected to the airport automatic people mover system. DHL Central Asia Hub Ramp handling services are provided by Hong Kong Airport Services Limited (HAS), Jardine Air Terminal Services Limited and SATS HK Limited. Their services include the handling of mail and passenger baggage, transportation of cargo, aerobridge operations and the operation of passenger stairways. The airport has an advanced baggage handling system (BHS), the main section of which is located in the basement level of the passenger terminal, and a separate remote transfer facility at the western end of the main concourse for handling of tight connection transfer bags. HKIA handles over three million tonnes of cargo annually. 104 Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals Limited operates one of the two air cargo terminals at the airport. Its headquarters, the Template:Convert SuperTerminal 1, 105 is the worlds second largest stand-alone air cargo handling facility, after the opening of the West Cargo Handling Area of the Shanghai Pudong International Airport in 26 March 2008. The designed capacity is 2.6160million tonnes of freight a year. The second air cargo terminal is operated by Asia Airfreight Terminal Company Limited. and has a capacity of 1.5160million tonnes a year. 106 DHL operates the DHL Central Asia Hub cargo facility which handles 35,000 parcels and 40,000 packages per hour. Hongkong Post operates the Air Mail Centre (AMC) and processes 700,000 packages per day. It is envisaged that HKIAs total air cargo capacity per annum will reach nine million tonnes ultimately. 107 Aircraft maintenance services Both line and base maintenance services are undertaken by Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering Company (HAECO), while China Aircraft Services Limited (CASL) and Pan Asia Pacific Aviation Services Limited carry out line maintenance. Line maintenance services include routine servicing of aircraft performed during normal turnaround periods and regularly scheduled layover periods. Base maintenance covers all airframe maintenance services and for this HAECO has a three-bay hangar, which can accommodate up to three Boeing 747-400 aircraft and two Airbus A320 aircraft, and an adjoining support workshop. HAECO also has the worlds largest mobile hangar, weighing over 400 tons. It can be used to enclose half of a wide-body aeroplane, so that the whole facility can fully enclose four 747s when the mobile hangar is used. On 29 May 2009, CASL opened its first aircraft maintenance hangar in the maintenance area of the airport. The new hangar occupies an area of about Template:Convert and can accommodate one wide-body and one narrow-body aircraft at the same time the hangar also has an about Template:Convert area in its annexe building. CASL specialises in Airbus A320 family and Boeing 737 Next Generation series heavy maintenance. 108 Airport based ground services Template:Unreferenced section The Air Traffic Control Complex (ATCX), located at the centre of the airfield, is the nerve centre of the entire air traffic control system. Some 370 air traffic controllers and supporting staff work around the clock to provide air traffic control services for the Hong Kong Flight Information Region (FIR). At the Air Traffic Control Tower, controllers provide 24-hour aerodrome control services to aircraft operating at the airport. A backup Air Traffic Control CentreTower constructed to the north of the ATCX is available for operational use in the event normal services provided in the ATCX are disrupted by unforeseen circumstances. Apart from serving as an operational backup, the facilities are also used for air traffic control training. The Airport Meteorological Office (AMO) of the Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) provides weather services for the aviation community. The AMO makes routine and special weather observations and provides fixed-time aerodrome forecasts and landing forecasts for the HKIA. It issues aerodrome warnings on adverse weather for protection of aerodrome facilities and aircraft on the ground. It also issues significant weather information on thunderstorms, tropical cyclones. turbulence. icing and other hazardous weather. The AMO issues alerts of low-level windshear and turbulence. Windshear detection is made using traditional doppler weather radars as well as the more effective doppler LIDAR. of which Hong Kong International Airport was the first to introduce. Doppler LIDAR systems use lasers to detect windshear and wind direction even when atmospheric conditions are too dry for Doppler radar to work. Rescue and fire fighting services within the airport are covered by the Airport Fire Contingent of the Hong Kong Fire Services Department. The contingent has 282 members, operating two fire stations and two rescue berths for 24-hour emergency calls. It is equipped with 14 fire appliances which can respond to incidents within two minutes in optimum conditions of visibility and surface conditions, satisfying the relevant recommendation of the International Civil Aviation Organisation. Two high capacity rescue boats, supported by eight speed boats, form the core of sea rescue operations. Ground transport The airport is connected to inner Hong Kong by the North Lantau Highway on Lantau Island. There is an automated people mover. operated by the Airport Authority and maintained by MTR Corporation. connecting the East Hall to the West Hall and Terminal 2. It was extended to SkyPier in late 2009. Cross-boundary coach bus terminal located in terminal 2 Citybus. New Lantao Bus. Long Win Bus and Discovery Bay Transit Services operate 25 bus routes to the airport from various parts of Hong Kong, available at the Airport Ground Transportation Centre and Cheong Tat Road. The bus companies also offer 10 overnight N services. 109 Passengers can also take the S1 Citybus 110 to the Tung Chung MTR Station. From there they can board the MTR Tung Chung line which follows the same route as the MTR Airport Express to Central with cheaper fare but longer journey time. Direct ferry services are available from the airport to various destinations throughout the Pearl River Delta via Skypier. Passengers using these services are treated as transit passengers and are not considered to have entered Hong Kong for immigration purposes. For this reason, access to the ferry terminal is before immigration in the airport for arriving passengers. Check-in services are available at these piers. Four ports Shekou. Shenzhen Airport (Fuyong). Macau and Humen (Dongguan) were initially served, extending to Guangzhou and Zhongshan at the end of 2003. The Zhuhai service began on 10 July 2007 while a Nansha service started on 14 July 2009. 111 Airport Express connecting between the airport and the central business district of Central . The airport can be reached by the Airport Express. a dedicated rail link provided by the Mass Transit Railway. The line has stops at Tsing Yi Island. West Kowloon Cultural District. and terminates at Hong Kong Station. situated at the northern coast of Central and Western District. Hong Kong Island. It takes 24 minutes to reach the airport from Hong Kong station. 112 It offers free shuttle bus services to and from hotels and free transfers to and from the MTR. In addition, both Hong Kong and Kowloon stations provide in-town check-in services for major airlines. There are also discount promotions for group tickets annually. The Airport Express line terminates at AsiaWorldExpo. located near the airport. This segment of the Airport Express started operations on 20 December 2005 to facilitate the opening of the expo. The airport is served by all three different types of taxi, distinguished by their colour: Template:Colorbox Urban taxis connect the Airport with Hong Kong Island. Kowloon and parts of the new towns of Tsuen Wan. Sha Tin and Tseung Kwan O (urban taxis can go anywhere in Hong Kong except southern Lantau Island ). Template:Colorbox New Territories taxis connect the airport with the New Territories. except those parts of the Tsuen Wan, Sha Tin and Tseung Kwan O served by urban taxis. Template:Colorbox Lantau taxis connect the airport with the rest of Lantau Island. Airport hotels There are 3 hotels located in the nearby area, which are the Hong Kong Skycity Marriott Hotel (connected to AsiaWorld Expo), 113 Novotel Hong Kong Citygate (Tung Chung) 114 and Regal Airport Hotel. 115 In 2018, the Regal Airport Hotel was named by Skytrax as the best airport hotel in the world. 116 Incidents and accidents On 22 August 1999, China Airlines Flight 642 (an MD-11 operated by subsidiary Mandarin Airlines ), which was landing at Hong Kong International Airport during Typhoon Sam after a flight from Bangkok International Airport (now Bangkok Don Mueang International Airport ), rolled over and caught fire, coming to rest upside down beside the runway. Of the 315 passengers and crew on board, three people were killed and 219 were injured. On 13 April 2018, Cathay Pacific Flight 780 from Surabaya Juanda International Airport to Hong Kong landed safely after both engines failed due to contaminated fuel. 57 passengers were injured. Its two pilots received the Polaris Award from the International Federation of Air Line Pilots Associations for their heroism and airmanship. 117 The Chinese fishing nets at Fort Kochi are an icon of the city Kochi (formerly Cochin Malayalam. ) is a cosmopolitan city in Kerala with a bustling commercial port. Kochi is the financial and commercial capital of Kerala and, with a population of more than 2 million, the biggest conurbation in the state. A city born in storm, nurtured in rivalry and established as battling ground for European empires. This phrase is a good description of Kochi, which was formed as an ancient port city after the Great Floods of the Periyar River in 1341. With partitioning of Chera Kerala empire in 14th century, this region came under control of a new dynasty, rivaled by other local feudal lords. With the advent of colonisation, Kochi became the first major battle grounds of almost all European powers. History Edit Kochi merchants began trading in spices such as black pepper and cardamom with the Arabs, Dutch, Phoenicians, Portuguese and Chinese more than 600 years ago. This helped Kochi to prosper and to become the gateway to old India. It was from Kochi that the colonization of India started. Portugal was first to establish its base in Kochi, followed by the Dutch and British. The Anglo-Dutch treaty of 1814, compelled the Dutch to hand over Kochi to the British in exchange for Bangka Island in Indonesia. The British managed to establish their influence over Kochi, limiting their direct administration to a small enclave of Fort Kochi and British Ernakulam with their capital at Bolgatty Island. The rest of the Kochi Kingdom was administered by Kochi Maharajas from their capital at Thripunithura. However, the real administration was done by Diwans (Prime Ministers), leaving the Maharajas to patronize culture, arts and focus heavily on the areas of public health and education. The foundations of modern Kochi city started when Sir Robert Bristow, a senior Royal Navy Engineer, felt the need for a modern large port after the opening of the Suez Canal. This resulted in the creation of the largest man-made island of the country, Willingdon Island, to house the new Kochi Port. In the 1930s, the Kochi Maharaja joined the public outcry to form a common state of Malayalam-speaking people by merging with the Kingdom of Travancore and British Malabar. Kochi Maharaja Kerala Varma Raja was at the forefront of this agitation, and passed the Aykiakerala Resolution in the Kochi Parliament. In 1947, the Kingdom of Kochi and Travancore merged to form the Royal State of Travancore-Kochi. The Kochi Maharaja was amongst the first to advocate the state joining the newly formed Indian Union. Finally, in 1948, the state of Travancore-Kochi merged with India. Since the formation of Kerala in 1957, Kochi has been the commercial capital of Kerala as well as the seat of the Kerala High Court. Since 2000, Kochi has revitalized its economy, with a focus on tourism, information technology and its port. Culture Edit The colonial charms of Fort Kochi Kochi has a cosmopolitan culture, highly influenced by historical trading partners, Portuguese, Dutch, Arab, Chinese, and Japanese. Kochi is the seat of the Latin church of Kerala and has many Catholic churches and followers. Kochi was traditionally a potpourri of various Indian and international communities. Syrian Christians started the first wave of immigration, followed by Jews between the 7th and 10th centuries. Arab merchants also made a strong settlement in Kochi. In the 15th century, Gujaratis settled in Kochi, especially on Mattancherry, where they played a strong role in spice trading and other areas. Later, at the beginning of the colonial era, the Portuguese, Dutch, French, and British all made their settlements in Kochi. The Portuguese had a strong influence in Fort Cochin. British culture was strongly felt, lending Kochi a strong community of Anglo-Indians. In the early 1970s, Punjabis settled here, focusing their strong presence on the local automobile industry. Tamilians, Telugus, Kannadigas have all formed small settlements since the days of royalty. Recently, students from Cambodia, Thailand, Korea, and Indonesia have settled down in Kochi for studies and research activities. Kochi has a sizeable expatriate population mainly from European countries who have settled in Fort Kochi. Most of them are senior citizens who settled down to enjoy retirement life and many run boutique hotels and restaurants in that area. Due to the rapid growth of the city, a majority of the local population are now immigrants. Generally, Kochinites are modern and fashionable. Being a city that has a tradition of various cultures being given equal respect, a high level of tolerance exists. The city has a modern attitude, but some basic social modesty still prevails, especially in villages and rural areas. Climate Edit Kochi has a typical tropical climate. Temperatures range between 30C and 35C during daytime and around 24C during night. Kochi is one of the first places to experience the heavy Monsoon showers starting by mid of May. Kochi experiences heavy rainfall between mid of May to first week of September. Day time temperatures during the monsoon fall to between 25C and 30C during these months. From September to early February, the weather is fine, marked with cool winds and light showers in between. However by February, summer season starts. Although temperatures never reach 40C, the presence of high humidity can make summers uncomfortable. This continues until early May. However frequent summer showers cool down the harshness of summer. Orientation Edit After rapid growth during the two last decades, Kochi is now one of the most densely populated town areas in India. Kochi city consists of: Map of the Kochi area Aluva the second largest town in Kochi UA, famous for its Periyar river banks. Kochi International Airport is nearby. Bolgatty Island the island where the British established a Royal Residency, which is now converted into a five star hotel. Famous for its large golf course, horse riding tracks, marina and boatyards. Ernakulam Mainland City the heart and transport hub of Kochi with three distinct parts: the Central Business District (CBD) which has Mahatma Gandhi Road (MG Road) as the main arterial road along with Marine Drive and Chitoor Road Downtown with upscale residential areas and the business district at SA Road and Vytilla Junction and the Suburb which has many business and commercial areas. Maradu next door to Kochi city an upcoming business district with numerous high-end hotels. Peninsula of Mattancherry and Fort Kochi ( Old Kochi ) primarily a tourist enclave. Fort Kochi forms the upper part of the Peninsula with neatly arranged colonial buildings, narrow well-paved roads, Anglo-Dutch influenced structures and large antiques shops. Mattancherry is primarily a trading city, famous for its thriving Gujarati settlement brought to the city in the 16th and 17th centuries by the spice trade. Thrikakara Town famous for the large Vamana Temple, the focal centre of Onam, the national festival of Kerala. Also the home of Cochin University and other educational institutes. Thripunithura the erstwhile capital of the Kingdom of Kochi is famous for various historical palaces, museums and temples, and as a centre of the arts. Vallarpadom Island where the new Kochi International Mega Container Terminal (ICT) has opened. Vypin Island one of the most densely populated islands in world with numerous fishing villages, tourist villages and the popular Cherai Beach. Willingdon Island large man-made island made from sand dredged from the backwaters to deepen the Kochi Port. Named after Long Willingdon, then-the reigning Viceroy of India, it houses the Kochi Port, Southern Naval Command Headquarters of Indian Navy and many five star hotels. When to visit Edit The peak visitor season is often from August to February with December being the busiest month when there are many festivals and special attractions along with the famous Cochin Carnival and Christmas celebrations. Onam season (mid Aug-mid Sept) is also a busy tourist season considering traditional line up of various festivities. Recently monsoon is being promoted heavily by the tourism department as a rejuvenation season which also slowly becoming a popular season to visit to experience the heavy rainfalls. However it is always advisable to avoid March and April, considering the harsh summer, though it is primarily Indian domestic tourist season. Tourist information Edit Free information and city maps are available at state run Kerala Tourism Development Corp ( KTDC ) offices at: Airport Tourist Counter in Arrival hall of both terminals, 91 484 2611308, 91 484 2611309. Central Toll Free Number . 1 800 4254747 City Tourist Information Centre at Old Collectorate in Park Ave, 91 484 2381743. Railway Tourist Office at Ernakulam South Railway Station, 91 484 2378723. Tourist Reception office in Marine Drive, 91 484 2353534 from where KTDC city tours startsends. The India Tourism also has its office at Willingdon Island 91 484 2668352. The District Tourist Promotion Council (DTPC) also helps in providing information to tourists about other parts of Kochi District, which can be reached at 91 484 2367334, 91 484 2383988. Kochi is well connected by air, road, rail and ferry from others parts of India, and to some other international destinations. As Kochi is a financial capital of India and possess commercial port, get in this city within short span of time is very easy. By plane Edit Cochin International Airport Cochin International Airport (IATA. COK ), General tel: 91 484 305-3000, Flight status and Airline desk transfer: 91 484 2610115, 91 484 2611322, 91 484 2610033. Located in Nedumbassery, 29 km from the city centre, this is the largest airport in Kerala and one of major gateway to India. Regular flights to the Middle East and elsewhere in Asia. There are regular direct chartered services from Europe and the USA during tourist season, with scheduled connections there planned by 2018. There is a duty-free area at the international terminal providing a good collection of international premium brand liquors, perfumes, chocolates and other items at competitive prices. Facilities in and around the airport Edit Transit and early passengers can use the airport guestrooms in Central Block on hourly as well as per night basis for 750-2,000. The international terminal has good multi-cuisine restaurant which is reasonably priced as well as a terrace garden dining and lounge bar with BBQ facility. There are many cafes and snack corners in the waiting area. The Concourse have free wifi network, a small business centre, free public telephones for local calls and large plasma televisions in the waiting lounge area. Premium lounges are available for first and business class passengers. Visa-On-Arrival for selected nationalities has started. The Airport has a full fledged Foreigners Regional Registration Office (FRRO), whose chief officer is empowered to grant visa extensions, fee waivers and other visa-related issues. The airport has a good 18 hole golf course nearby. Golfers can register at the Airport Golf counter and pay green fees to use the facility. There is a small recreational centre, an Olympic size pool as well as bar lounge at the golf club. There are five major airport hotels, all located opposite to the airport terminal. These offer rooms on an hourly basis. There are also many budget hotels and restaurants near to the terminal. Domestic Terminal Edit The domestic terminal has a good shopping arcade selling mainly Kerala-unique items. Food is expensive and limited within the check-in lobby. There are somewhat cheaper options after security. Getting to and from the airport Edit By bus Edit KSRTC operates four classes of bus service from the airport: regular, fast passenger, super fast express (operate every 10-20 minutes to most of the nearby towns and places). All the bus services stop only at the bus point located near departure gate of the international terminal (city-side). Orange Bus Edit KSRTC Orange Bus air-con Volvo service (locally called Low Floor Buses) operates every 30-40 min to Kochi City via Aluva, Kalamassery, Vytilla and terminates at Fort Cochin. Fares are 70 or less. The journey takes 1 hour 40 minutes. These Buses are provided by JNNURM. To the airport, the Orange Bus leaves from the Fort Kochi bus area, near the Chinese fishing nets, at the following times: 07:25, 08:00, 09:45, 11:35, 12:00, 13:55, 15:30, 16:00 and 18:05. By taxi Edit All taxis operated from Cochin airport belong to the Cochin Airport Taxi Society (CATS) dead link which is a pre-paid taxi service. While other taxis can drop-off passengers at the airport, only CATS taxis are allowed to pick up passengers at the airport. CATS charges government fixed rates and their process is simple. Take a receipt from the CATS counter in the arrivals hall and walk to the prepaid taxi stand to find your taxi. For airportcity transfers, the standard charge is 510 for non air-conditioned taxis or 650 for an air-con taxi, with an additional premium of 15-25 as night charges (19:00-06:00). It costs 250 for a trip to Aluva. CATS also operates limo services as well as customized packages available for fullhalf day trips. By car Edit Many car rental companies operate counters in the arrival area of both terminals. Many hotels and travel agents provide free pick-updrop-off services in their cars. It is safe to travel by these cars as they are operated by experienced drivers and you will get some more information them while on the go. By train Edit The railway station near to the airport is under construction and about to open very soon. Meanwhile, the nearest railway stations are Aluva or Angamally (15 km) where almost all major express and passengers trains to all over Kerala stop. By three-wheeler auto Edit Three-wheeler autos are not allowed to ply inside the airport, to protect the interests of CATS taxis. However, its pretty easy to get an auto outside the airport premises which is ideal for budget conscious travellers. An auto ride from the airport to the nearest railway station at Angamally or Aluva costs less than 50. Be prepared to bargain. Getting autos early morning and late at night is pretty difficult. By helicopter Edit Pawan Hans, located in departure gate of domestic terminal, operates a wide range of helicopter services to almost all parts of city as well as state, which requires a prior booking. K-Air also operates air-taxi and private jets. Cochin Airport recently started its own helicopter services with support of Bharat Airways. Scheduled and chartered helicopter services to pilgrimage centres like Sabarimala. Guruvayoor and major cities like Thiruvananathapuram. Kozhikode are available. By train Edit Kochi is well connected by train from all parts of India. Most Kerala-bound trains have a major stop here. There are two major rail terminals inside the city limits. Ernakulam Town Station ( North Station ), (IR Code. ERN), 91 484 2395198 , is mainly for Inter City trains and a few long distance trains usually travelling to or from Kottayam. Ernakulam Junction Station ( South Station ), (IR Code. ERS) 91 484 2353751 (service inquiries 131, 133, reservations 132, 1361) is a major Indian railways station. Most of the long distance trains to and from Kerala pass through here. There is a good food court, large waiting areas, book shops, a medical shop and a few retiring rooms along with a dorm. Some of the major trains that pass through this station are: Guwahati (Assam), Calcutta, Bhuvaneswar, Hyderabad. Salem, Erode Coimbatore Kochi has many suburban railway stations where long distance trains stop, such as Aluva, Thripunithura and Angamally. Book in advance, as trains are usually crowded. Reservations are available from 3 months in advance of the travel date. Depending upon the season and day bookings may close up to several days prior to departure with all remaining travellers going onto a waiting list. You can also try using Tatkal which is an emergency booking system costing 150 above the normal rate. The Tatkal service opens one day(excluding the day of journey from the train originating station) before the departure of the train. One of the best ways to get to Kochi is to take the Konkan Railway train from Mumbai. The train ride is renowned for the breathtaking scenery and the natural beauty of the terrain. Outside the Ernakulum Junction Station (South), there is a pre-paid taxi stand (in red) where you can stand in line for a receipt and take an auto-rickshaw to other parts of Kochi. The service fee is 1. This is recommended for getting a fair fare and no haggling with the driver or scams. A pre-paid auto rickshaw to Fort Kochi cost 179 as of March 2018. By bus Edit Kochi is accessible from all southern parts of the country as well as other parts of the state, through the extensive state run Kerala Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC) bus services and services of neighbouring state transport corporations. KSRTC operates 3 types of services Super Fast (No Frills), Express (Standard non-AC) and Garuda Hi-tech (Volvo premium). Karnataka State buses run daily services from Bangalore. Mysore and Mangalore with three types of services the Rajahamsa (executive service, with reclining seats), the Airavat (Ac service, with reclining semi-sleeper seats), and Ambaari (Ac sleeper service). Tamil Nadu SETC operates superfast and executive services to many destinations like Madurai, Ooty. كويمباتور. Tirunelveli, Salem. and Trichy. Most inter-state buses start and end their journey from KSRTC Central amp Inter-state Bus Station (CBS), located in the heart of the city at Rajaji Rd. To reduce congestion at CBS, some local KSRTC buses startend their services at KSRTC Boat Jetty Stand located in Park Avenue. Apart from govt services, numerous private bus companies operates scheduled services to almost all major cities in South India as well as Mumbai, Goa etc. All these buses are executive or premium services offering air-conditioned travel with good facilities and higher prices to match. Several online bus booking sites like RedBus Ticketkaran dead link Raj National Express KPN Travels Customer Needz TicketGoose Via helps to find right service. By car Edit Kochi is well connected by road from all parts of the state as well as other major cities. Three major national highways connect Kochi with other parts of country. NH 17, the 7th longest highway in India, connects Kochi with Mumbai via most of major towns in Malabar, Mangalore. Goa . The heavily congested NH 47 connects Thiruvananthapuram with Kochi and continues on to Coimbatore and Salem in Tamil Nadu via Palakkad and Thrissur. NH 49 connects Kochi with Ramaeswaram in Tamil Nadu which passes through Madurai via Munnar . Kochi is well connected to other parts of state through various state highways. By boat Edit Kochi can be reached by sea in yachts or the occasional cruise ship from Goa. مومباي. Lakshadweep. Colombo and Male. Almost all leading international cruises on global voyages operate to Kochi from the US and Europe at Wellingdon Island Cruise Berth. Yachts can be anchored at Kochi International Marina or Yacht Club Marina. There is a direct ferry service between Kochi and Lakshadweep . The traffic moves in snail pace in Kochi and wherever you look, the long queue of vehicles dampens your enthusiasm. Always limit your plans to three or four places in a day and remember to club near by places into one trip. Leave a buffer time zone of one hour for each trip. Air pollution is acute. Orientation Edit The main city arterial road is Mahatma Gandhi Road. Traveling inside the city at peak times (8AM-10AM, 1:30PM-2:30PM 5:30PM-7PM) takes a lot of time, with frequent road blocks and traffic congestion. North and South Over-bridges are two of the major bottlenecks. Knowledge of side roads and crossroads is very useful to avoid traffic blocks. Kochi has a typical Indian-style address system which is a bit confusing, as there is no sector or house numbering system. Most buildings have their own name which are commonly used along with the road name for the address, eg: Alappatt House, Diwans Road, Near Lakshmi Hospital . Some up-market areas have their own house numbering system. Panampilly Nagar and Giri Nagar are divided into various zones and each house has its own zone number followed by a house number. Many residential areas have formed their own associations and established their own addressing system. In most of the residential colonies or areas, a map sign is located at the entrance. Fort Kochi has a more western-style numbering system, yet still locals use the nearby landmarks for addressing, rather than house numbers. For communicating with autotaxi drivers, you must know the nearby landmarks. By bus Edit Kochi has an excellent public bus network with four types of buses operated by Govt-run KSRTC and private operators. The most common option is privately operated Red buses (also referred to as Line buses) which provides a cheap no-frills journey. Using these is not that difficult as many destination boards have English lettering in small and most bus conductors can provide assistance in basic English, though route numbers exists only on papers. Peak hours on weekdays can lead to overcrowded buses, particularly Route 1. Recently Govt-operated KSRTC launched no-frills city services Thiru-Kochi which also ply in same Red-Bus routes. Thirukochi buses can be distinguished from other buses with its blue-white livery. Most of Red and Thirukochi buses run primarily on the Big 4 Routes . These cover virtually all parts of the city. There are other feeder routes, which interconnect places between these Big 4 Routes. Recently Vytilla-Vytilla circular services have launched, covering most of the city core. The fares for all city buses are 4 for the first km and 55p for every additional km. The average waiting time is 1-10 mins. Apart from regular city services, KSRTC under JnNURMs funding operates 2 class of bus services which can be distinguished from other city buses with its distinctive livery and JnNURM logo. For premium travel low-floor air-conditioned Volvo services known as Orange buses . connects many important destinations. The rates are 10 for first 5 km and 2 for every km thereafter. The average waiting time is 10-30 mins. These buses do stop anywhere on the route, as per passengers request. For standard travel, Green bus . which is non air-conditioned low floor services which virtually links all suburbs to city centre. This is very ideal for budget tourists as connects to many far away tourist attractions while maintaining excellent standards. The rates are 5 for first 5 km and 75p for every km thereafter. Currently only 3 lines are served, which will be increased soon. Like Orange Bus, these bus also stops anywhere on the route, as per passengers request. Timetable for OrangeGreen available at the KSRTC site . All city bus services start at 6AM and end by 10PM. A certain number of seats are allocated for women in the forward portion of each bus, and men must vacate them when a woman wishes to sit there. It must be noted that different bus sheltersstops are used for bus plying different routes. Though route notices are put before each stop, it will be in Malayalam. Route notices for Orange bus lines are now recently posted in English also. A query with locals or bus conductors helps a lot. The important city bus stations where all services touch are: Aluva Rajiv Gandhi bus station . large bus station nearest to Airport and interchange for long distance services Fort Kochi Beach Road bus stand . is the major terminus, near to most of tourist attractions Kakkanad Civil Station bus stand Kaloor bus stand . a major city bus station and interchange for long distance private buses. Marine Drive-Menaka bus stands . the heart of Ernakulam shopping with Broadway market nearby. Palarivattom-Padivattom bus stand South Girls High School bus stand . nearest to South Railway station (ERS) Thoppumpaddy bus stand . major junction for Mattancherry Thripunithura terminus Vytilla Mobility Hub at Vytilla Junction, is the new bus station, where almost all city buses and inter-cityinter-state bus meet. The station has been recently declared as Terminus for all Inter-city and Inter-state services by all operators. This is a spacious 37-acre bus station. By train Edit Kochi does not have any local intra-city train service. A Metro Rail Project is under construction (as of 2018). However, many suburban areas are well connected via regular passenger and long distance express trains. The most used route is between Ernakulam and Aluva. Almost all regular passenger, express and intercity trains have a stop at Aluva. Regular passenger trains have 1 minute stops at Edapally, Kumbalangi, Angamally and Aroor stations. Many long distance trains operate between Thripunithura and Kochi North station. It is a good idea to take the rail during busy peak hours when buses are overcrowded. Equally good idea, to take rail to Aluva from city centre which is the nearest point to Airport (12 km) from where a taxi or Orange Route A bus can taken to avoid city congested traffic. By auto rickshaw (tuk-tuk) Edit This is a cheap method of transport between attractions. You can find an auto stand at almost every bus stop, and at important places near junctions and residential areas. Make sure you agree on a fare with the driver before the journey. The govt fixed rates starts at 20 for the first 1.25 km and 6 per km thereafter with a premium of 15 at night (7PM-6AM). Pre-paid auto stands are available only in railway stations. By taxi Edit Taxis are convenient, comfortable, and safer than auto rickshaws. If you are alone or going to an unknown destination, this is a good option, even though the rates will be double that of an auto. Unlike in many countries, taxis are not usually marked with signs on the top, and do not have meters inside the taxi. There are two type of taxi services, regular and call taxis. Regular taxis are normally available at designated taxi stands located at places such as railway stations, the airport, boat jetties, major bus stations and in front of important hotels. There is no need to negotiate prices, as most of them follow fixed rates. Regular taxis have tariff cards displayed on the dashboard. Call taxis have charges fixed by their respective companies (although they are normally uniform). The standard tariffs are 50 for first 3 km, and 8 per km thereafter. Add 10 for a taxi with AC, and 15-20 at night. Many taxi companies offer full or half day services. Most of them are fixed on ad-hoc basis, based on the negotiating skills of the passenger. Typical rates are 1,1001,500 for standardAC taxis for a full day and 500750 for a half day. These rates are not available after 7PM. By private car Edit Unless you are into adventure seeking, self-drive in Kochi is not recommended as driving discipline is almost non-existent. There are long stretches of roads passing through heavily populated areas that have no median breaks and most of them being bi-lane roads which are mostly congested. A few major roads like MG Rd, NH Bypass Rd and Marine Drive are two lane-dual carriageways with good medians. The speed limit inside city zone is 30 kmhr. Driving is on the left, and all foreign drivers need a valid International Driving Licence attested by the Road Transport Office (RTO). Driving outside the city limits is a fine experience with good scenery and far less traffic. Most of the bridges and few roads carry toll charges collected at manned toll plazas or checkpoints. Almost all tolls are uniformly charged separately for onetwo way 2 wheelers - 35, 4 wheelers - 510 and busminivans - 1525. Almost all the toll pass is valid for unlimited travel for a period of 24 hours, though a few bridges allow one time validity. Car rental is not so popular among foreign visitors. Many car rental companies refuse to provide self-drive cars to Westerners. Normally a bank guarantee letter or security chequetravellers cheque to the value of the car or a passport are taken as security for renting the car. No security deposit is needed if the car is chauffeur-driven. Most hotels with three stars or more provide private cars for their guests at rates slightly higher than elsewhere. By ferry Edit Kochi Ferry Route Map Kochi has an excellent system of cheap ( 2.5 Park Jetty to Fort Kochi) inter-island ferries. The Ro-Ro (roll on-roll off) ferry service called Junkar between Fort Kochi and Vypeen is very popular. There are regular boat services operated by KSINC and other private operators, every 20-30 minutes, from Ernakulam to Mattancherry, Fort Kochi, Vypeen and Willingdon Island which are cheaper and in many cases faster, than buses. All services operates from 4:40AM-6:30PM with an exception to Fort Kochi-Vypin Junkar service which operates from 4AM-10:30PM. The major boat jetties are Ernakulam Main Jetty (located in Marine drive near High Court), Park Jetty (in Park Avenue next to KSRTC Bus station), Customs Embarkation Jetty in Willingdon Island, Fort Kochi Jetties. Do take a look at the map provided, as some ferries do not stop at all stops along the way. A few tourist oriented private ferries service non-scheduled routes during tourist seasons connecting mainly to Kumbalangi Tourist village from Ernakulam Main Jetty as well as from Aroor. Main Boat Times : Fort Kochi to Ernakulam . 2,5 Rps. Fort Kochi to Willingdon Island . Mattancherry to Ernakulam via Fort Kochi . 2,5 Rps. Vypeen to Ernakulam via Willingdon Island . 2 Rps. By foot Edit Kochi is traditionally not a pedestrian friendly city, considering the humid tropical climate, poor state of pedestrian walkways and reckless traffic. Fort Kochi is one of the better places to walk, with elaborate colonial-style stone pavements. Most of the famous destinations fall within the range of 10 km so it is good idea to cover them by foot. By cycle Edit Fort Kochi is a perfect place for cycling with dedicated tracks and walkways. There are several tourist firms that offers cycles and bikes on hourly basis. A popular option is Vasco Information Centre in Fort Kochi 91 484 2216215), which rents cycles for 7 on hourly basis. However, there are no separate cycling tracks on mainland city roads. Motorbikes are becoming a popular option for tourists to take a ride in other parts of city. Take extra care while biking in Kochi roads as road users can be reckless. Landmarks Edit Bastion Bungalow . Fort Kochi. Typical Indo-Dutch architecture, this bungalow was built on the site of the erstwhile Stromsburg Fort, which was demolished during the Arab raids. Currently, it serves as the official residence of the Cochin Sub-Collector and entry is restricted. Chinese Fishing net on Fort Kochi Beach Chinese Fishing Nets ( Cheenavala ), Fort Kochi Beach, Beach Rd ( Next to Fort Kochi Bus stand ). Serves as the official icon of Kochi and are a testimony of relations between Ancient Chinese Empires and the Kochi Kingdom. They were gifted by Chinese Emperor Kubalagi to Kochi King in 14th century. There were more than 100, though currently only a few remain in working condition. Chendamangalam Palace Fort . Chendamanalam, nr North Paravur. Historically the seat of Paliath Achan, the Prime Minister of Kochi Kingdom. Here the plans were forged for revolt against the British in the 1820s. A functional Jewish Synagogue and a large market are some of the attractions. It is now a centre for handloom weaving and coir manufacturing. David Hall . Parade Grounds East, Fort Kochi. 91 484 2218298. Tue-Sun, 11AM-7PM. This 315 years old Dutch bungalow was the official residence of the Dutch Army commanders, the most famous being Hendrik Adriaan van Rheede tot Draakestein who was the author of Horticus Malabaricus . Currently the complex belongs to Netherlands Govt agency CNO which recently renovated to open a large art gallery, a traditional Dutch performing arts centre and large studio for young painters. The building is a classic specimen of colonial Dutch architecture with elaborate Dutch gardens. For cultural performances, one need to check at the reception to know the schedule. 9.96869 76.28418 1 Durbar Hall Ground . DH Rd, Ernakulam City. The venue for many fairs during festivals and regular evening concerts and other programs. The Dutch Palace, which was the coronation palaces of Kochi Maharaja 9.95827 76.25938 2 Dutch Palace ( Mattancherry Kottaram ), Palace Rd, Mattancherry. Sat-Thur 10AM-5PM. Constructed by the Portuguese in 1568 as a gift to Maharaja of Kochi, Veera Kerala Varma, after he granted permission to construct Fort Immanunel. During the Dutch siege of Kochi, many parts of the original palace were destroyed. However the Dutch Governor repaired the palace and renamed as Dutch Palace. The coronations of Kochi Maharajas are always held here. A large throne and coronation costumes are on display and there is an extensive collection of royal chariots, swords and other artifacts. The most interesting part is the mural room, which has the entire Ramayana and Mahabharat depicted in a single mural. Indians 25, foreigners 100. The Hill Palace at Tripunithura, the largest archaeological palace in South India Cochin Royal Crown The biggest highlight of Hill Palace, is the display of Royal Crown, crafted in pure gold weighting 1.75 kg with 95 diamonds and 2,000 other precious stones. It was a gift by the Portuguese to Veera Kerala Varma on his coronation day, which was regarded too extravagant for the Kochi Rajas, who were known for their simple lifestyle. This became a famous tradition that no Kochi Maharajas ever wore this crown, only to keep it on his lap as a testimony of his humility and simplicity. Nearly ten golden crowns were given to the Rajas by the various colonial powers of Dutch, English, Chinese, Arabs which were never worn by the Maharajas. 9.9526 76.3639 3 Hill Palace Museum . Hill Palace Rd, Thripunithura ( 12 km southeast of Ernakulam ), 91 484 2781113. Tu-Su 10AM-12:30PM 2PM-4:30PM (Crown Gallery closes at 4PM). The erstwhile Kochi Maharajas palace, now converted to a large museum along with a small zoo. Has paintings and epigraphy from the collections of the Travancore amp Kochi royal families. This is the largest archaeological palace in South India with more than 500 artifacts divided into 16 galleries. The highlight of the Palace is the display of multi-billion worth Cochin Royal Crown and Crown Jewels. The Crown Gallery is a high security zone which has elaborate security check procedures, photography and bags are prohibited. The Palace complex is huge with several buildings inside it. There is a good Deer Park (10AM-4:30PM) along with peacocks. A small fauna garden was set up in 2003. Also the palace has more than 100 different species of trees and plants, many of which are of medical value. The palace has five large gardens and two large resting grounds of late Maharajas. Indians 20, foreigners 100 (including Deer Park and all attractions). 10.03122 76.23614 4 Holy Koonan Cross Church ( Pradhankuriyacha Palli ), Bazaar Rd. Mattancherry. 24 hrs. A historic church where Malayalee Christians in the 17th century revolted against Portuguese Jesuit missionaries attempts to convert them into the Latin church. It was here native that Christians received the Bishop of Persia and declared their affinities to the Orthodox Eastern Church. This was the first recorded revolt against Europeans in India, forcing the Pope to recognize native Christians and to establish a new church, the Syro-Malabar Church. International Pepper Exchange . Jewtown, Fort Kochi. Kochis answer to New Yorks Wall Street, but instead of money, its all about pepper trading. This is the worlds only pepper exchange. Its worth to visit to see the wide range of pepper varieties as well as some of trading practices. حر. The interior of the famous Jewish Synagogue in Jew Town 9.9572 76.2594 5 Jew Street and Paradesi Synagogue . Jew Town, Mattancherry. Synagogue Su-F 10AM-5PM, Sa only open to Jews. The synagogue was constructed in 1568 after allowing Jewish refugees from Jerusalem to settle here during the Crusades making this the Commonwealths oldest Synagogue. This is one of the very few functional synagogues in India and the structure is unique due to influence of native Hindu-Christian architecture as well as the only synagogue having two bimahs. Many Jews lived in the area until the creation of Israel, today there is only a handful. Jew Street is a heritage zone with several antiquehandicraft shops. 40. Pallipuram Fort . Pallipuram, Vypin Island. Built by the Portuguese in 1503, this is the oldest existing European fortification in India. It was later handed over to the Travancore Army, to become a major army base till 1903 when it was converted into a heritage museum. It has a small museum and good views of the lagoon on one side and the sea on the other. Pierce Leslie Bungalow . Beach Road, Fort Kochi. The only surviving bungalow built in authentic Portuguese style, it was the home and office of famous English merchant family - the Leslies. Currently it has been restored into a boutique hotel. The hotel management allows tourists to explore the grand exteriors and public interior spaces. 9.9668 76.2428 6 Princess Street ( Loafers Corner ), Fort Kochi. The most famous street of Fort Kochi which gives you a slice of authentic colonial European architecture. The only street that never faced any raid or demolitions in past, Princess street is a prefect destination for evening walk with numerous western styled cafes, souvenir shops, art galleries and heritage complexes. St. Francis Church, Kochi 9.96601 76.24085 7 St. Francis CSI Church ( CSI Pally ), Church Rd, Fort Kochi ( Near to Fort Kochi Beach ). Daily 7AM-7PM. Constructed by the Portuguese in 1503 and the burial place of Vasco da Gama (his remains were later transferred to Lisbon). His tombstone can be seen inside the church. The church has a large cemetery which serves as resting grounds of many Portuguese army officials and soldiers. The church is the only Catholic Church not demolished by Dutch which was handed over to British to re-establish an Anglican church. A large war memorial is at the back, and honours the unknown soldiers who died in World War 1. Free. 9.9649 76.2429 8 Santa Cruz Basilica . Cathedral Grounds, Fort Kochi ( opposite Childrens Park ). Daily 7AM-8PM. The first European Church built in Asia, by the Portuguese in 1502, also the first Cathedral of Asia and seat of second Catholic Diocese in India. The British modified the structure and added oil paintings. Today, it serves as the primary seat of the Latin church of Kerala. Pope John Paul II declared it a Basilica in 1984. It houses several historical paintings, decors and artifacts. حر. 9.84994 78.48456 9 VOC Gate . Fort Kochi ( opposite the Parade grounds ). The only remains of the office of Dutch East India Company is this large wooden gate with a monogram (VOC (Verenigde Oostindische Companie) emblem of Dutch East India Company). Museums and galleries Edit Indian Naval Maritime Museum . INS Dronarcharya, Fort Kochi. Built by the Indian Navy. Many battle scenes are recreated with life-size models, a huge display of naval arms and ammunitions, replicas of large naval ships, personalities, are some of the major highlights. Indo-Portuguese Museum . Fort Kochi. A modern museum highlighting the start of European colonization of the Orient in the 16th century. The museum showcases the growth and decline of the Portuguese life in Kochi with focus on the growth of the Latin Church. There are also excavated ruins of the former fort wall in the basement of the museum. Kashi Art Gallery . Burgar St, Fort Nagar, Fort Kochi. 91 484 221 5769. 8:30am - 7:30pm. Kashi Art Gallery is both an art gallery and cafe that serves light breakfasts and lunches. The gallery exhibits work by popular contemporary Indian artists. Museum of Kerala History and Art Gallery Museum of Kerala History . NH 47 Rd ( near Edappally Toll Gate ). A good, well maintained museum with a 40 minute light and sound show (English and Malayalam) about Kerala history. Depicts the history of Kerala through life-like wax statues. Adjacent are the Museum of Dolls with nearly 1,000 dolls from various countries, and M. N.F Art and Sculpture Gallery that has many good collections of paintings and sculptures. This museum has a small, well maintained garden. 100 (30 for children). Pareekshith Thampuran Durbar Hall Art Gallery . Dubar Hall Ground, DH Rd. Contains oil paintings, old coins, sculptures, Mughal paintings plus models of temples and traditional Kerala buildings. This was the official Durbar Hall of Kochi Maharajas, now converted into a large fine arts gallery, named after last Maharaja of Kochi, who was an oil painter. A small studio is nearby promoting young artists. حر. Sree Lalithakala Art Gallery . Inside D H Ground. Eco-Tourist villages Edit Kumbalangi Integrated Tourism Village . Kumbalangi island (15 km from city centre). Indias first eco-tourist village, this award winning initiative allows tourists to explore and enjoy the authentic rural culture with the cooperation of natives without disturbing their natural lifestyle. Tourists to this island village have chances to explore rural work styles, a specialized local paddy cultivation, canoeing in a country boat in a maze of mangrove forests or enjoying fishing or partying in rural style with locals. In order to maintain best eco-protection practices, several restrictions are placed on use of plastics, smoking or even carrying soft-drinks. Mastyafed Milky-way Aqua-Tourist Village . Malipuram Village, Vypin (12 km from city centre). 10AM-5PM. A unique concept, where a large shrimp farm of the state-run Mastyafed Organization is converted into an Aqua-tourist village with many options to fish for fresh prawns, crabs and shrimp (you can take your catch for a nominal fee), canoeing within a mangrove forest, sun-bathing, swimming at a private beach nearby and enjoying sunset picnic cruise. The breakfast and lunch, which are included in the entry cost, have a wide range of fish delicacies and fish pickles. 100 per person. Places of worship Edit Hindu, Jain and Sikh Edit Aluva Manalpuram . Famous for the annual Shivarathri festival on the banks of the Periyar river. Chottanikara Devi Temple ( at Thripunithura 15 km from city ). One of the 108 large Devi (Goddess) temples of India. The temple is famous for treatments of various psychic disorders like split personality syndrome as well as for its annual Makam festival (mid Feb-mid March). It is believed to have 3 forms of the Goddess in 3 phases of day. Famous during Navarathiri time. Jain Mandir, in Mattancherry Dharmanath Desar Jain Mandir . Gujarathi St, Mattancherry ( 12 km from ernakulam jn ). Popularly known as Gujarathi Mandir is one of the oldest Jain temples in India, established by the Gujarathi community who settled here more than 300 years ago. This is a major Theerth (pilgrimage) for Jains and all major North Indian festivals are celebrated in grand way. Pigeon feeding during noon, is one of the main rituals here. Ernakulam Siva Temple ( at the centre of town, near the Durbar Hall Ground ). Has three temples within its complex. Gurdwara Sri Guru Singh Sabha ( in Perumanoor in Thevera, south end of MG Rd ). Is the lone Sikh Gurudwara of Kerala, established by the Punjabi community of Kochi in 1955. Special rites and Guru ka Langar rituals are held every Saturday and Sunday. Poornathresya Temple ( in the heart of Thripunithura ). Devoted to Lord Vishnu was once the royal temple of Kochi Maharajas. This temple is famous for its Panthizhuaari (Milk Dessert made of rice flakes) distributed during afternoons and grand temple festivals twice in a year. Thirumala Devaswom Temple . Mattancherry. Built by the Gowda Sarawatha Brahmins with Lord Venkateswara as the main deity. It is famous for housing the second largest brass bell in Asia. The North Gopuram is fully roofed with copper. Thrikkakara Temple . Thrikkakara. The only temple in India devoted to the Hindu deity Vamana and a major centre for celebration of the Onam festival. Get here during Onam and you can catch ten days of festivities, peppered with performances of Keralas traditional arts and ending with a Onam feast. Christian Edit Malayattoor Mount ( 26 km away ). A major Christian pilgrimage centre believed to be the place where St Thomas performed his first miracle in AD 52. Today, it is famous for its annual Holy week-Easter pilgrimage. St. Antonys Shrine . Kaloor ( Mathribhumi Junction ). At this shrine that belongs to Archdiocese of Verapoly people of different faith and culture flock together day and night seeking blessings. St. Francis Assisi Cathedral . High Court Junction, Marine Dr ( behind Verapoly Archdiocese HQ ). Locally known as Kappalpalli (Ship Church due to its ship shaped structure). St. Georges Church . Edapally, NH 47 Rd. A popular church, also amongst non-Christians. Famous for its poison cure treatments. St. Marys Cathedral Basilica, Ernakulam, . High Court Junction, Marine Dr ( behind Verapoly Archdiocese HQ ). The Cathedral is dedicated to Our Lady of Ports. The Cathedral was built in the early twentieth century under the direction of Mar Louis Pazheparambil The church is also a prominent Marian Pilgrim Centre in India. Muslim Edit Chembittapally Mosque . Fort Kochi. Famous for its large super-imposing structure having large shining copper domes (thus the name, which means Mosque having Copper Roofs ). The compound has 3 gates one in west which opens way to Panayapilly, second in south which opens way to Goldenmukku and Kochangadi, and the main gate in the eastern side of compound, which opens way to Angadi, which in turn leads the way to Jew Street and Mattancherry Bazaar towards the north and to Chullickal towards south. Kanjiramattam Mosque ( 30 km to the east ). A major Muslim pilgrimage centre and venue of the Kudikkuthu Festival. It is famous for the annual Urus festival. The imams of this mosque are famous for being leading scholars, who were advisors to Kochi Rajas. This mosque is the right example of antique beauty of mazhars and dargahs. This was an official temple classified by Kochi Maharajas. The annual Chandanakudam in January attracts many pilgrims. During the festival, pilgrims carry pots smeared with sandalwood paste in a procession to the mosque, with caparisoned elephants and percussion musics both found in temples form essential parts of the Chandanakudam festival. Parks and nature Edit Beach Childrens Park . Beach Rd. A good small park, which is well maintained for evening strolls. Changampuzha Park . Edapally. Spacious place, ideal for picnics and group discussions. Childrens Park . With childrens rides, a musical fountain and a small boating lake. Indira Renewable Energy Park . Has unique rides and gadgets which run on renewable energy. Managalavanam . Tatapuram-Pachalam Rd ( Behind High Court Complex ). A thick 80 acre mangrove forest located in the heart of Kochi and declared a flora sanctuary. More than 30 unique flora are found here and it is also a major bird sanctuary, where migratory birds feed and rest when they escape the cold northern winters. Marine Drive Promenade . Ernakulam Jetty. It starts from Gateway Hotel area and ends in Ernakulam boat jetty bus station. The total distance is less than one km. There is a childrens park in the middle. ( updated Jun 2018 ) Paniyeli Poru ( near Kodanadu, 14 km from city centre ). An unexplored beautiful scenic river bank. The Periyar river flows here in its original pure form, without any kind of pollution. During Summer season, when the volume of river water is at its lowest, it is very easy to cross the 2 km wide river from one bank to other. Beware during rainy reason, when a large volume of river water flushes this area and it is extremely dangerous to swim. Subhash Park . Park Ave. One of the largest parks in Kochi. Other attractions Edit 10.14160 76.17828 10 Cherai Beach . North of Vypin Island ( Take Route-3 bus from High Court stand ). Golden beaches with big sand grains, coconut palm corridors, backwaters, and historical monuments. Cherai Beach is one of the safest beaches to swim or play water sports or beach games. A very large beautiful backwaters just 250 m from beach famous for its scenic beauty and boating. Cherai Beach surpasses all with its swimming facility and coconut groves. Occasional sights of dolphins is also an added attraction. 9.96369 76.23750 11 Fort Kochi Beach . Fort Kochi. A historic beach where 1st Portuguese-Dutch war broke out in the 17th century. Once a very large beach, it has reduced to a quarter in size after the Tsunami. A beautiful, small walkway is constructed recently, making ideal for evening strolls. One can find remnants of Old Portuguese Immanuel Fort along with parts of Dutch Stormberg Fort with some canons still kept intact. An obsolete boiler that once used for powering cranes of old port and a very large anchor of an old Portuguese ship are displayed on the walkway. Works for creating a new artificial beach is undergoing near to this old beach with help of Tsunami development funds. Kodanadu Elephant Training College ( Ana Thothil ). 9AM-6PM. Lies on the southern bank of the Periyar amongst the scenic beauty of the high ranges, Kodanadu is extremely famous for its unique elephant training college, elephant orphanage and a mini zoo with deer and peacocks here. Wild elephants are first tamed in special cradles and then taken to the nearby training college, where they are trained. The elephant orphanage rears baby elephants until they are ready for training college. Elephant safari is one of the most sought tourist activity here along with kids playing ball games with baby elephants. The Marine Drive Promenade Edit Walk Marine Drive . The Marine Drive is not a street but a two-km-long promenade with vehicle traffic banned. The backwaters are on one side and a busy shopping district is on the other side of the walk. The walkway starts from the High Court jetty, goes through two scenic bridges and ends at Rajendra Maidan. ( updated Jul 2018 ) Libraries Edit A beautiful Marine Drive walkway Festivals Edit Chendamangalam Matta Chanda ( 2 days prior to Vishu Festival ) near Chendamangalam Fort, is the only official barter market in the world, as reminiscent of olden market style. The recorded history of this market is nearly 300 years old, where traditional amp heritage items are sold in exchange of modern items of equal value. Matta Chanda is today a tourism attraction and a traditional ritual rather than serious shopping, hence only traditional Kerala specialties can be brought in exchange of modern and regular items like branded soaps, perfumes, clothes, hair accessories, electronic components, batteries, medicines, as agreed mutually buyer and seller. Cochin Carnival (Dec 20-Jan 2) is the biggest carnival festival in the city. It started in 1582 as part of Portuguese New Years celebrations. A wonderful array of colourful rallies, fancy dress parades, regular competitions, bike races, beach games, sports, theme festivals, concerts and dances, fireworks and most important, the night beach parties, make it one of the largest celebrations in India. The New Years Eve party is the highlight of this festival, when a large parade carrying a huge statute of Papanai (a Santa Claus-like image) is taken to the beach, where it is set on fire on the stroke of midnight. This is followed by a grand party. The carnival ends with the Grand Parade on the afternoon of January 1st. Fireworks Festival of Maradu Kottaram Devi Temple (mid March - mid April), hosts Indias second largest fireworks as part of their temple festival finale. The festival takes place in the festival grounds of Maradu, which has mega fireworks display lasting for 1.5 hours for last two days. Onam Festival (ten day festival mid-August to mid-September). The state festival of Kerala originating in Kochi. It is based on the legend of welcoming home the mythical King Mahabali, whose capital was believed to be at the current site of Thrikakkara Temple. The ten day festivities start off with an parade on Atham day called Athachamayam. It is held in Thripunithura starting from the Atham Grounds and has many tableaux, dance parades, cultural art forms ending at Thrikakkara Temple. Shiva Temple Festival (first week of January), takes place at the Shiva Temple and Durbar Hall Ground, famous for its ten elephant parade and host of cultural activities. The last day of the festival, Pakalpooram, is famous for its traditional Kerala percussion ensemble, a huge display of fireworks and a 21 gun salute by the Indian Navy and Kerala Police. Thripunithura Vrishikolsavam (mid November - mid December) at Thripunithura Poornathresya Temple is the grandest temple festival, after Thrissur Pooram. This was once the royal festival of the Kochi Kingdom. The cultural attractions draw huge crowds with regular performances of Kathakali. Theme parks Edit Dream World . Near Silver Storm. Silverstorm Water Park . A good family theme park with 29 water and dry rides, a very large park and a Chinese village. Near Athirampally Waterfalls area, this park is located 50 km from Kochi City, 18 km from the airport. Wonderla - in Kakkanad, this is second largest theme park in South India. Spread over 50 acres of land with more than 50 Rides and various shows, it has well maintained gardens and five restaurants as well as small cafes. Open 9:30AM-7PM. Sport Edit Kochi has got some good sporting facilities. Football is the official game here and is regularly played by locals in open areas. Cricket is extremely popular and regularly played by youngsters. Beach Sports . Fort Kochi Beach, Cherai Beaches are very popular among locals for playing beach volleyballs. Try a tough game of beach-football being very popular here. Water ski and biking is also popular in Fort Kochi beaches. Cochin International Stadium located at Kaloor, has good open football court and a cricket court, where locals play regularly, for which no fees are required. The badminton and tennis court located next to this ground can be used on payment of prescribed fees at sports office of St. Alberts College as it belongs to them. Cricket pitches . Palace Oval Grounds located in Tripunithara is the most popular large open cricket pitch where the Kochi Royals used to play their favourite past-time. Apart from this, there are new large pitches in Parade grounds of Fort Kochi and in Kadavanthara (near GCDA Nagar). Football pitches . There is a large football pitch at Parade Grounds in Fort Cochin, where locals play regularly in evening and you will likely be welcome to join in. Likewise at Maharajas Football and Cricket pitches near College Ground in MG Road, Ambedkar City Stadium near KSRTC Bus station in Rajaji Rd and at the Marine Drive ground. Go Karting Airport . A short karting circuit is located at the city side of Cochin Airport, just opposite the airline complex. Regular karting competitions are held on weekends and a few rallies are also organized. Maharajas Stadium Grounds . located at KPCC Jn in MG Road has large athletic grounds, a state-of-the-art synthetic track, which is popular among athletic enthusiasts. Rajiv Gandhi Indoor Stadium located at Kadavanthara, has badminton, tennis, squash, volleyball and basketball courts. Rooms for chess, caroms, table-tennis and board games are also available. For an entrance fees payable at the indoor sports office, you can play there or join with regular users. There is also a state-of-the-art fitness complex and large billiards-snooker pool inside this stadium. An Olympic-sized swimming pool is available outside. Large football and cricket pitches are available free of charge. Locals play regularly here and you can join them. Water Sports is popular in Kochi, particularly in Fort Kochi beach and Cherai beach where water skisjets and water scooters are available. Cochin Marina in Bolgatty Island, the Yacht club in Thevera and Ramada Resort in Panagad operate a wide range of water sports games. Para-gilding is not allowed in any areas, due to presence of several strategic military installations. Cochin Golf amp Country Club . 91 484 3053598. Cochin Airport Area. A new 18 hole golf course. Nice scenery and located very near to the airport. A country club is under construction, though the recreation centre with a small bar, lounge and changing rooms is available. Cochin Golf Club . Bolgatty Island, 91 484 2750908, 91 484 2098178. Established in 1922 by the Hon. British Resident to Kingdom of Kochi and Travancore. Today it became one of the oldest golf courses in the country. It is a 10 hole course open for non-members on payment of green fees. Guests of the Bolgatty Palace Hotel can use without any extra charge. Naval Golf Course . Naval Enclave, Willingdon Island. One of the largest golf courses in the country which is not open to general public. You can play though by invitation from a naval officer. Guests of the navy and the Kochi administration have access to this large golf course. Major private gym chains include Ernakulam Mens Gym . South Railway station road, 91 484 2378798, Destination Health . Edapally, 91 484 4014353, Bio-rhythm Wellness and Spa centre 91 484 4099908, Talwalkars . 91 484 2382696 and Womens World Muti Gym Health Club . Janatha Junction, Palarivattom, 91 484 2349294). Many gyms are branded as Health, Wellness or Slimming centres to avoid the traditional association of the word gym with men only centres. Most are open 7AM-8PM. Boating Edit Boating on the Kochi backwaters ( at Marine Drive ). Get the real feel of the Vembanadu Lake through boating. There are many cruises offered by many private players as well as the Kerala State Inland Shipping Corp. Sunset cruises are popular. Many guesthouses offer the trip and in the centre you can arrange it by yourself as well. Recently speedboats started plying the backwaters. Some premium hotels in Willingdon Island and Fort Kochi offer motorised watersports for its guests. Daily backwater tours can be organised directly through the state tourism office at Erankulam Park Jetty. They cost 650 per person and must be booked at least the day before. The tour includes a stop at local small industry and food sites. Cinemas Edit Kochi has some good Cineplexes, featuring regular Malayalam, Tamil, English and Hindi movies. Most of the theaters have uniform movie timings with 4 shows fixed at noon, matine (afternoon), first show (evenings) and second show (late night), though modern multiplexes offers shows at multiple timings. Some of the recommended are Cinemax Multiplex (4 screens) 4th Floor, Oberon Mall, NH bypass road - A modern multiplex, it has 4 screens offering Malayalam, Hindi, Tamil and English movies on regular basis. Cinepolis . Centre Square Mall. 11-screen multiplex. Padma Cinemas ( 2 screen ), Padma Junction, MG Rd. 91 484 2354233. A modern, well maintained 800-seat theater in 2 class configuration. It has a good cafe and Texas wild-themed restaurant called Cafe 20. Mostly Malayalam, Tamil and Hindi movies are screened here. PVR cinemas . Lulu Mall. PVR Cinemas is a 9-screen multiplex, the largest in Kochi(as of March 2018) and has 2 food counters (offers hotdogs, popcorn, burgers, pizza, sandwiches, nachos, etc.) and a Cafe Coffee Day outlet. Q Cinemas (4 screens) 4th floor, Gold Souk Mall, Vytilla - The most luxurious multiplex in the town, it offers shows in all languages. Sridhar Cinemas ( 1 Screen ), Marine Drive. 91 484 2352529. A modern, well maintained 900-seat theater equipped with 3D facilities. It has a good cafe called Sridhar Cafe. This theater regularly screens Hollywood English movies. Malayalam and Hindi movies are screened sometimes, though rarely. Shenoys Cinema (2screen), Sarita Theater . Savitha Theater and the Sangeetha Theater are the other main theaters in Kochi. Performing arts Edit There are many performing arts complexes across the city, offering a good experience of various artforms and culture. Kochi has the largest number of regular evening Kathakali theaters, offering the best insight into this traditional dance-drama artform of Kerala. Apart from Kathakali, many other events are regularly performed in Kochi. Greenix Tourist Theater . Greenix Village, Kalvatty, Fort Kochi. A good cultural theater with a gallery, food court and mini museum. JT Pac Cultural Theater . Choice House, Choice lane, Kumbalam. One of the most modern and upscale performing arts complexes, which has regular concerts, drama festivals, dance programs and other arts and cultural activities. A 1000 seater theater, it also has a good gallery and latest visual-audio systems. Booking may be necessary to secure seats and the theater has strict dress code regulations. Kalikotta . Palace Rd, Thripunithura. This is the official concert palace hall of the Kochi royal family, who are patrons of more than a dozen cultural institutions and societies. Most performances are free. The mega Kathakali festival organized prior to Temple festival of Thripunithura Poornathresya Royal temple, is one of the largest Kathakali events here. Kerala Fine Arts Complex . Foreshore Rd. This is one of the oldest centres, with regular cultural performances. Many require prior booking, as they are organized by prestigious societies and groups. There are some performances that have free entry, and the monthly cultural programs of Bank Employees Union is one such. Kerala Folklore Theater . Near Thevara-Island bridge, Folklore Junction, Thevara. A good cultural theater with regular evening performances, a state-of-the-art museum and cultural gallery. See India Foundation . 91 484 2376471. Kalathil Parambil Crossroad, nr Valanjambalam Temple, Chitoor Rd. An evening Kathakali theater, where daily performances take place from 6PM-8PM. This is the oldest and first evening Kathakali theater in India. The show is preceded by a detailed discourse of Kathakali history and philosophy, elaborate make-up performances and a demonstration of Kathakali techniques. Ayurveda Edit Ayurvedic pleasure treatments are widely available. Some of the better spas and massage centres are: Abad Revival Aayurveda Centre ( Revival ), 91 484 4144. e-mail: ayurvedaabadhotels. Revival, the wellness centre associated with Abad Group of Hotels and Resorts offers traditional Ayurveda through rejuvenation and revitalization treatments. ( updated May 2018 ) Birla Kerala Spa (Hotels Woodlands, Jewel Junction) Ela World Spa . (4rd floor, Oberon Mall) Kerala Ayurvedics in South (Near Aruns Studio, Warriam Road between MG Rd and Chitoor Rd) Punarva Spa and Ayuvedic Hospital (Edappally North, NH 17) Day-shopping is more popular than night shopping. All shopping outlets close by 8PM. During festive seasons, late night shopping (11PM-3:30AM) are organized to reduce day-time shopping congestion. The Onam Festival (mid of Aug-Sept) is one of the best shopping seasons, when you get heavy discounts ranging between 10-50 for almost all items as well as regular consumer fairs. Xmas is the next best season. The Kerala Government has started the Grand Kerala Shopping Festival (15 Dec-30 Jan), to promote Kerala as a shopping destination. Kochi is the main focal centre of this festival and you get heavy discounts at participating stores and regular lucky draws. Markets Edit The narrow strip sandwiched between Marine Drive and MG Road houses the celebrated Broadway Market which is one of the Kochis oldest shopping corners where you can buy anything from safety pins to motor scooters. A spice market operates inside, offering the best of Keralas spices, saffron and various oils. There is also a cloth market, a jewellery market, a fancy items market, a vegetablefruit market and an electronicwatch market. Also try at Mattancherry Old Spice market, which is one of the oldest spice markets in the country. There are nearly half dozen small markets, mostly run by Gujarathi and Konkanis where you can slice of Indian market flavours. Antiquesart works Edit Jew town, famous for its antique shopping Jew town in Fort Cochin has numerous antique and craft stores. Most of the antique shops sell colonial era and heritage pieces, as well as Jewish items from the traditional Jewish homes of the area. You can also find many kinds of Indian sculptures, decor, interior artifacts and souvenirs. Bargains are available but be warned that many antiques were probably made in the owners backyard. Shop with care and bargain hard. Never trust touts, who get hefty commissions from unscrupulous antique dealers. Cauvery . M G Rd ( at Jos Junction ), 91 484 2351968. A government emporium well known for quality handicrafts at reasonable price. Cochin Crafts Antique Shop . Jewtown ( walk down from the synagogue ), 91 484 2221927. Good collection of crafts and antique shops. nameCrafters Exports url email addressJewtown lat long directionswalk down from the synagogue phone91 484 2227652 tollfree fax hours price contentThis shop has certified large collection of artifacts and heritage pieces. Its a very popular option. Isidore Art Palace . Jewtown ( next to the Synagogue ), e-mail: isidorevsnl. Will reliably ship stuff outside India. Bargain hard. 9.9547 76.2604 1 Yousuf Art Gallery ( Galleria Synagogue Art Gallery ), 776 Jew Town ( walk down the street from the synagogue ), 91 9847478882. 91 484 222 1330. e-mail: infogalleriasynagogue. Showcases art work from many different local artists. Prices are reasonable, and they very often have exhibitions showing some amazing art work from the region. They feature art works and exhibitions by professional artists as well as talented emerging artists from South India. ( updated May 2018 ) Try state run emporiums that offer high quality certified antiquesartworks, however there is no bargain or discount. Check at Keralas state emporium showrooms, Kairali amp Surabhi and Karnatakas Cavery, all located in MG Road. Shopping malls Edit Large western style shopping malls are new to Kochi and more than 30 are under construction in various parts of city, all scheduled to open between first quarter of 2018 and the end of 2018. Currently six are functional. Apart from shopping malls, there are numerous of shopping complexes in Cochin (a shopping complex in local terms is a large complex having many shops close to each other, selling mostly only one type of product). Bay Pride Mall . Marine Drive. A small sized family mall located in heart of city with a few brand stores, a small food court, a fitness centre, a gift shop and a music store. Centre Square . in M. G road was the latest mall opened in Kochi and has a Food court and a yet to be built (as of March 2018) 11 screen multiplex called Cinepolis. Grande Gold Souk . Vyittila Junction. One of the largest malls in South India, this is the only mall having wedding as theme, with more than 150 stores selling various jewellery brands and brandedunbranded apparel. The Mall has a large bowling alley, sports bar, gaming zone, a luxurious multiplex and good food court. Lulu Mall . Located in the Edapally area of Kochi, is Indias Largest Mall. Opened on 10 March 2018, the mall consists of more than 360 outlets including food courts, restaurants, family entertainment zones and a nine-screen multiplex, ice skating rink and bowling alley. Buses frequently leave Kochi Bus station for Lulu Mall for around 20 Rps one way. Nucleus Mall . Maradu, is the latest entrant to the Kochis Mall culture. A spacious sub-urban mall, ideal for shoppers to shop in hassle free area without worries of traffic and large crowds. Oberon Mall . nr Padivattom Signal Junction-NH Bypass Road). The first large scale multi-format shopping mall in a western style. A typical mall, with a wide range of branded stores, a large hypermarket, an anchor store of Reliance Trends (multi brand apparel store), a bookstationery store, spa, beauty saloon, a large food court, a four screen cinemax. Apparel and fabric Edit Kochi also has many famous designer boutiques, mostly located in Convent Junction (between MG Road and Marine Drive). Panampally Nagar also houses many premium exclusive designer boutiques. MG Road (the arterial road) is lined with many premium brand stores, leading apparel shops and boutiques. The cloth bazaar in Broadway Market is one of the largest apparel market selling unbranded fabrics and apparels at lower rates. For dress and fabrics the best options are: Adidas . Lulu mall, M G Road, Centre Square. Adidas clothes, shoes etc. Being Human . Centre Square, Lulu Mall. Calvin Klein Jeans . Lulu Mall. CAT . Lulu Mall. Club Burgoyne . Lulu Mall. A place to buy Linen FCUK . M G Road. Fila . Bay Pride Mall. Jayalakshmi Silks . Shenoys Junction, MG Rd. The oldest and most popular destination for bridal collections and popular throughout Kerala. It also houses a very large mens collection with many traditional and modern outfits. It is suitable for a wide range of budgets. Kalanikethan . M G Road. A newly opened shop in kochi, a place for womens wear. Kalyan Silks . General Hospital Rd. One of the largest silk saree showrooms and a good place to get many kinds of Indian and western clothing, including popular western brands, at very reasonable rates. Silk Sarees are its trademark and most of them are well priced. Karalkada . MG Road, near Pai dosa. a Perfect place for Traditional Kerala Sarees and Munds. Kasavukada . South End of Foreshore Rd near Church Landing. A good place to buy a wide range of ethnic Kerala dress like Mundu, Kasavu Mundu Neyriyattu and ethnic mens Jubas. Levis . Ernakulam South, Lulu Mall. Louis Philippe . M G Road, Lulu Mall. Lulu Celebrate . Lulu Mall. Bridal Dresses Lulu Fashion Store . Lulu Mall. A fashion store for the whole family. My Kingdom . Shenoys Junction, MG Rd. An upscale apparel and accessories store spread over four stories, each of which is for different age groups and genders. Has an extensive collection of latest clothing. Also a spa, beauty saloon and baby centre. Nike . Lulu Mall, M G Road, Centre Square. Pepe Jeans . Lulu Mall, Oberon Mall. Puma . M G Road, Lulu Mall, Centre Square, Oberon Mall. Reebok . Lulu Mall, Centre Square, M G Road. Seematti . North End, MG Road. One of the posher silk and dress fashion centres and a trend setter in creating unique designs and special materials for its Sarees. Its owner - Beena Kannan - is a leading fashion designer and new designs come every six months. Most of its sarees are out-of-traditional kind, making its unique. It is comparatively more costly than other brands. The mens area is not so elaborate and has only few collections. Shalini Jamess MANTRA . Oberon Mall. A Boutique. Tommy Hilfiger . M G Road, Lulu Mall. Tommy Hilfiger Kids . Lulu mall. United Colors Of Benetton . Mg Road, Lulu Mall. Casual wear Village Shop . Behind Sony Center, Ravipuram, MG Road, 91 484 3078472, 91 484 2361717 ( e-mail: kochivillageshop. in ). Village Shop is a Home Furnishing store in Kochi. They sell hand-loomed soft furnishings. Wills Lifestyle . Lulu Mall, M G Road. Bookshops and Stationery Edit There are numerous of bookstores in Convent Junction as well as in the Fort Kochi area. Pressclub Rd in Convent Junction is a hot-spot for book lovers. Blossom Book Fair . I S press road. a perfect place to get brand new and second hand books at amazing discounts( up to 90 off) Crossword . Lulu Mall. A stationery has providing various fiction and non-fiction books as well as music CDs, Branded pens like Cross, Sheaffer and Parker and other Stationery. D C Books . Kuriens Tower(Banerji Road), inside Lulu Connect. DeeCee . Island Castle Complex, Chittoor Rd ( Opposite YMCA ), 91 484 2362796. A very large multi-lingual bookstore, famous for wide range of English fiction books. Kuriens Tower . Banerjee Rd ( opposite Saritha Cinemas ). Has many good book stores within it. Some of the popular are Book-Port 91 484 2397129, 91 97 4640 1310 1 dead link ), Hamlet, 91 484 2395389) and very large multi-lingual store of DC Books. PaiampCo . Broadway and MG Rd. The first bookstore of the city, its very popular for all kinds of reading materials. The Penguin Store . Centre Square. a desirable place to by all sorts of books. Footwear, luggage and Watches Edit There are many shops selling footwear and luggage in all price ranges. For budget options, try the shops near both railway stations. Be aware that many of these shops offer cheap varieties which may not last as long. American Tourister . Oberon Mall, M G Road. Bata . M G Road, Lulu Mall, General Hospital Road. Calvin Klein . Lulu Mall. Casio . Bay Pride Mall, Lulu Mall, Oberon Mall. Citizen . M G Road, Lulu Mall. Crocs . Lulu Mall. Fastrack . M G Road, Lulu Mall. Footwear Bazaar . small dedicated bazaar in at the northwestern side of Broadway Market. Pavers . Lulu Mall. British footwear brand Rado . Oberon Mall, Lulu Mall. Reliance Footprints . Oberon Mall. A national footwear chain, most famous for its inhouse brands. Swiss Time Boutique . Lulu Mall. Features Rolex, Mont Blanc, Longines and many other brands Samsonite . Oberon Mall, M G Road. Seiko . Lulu Mall. Swatch . Lulu Mall. Swiss Time House . GCDA Complex. A watch shop offering watches from many brands including TagHeur, Casio, Titan, Zoop, QampQ, Timex etc. Sylcon Footwear . Oberon Mall, M G Road. A leading Kerala footwear chain, that offers many national and international brands as well as luggage. Timex . Near Bay Pride Mall. Tissot . Lulu Mall, Oberon Mall. Titan . M G Toad, Lulu Mall, Oberon Mall. Wildcraft . Lulu Mall, Oberon Mall. All types of bags and Camping Gear. Witco . M G Road. A perfect place to buy branded bags and luggage. Jewellery Edit Kochi is famous for its gold, silver, diamond and platinum jewelry. Most of the jewellers are concentrated at Jewel Junction ( Woodland Junction ), on MG Road near Hotel Woodlands. Normal gold purity in India is 22 carat. 24 carat gold ornaments ( thankam ) are not so popular, but are available. Lightweight collections in 18 carat gold have become popular among youngsters and teenagers. A Geeri Pai . Broadway, M G Road. Alapatt Gold . 91 484 2381862. Jewel Junction, MG Road.- One of the oldest jewellers with an extensive gold collection, ranging from traditional to modern. Avatar Jewellers . Lulu Mall. Bhima Boutique . Lulu Mall. Bhima Silver Palace . Jewel Junction, MG Rd. Large collection of silver ornaments, souvenirs and cutlery. H. Venkatesha Naik Jewellery . 91 484 4041890. Rajaji Road, Near Kavitha Junction. Offers modern designs and lightweight collections. It also has an extensive diamond gallery and trendy collection of watches. Josco Jewellers . M G Road, Lulu Mall. A Good 916 Gold and Diamond Jewellery. Kirtilals . 91 484 2372911. Opposite Maharajas College Ground, MG Rd. A grand exclusive diamond gallery, featuring more than 2,000 diamond collections and platinum jewel designs. Malabar Gold . 91 484 2352916. Jewel Junction, opposite Grand Hotel, MG Road. An extensive gold, platinum and diamond collection. It has one of the largest watch gallery selling latest international premium brands like Rado, Tissot and others. Tanishq . جنوب. Jewellery by Tata Cosmetics Edit For cosmetics and womens accessories, Convent Junction is the haven for the fairer sex. Many international cosmetics and personal care brands can be bought at prices lower than in western countries. Alphonsa Cosmetics Collections . 91 484 2366676. Convent Junction. A good collection of all international and national cosmetics brands. The Body Shop . Lulu Mall. Goodwill Collections . 91 484 2380142. TKM Park, Convent Junction. One of the largest cosmetic store with collections of jewellery and bags. Le Mars . Civil Lanes, Palarivattom. 91 484 2339142, 91 484 2339152, 91 484 2339162. A very popular multi-brand womens store. Electronics Edit You can buy electronic gadgets at comparatively low rates, than most of other regions in India. For the latest technology, Kochi hosts many large consumer electronics fairs and every new technology gadget gets into store very fast. The Electronics Street (opposite Medical Trust Hospital in Pallimukku) and Kadavanthara are the prefect place to buy most of electronics gadegets. Penta Menaka and GCDA Mall are famous for mobile phones. Atlantis Junction and Ravipuram are well known for various computerlaptop hardware shopping. Canon Image Square . Lulu mall. Currents . Centre Square. Apples premium reseller Imagine . Lulu Mall. The first Apple premium reseller in Kerala Lulu Connect . Lulu Mall. a perfect place for gaming consoles, tablets, smartphones and other appliances. QRS . Edapally, near Ravipuram. a store for Electronic appliances. Reliance Digital . M G Road. A showroom for all sorts of Electronic Gadgets. سامسونج. Ravipuram, Lulu Mall. Sony Center . Ravipuram. Sony Vaio . Lulu mall. Supermarkets Edit Food shopping is mainly done at supermarkets and bakeries. Bakeries normally sell bread and branded food products, while most supermarkets sell household provisions and packaged food items. KR Bakes . Anns bakery . Bake My Days . Breadworld and Best Bakery are the most popular local bakery chains, with many locations. Lulu Hypermarket . Lulu Mall. The largest Super(Hyper) market in Kochi, it has all sorts of groceries and household objects. Over 20 billing counters. Reliance has many branches in Kochi, in 2 formats, Fresh (offers a wide range of fresh vegetables and fruits with limited other grocery items), Super (large supermarket, offering groceries and vegetablesfruits). Reliance is a pure vegetarian supermarket chain but outside the supermarket, they operate a small store called DeLite that offers non-vegetarian items, including fresh meat. Spencers daily ( Now Closed), Mitra . Food Bazaar . Big Bazaar Express . Nine-Ten . WellMart and Triveni are other popular supermarkets. Supplyco (Govt run), operates an extensive chain of small stores branded Maveli and regular supermarkets branded as Supplyco throughout the city. They also have a medical pharmacy attached to the supermarkets, offering English medicines at a 30 discount. Varkeys was the most popular supermarket chain in Kochi. It is a locally-owned chain with many branches elsewhere. Has a good in-house bakery. Only one or two stores currently Functioning. Banks, ATMs and changing money Edit Almost all national banks operate in Kochi and most have branches in MG Road, as do a few international banks such as HSBC, Citibank, Standard Chartered and Oman Bank. ATMs are uniformly spread across the city and most major shopping places have an adjacent ATM. Most of the nationalized banks are authorised to carry out Forex activities. Western Union and Moneygram have many franchises in the city. American Express Foreign Exchange Services Pvt Ltd 391728, Tharakan House, MG Rd. 91 484 2375839 Muthoot Exchange Co (P) Ltd . 91 484 2395345. G. F.13, Muthoot Chambers, Kurian Towers, Opp. Saritha Theatre, Banerji Rd. Pheroze Framroze amp Co (P) Ltd . 91 484 2367943. Behind Woodland Hotel, Layam Rd. Thomas Cook (India) Ltd . 91 484 2369729. Palai Towers, 1st Floor, Right Wing, M G Rd. UAE Exchange . 91 484 2360037. Opp Maharajas College Ground, M G Rd. Wall Street Finance Ltd . 91 485 2372149. G 42, Pioneer Tower, Marine Drive. Cuisine Edit Fried fish is well prepared in Kochi For the past 600 years, Kochi has catered to many visitors from around the world including Arabs, Chinese, Portuguese, French, English, Dutch, Russians and Japanese. This has made the city a melting pot of various cultures, and this diversity is evident in the cuisine. Being a coastal city, plenty of fresh seafood is the local speciality. With the backwaters, freshwater fish is also popular here. Prawns, squids and shrimps are easily available and cooked in many styles. The most famous of Kochis specialty dishes is Meen Molagitta Curry (smoked freshwater fish with chilly and coconut milk). The English popularized smoked fish with steamed bread and mashed potatoes. One of Kochis traditional vegetarian specialties is Kurukku Kalan (a thick yogurt curry with toasted banana and hot rice). Packed Kurukku Kalan as well as Palada (a sweet dessert with rice flakes and milk) are sold in many supermarkets and food stalls, especially during festive times. At Fort Kochi beach you can buy fresh fish and have it cooked at the nearby food stalls. Fishmongers will sell you a kilo of tiger prawns for around 300 and a kilo of squid for around 250. Food stalls will charge you 40-50 per person to cook your fish (grilled, curry, whatever) and provide you with a serve of chips and salad. Conditions are reasonably hygienic. Fried fish . Fish molly (a coconut milk sauce based curry almost like stew), Alleppey fish curry (traditional curry with tomato sauce and fish tamarind) and Fish Peera (chunks of fish toasted with grated coconuts with fish tamarind sauce), Varatharacha Kozhi curry (semi-fried chicken toasted with coconut and chilly) are the favorites, usually taken with rice or steamed tapioca (cassava). Also worth trying are the traditional rice based breakfast snacks, puttu and kadala, appam and stew. This page uses the following price ranges for a typical meal for one . including soft drink: Restaurants Edit Bloomsburys . Lulu mall. Has an artisan bakery and boutique cafe. Cafe Coffee Day . Ravipuram, M G Road, Lulu Mal(2). Costa Coffee . Lulu Mall. ماكدونالدز. Lulu Mall and M G Road. Recently opened. Subway . Multiple Locations - Lulu Mall, Centre Square mall, Panampilly Nagar. Budget Edit Kochi has a variety of cheap restaurants all over the city. A full meal should cost less than 50. Thattukadas are streetside food hawkers, where you can get hot, fresh-cooked delicious food, costing a maximum of 50 for a good filling meal. Most offer set meal combinations served from portable cooking trolleys with a few benches or chairs nearby. The most famous delicacies are stuffed or plain thattu dosas (thick dosas almost like pizza bread), hot Kerala porottas (flat bread of milled wheat), Kerala roast beef with chappatti and kanji (rice porridge). The main concern is the lack of hygiene and constant reuse of oil for frying. Kochi has some home-grown fast food chains: KR Hot Chicken, 61 Pai Dosas, Luciyas Food Court, Potpurri, The Oven, Krispy Chicken, Arabian Treat, Papa Milanos and Breadworld Broasted Chicken have a presence in most parts of town. Foreign franchises such as KFC, Chicking, Noodle Kings, US Pizzas, Marrybrown, Pizza Hut and Dominos also have a presence here. Indian Edit Aruvi Restaurant . for non-toxic beverages, Nature lunch etc. Tea, coffee etc. are not available. Instead Jappi an ayurvedic herbal drink is ordered by the visitors. Aruvi is located at I. S. Press Road (9496044519), Kacherippady (9496044519), and Chambakkara at Vyttiila (9496044517). Aruvi Restaurant has a board that indicates the philosophy of natural food. Arya Nivas . Chitoor Rd ( opposite South Bus Stand ). A chain of vegetarian restaurants run by Tamilians, famous for typical south Indian foods. Bimbis Foodcourt . Jos Junction, MG Rd. Famous among backpackers and budget tourists, it has a wide range of veg options from North Indian, South Indian, Continental and Chinese food courts. Hotel Thali ( opposite Little Flower Church, near Kadavanthra ). Very good Kerala style cuisine. Hotel Unnikrishnan . Pallimukku ( opposite Medical Trust Hospital ). Famous for Kerala style fish fries and set meals. Indraprastha Gujarati Food Court . MG Rd ( Ground floor, DD Food Court, near Shenoys Theatre ). Famous for its unlimited North Indian thalis and various sweets. A full plate thali with five dishes, Roti and rice costs 50. Kayees or Kaikkas Biriyani . there are two restaurant, one at Mattancherry amp opps. durbar ground south ekm. open from early morning briyani avail from noon only and most of the time finish by 2PM. kayees is very famous for the briyani dont leave Kochi, without tasting the kayees mutton biriyani, very trusted name in this field for many decades, hygienic at reasonable pricing too. below hundred for chicken briyani. Krishna Kripa Seafood Restaurant . Fort Kochi ( opposite SantaCruz Basilica Church ). Good Kerala-style food, low prices and a great location. Mughal Restaurant . South Railway Station Rd. Has a good range of north Indian foods and a good juice bar. Sree Krishna Cafe . Gujarathi St, Mattancherry. Gujarati restaurant famous for its cutlets and battoora and vegetarian curries. Other Edit There are many street side Arabic restaurants offering shawarma and grilled chicken. Popular options are Real Arabia . Arabia Dreams and Grill Arabia . which are dotted all over the city. Most supermarkets and bakeries have a Shawarma Corner outside, which is a cheap, yet filling sandwich. most budget Arabic restaurants are open from 5PM-midnight. Royal Food Court ( Near North Railway Station ). Good food with Arabic-Lebanese delicacies around the clock. Street Menu ( Opposite SBT Bank, Padma Junction, MG Rd ). Offers a lot of grilled options at low prices. Mid-range Edit Most of the restaurants in Kochi are mid-range and there are lots of them. Indian Edit Banana Leaf . Jos Junction, MG Rd ( near Jos Collections ), 91 484 4022334. noon-3PM. Good traditional Kerala food with non veg and veg options. 60. Dal Roti . Lily St, Fort Cochin. Authentic North Indian tastes. Delhi Durbar . Pallimukku, MG Rd. A good, small North Indian restaurant. Fort House Restaurant and Hotel . 26A Calvathy Rd ( next to Coast Guard ), 91 484 2217103. At the water front offering good Kerala food and great views. The Grand Pavilion . Grand Hotel, Jewel Junction, MG Rd. Popular especially during evenings for its seafood, particularly karimeen pollichathu (smoked pearlspot fish) and alleppey fish curry. Kadaloram . Abad Plaza. Good typical Kerala buffet at about 300 per head. Khyber Pass . First floor, Bimbis Restaurants, Jos Junction, MG Rd. A North IndianAfghan food outlet with a wide range of tikkas and kebabs. Mirch Masalas . TD Rd ( near to Temple ). Vegetarian Punjabi restaurant with good ambiance. 9.978139 76.277207 1 Ojeen . By-lane after SBT towards Broadway, Marine Dr ( From High Court junction, proceed toward SBT along Shanmugham Road. Right after SBT, on the left, theres a by-lane leading to Broadway. ), 91 484 3121591. 11AM-7PM. Variety of snacks from the Malabar region, juices and milk shakes. Ojeen is probably the only place in Kochi for the delectable, meat-rich Malabar snacks. 100. Raju dhaba . Falcon truck terminal, Kalamassery. 11AM-11PM. Authentic north Indian dhaba food. 100. Shala . 1605 Peter Celli St, Fort Kochi. 91 484 2216036. Started by the same people who run the Kashi Art Cafe, Shala serves delicious Keralan food. The menu which changes daily. The owner, Anoop, hires local housewives to cook their local specialties. The restaurant is in a beautiful and tastefully restored historical building. Sharmas Restaurant . Broadway, Marine Dr ( Just behind Penta Menaka ). Good North Indian food at low prices. Other Edit Ceylon Bake House . Opp. Avenue Regent, South area, MG Rd. Ceylon parathas and Sri-Lankan styled chicken dishes. Chinese Garden . Dwaraka Junction, MG Rd and Kadavanthara, SA Rd. A good restaurant, serving lots of Indianised Chinese dishes. Chiyang Restaurant . Madhava Pharmacy Junction, Banerji Road ( adjacent to PNVM hospital, opposite erstwhile Oman International Bank ). One of the oldest Chinese restaurants. 14Avenue Restaurant . 14 Cross Rd, Main Avenue, Panampilly Nagar. Italian and continental cuisines, including lasagna, pies, pastas and steaks. South Star . Bimbis Menaka ( near Penta Menaka, Marine Drive ). Well maintained, nice interiors. Food styles from North Indian, South Indian, Chinese and Arabic and a wide range of Biriyanis. Thai BBQ House . Kunnumpuram Road, Njaliparambu Junction, Fort Kochi. Thai cuisine, with grilled squid tempuras and coconut prawns. Upstairs Italian . K. B. Jacob Rd, Fort Kochi ( opposite Santa Cruz Basilica ). Run by an Italian family, classic traditional Italian cuisines. Splurge Edit Most of the upscale restaurants are located inside hotels with 3 stars or more. Indian Edit BTH Kempa . BTH Hotel, BTH Junction, Durbar Hall Rd. A classic hotel which dates back at least 100 years. Its restaurant, Kempa, is popular among high end vegetarian travellers. Serves North Indian, South Indian and Kannadiga-Udupi dishes. Chillis Andhra . Layam Rd. Very tasty, as well as fiery food, particularly the chicken options. Few vegetarian options. Hotel Dwaraka . Dwaraka Junction, MG Rd. Was the first star hotel in Kochi and it remains a popular option for Indian vegetarian food. Ila . Marine Dr ( near Hakkoba Lodge ). 11AM-11PM. Tasty Travancore food, with both Southern Travancore veg options and Central Travancore Syrian Christian non veg specialities. dead link Restaurant Lily Grace . Post box 22, River Rd. Fort Kochi ( near Hotel Killians - Fort Kochi Vypeen Ferry Terminal ), 91 484 2217245. e-mail: relaxhotelkillians. 11AM-11PM. Sreekrishna Inn . Warriam Rd, Durbar Hall Rd. This restaurant is famous for its classic look and theme, and offers a large range of Indian vegetarian dishes. The dosas are most famous, along with its elaborate thalis. S36 . Mills St, Foreshore Rd ( within BatampBall Inn ), 91 484 645 9495. 11AM-11PM. Traditional North Indian cuisine, particularly Mughal specialty foods. Tandoor ( Clay Oven ), Layam Rd ( near Hotel Woodlands, Woodland Junction, MG Rd ). 11AM-11PM. Tasty North Indian, particularly Punjabi, food. The Kadai chicken and ginger chicken is truly world class, and no other place in Kochi can offer their unique taste. The peas masala is also really superb. Their trademarks are romali roti and stuffed bread options. A full Kadai chicken serves at least 4-5 people. Caution, it is very spicy. Other Edit Arctic Circle ( next to Hokkoba Lodge, Marine Drive, near to Coffee Beanz ). 11AM-11PM. Steak, more than 14 sizzlers, such as an American styled sizzler with Texas mashed potatoes with mushroom sauce. 20 European dishes, along with a few continental salads. Ayela amp Keshai ( Part of Dreams Hotel ), near Elamkulam Lake, SA Rd. A very good seafood restaurant with four theme courts, Kochi, Thai, Vietnamese and Japanese. It has a fresh seafood selection court, with the fish cooked in front of the guests. A multi-cuisine restaurant also operates at the site. Conucopia . Mills St, Foreshore Rd. 91 484 6459495. 11AM-11PM. A cricket theme restaurant, operating inside BatampBall Inn, this restaurant is famous for its wide selection of Continental, Greek, Mediterranean cuisines. Golden Dragon . Mercy Estate, Atlantis Junction, Ravipuram side of MG Rd. 11AM-11PM. A pure Chinese restaurant without any Indianisation. Serves alcohol. Hon. East India Company . Hotel Travancore Palace, Warriam Rd, Durbar Hall Rd. 11AM-11PM. A historical themed restaurant operating within the four star Travancore Palace Hotel. Famous for its classic paintings and heritage photo galleries as well as its food. The evening buffet is one of the largest in town, offering the best of English, Kerala and North Indian cuisine. Lokah World Cuisines . NH Bypass Rd, Vytilla ( near Mithra Supermarket ), 91 484 4033220. 91 484 4033221. 11AM-11PM. Offers nine international cuisines from an American Wild West theme to Vietnamese sea-food, Italian pastas and Arabic grills. This restaurant has a family hall, a smoking lounge, a street food area and French cafe along with bakery. Free wifi for guests. Ittys Place . G31, Panampally Nagar ( near Hotel Centre ), 91 94 4657 5551. 11AM-11PM. Ittys place is an eco-friendly restaurant made completely with bamboo, coir and wood having 3 sit-down options. Favourite Italy offers traditional Italian pizzas, pastas and subs. Mings Wok ( Opp. Bank of Baroda Near Malayala Manorama Panampilly Nagar Cochin ), 91 484 231355. 11:30AM-11PM. Authentic Chinese cuisine prepared by professional chefs, using quality ingredients. Spice Route . Level 4, Oberon Mall, NH Bypass Rd, Palarivattom. 91 484 4000040. 11AM-11PM. Themed around historical spice route with focus on traditional Persian foods. Somewhere Else ( near Muscat Tower (Sony and Vileno Showroom), near Kadavanthara Junction ), 91 484 2313339. 11AM-11PM. It has a cafe and restaurant. The cafe serves a wide range of coffees and mocktails, whereas the restaurant has sizzlers, steaks, grilled wraps, burgers and desserts. Also offers some good biriyanis and Indianised European options. Free wifi for guests. 24 Carat . 3rd floor, Gold Souke Mall, Vytilla. 11AM-11PM. A popular upscale multi-cuisine restaurant, themed around weddings, it is ideal for candle-light romantic dinners and high power lunches. Keralites are well known for their drinking habit. Finding bars or pubs is not difficult in Kochi. For those who do not drink alcohol there are lots of excellent local options. Fresh toddy ( kallu ) is a brew from the coconut tree. Be careful as adulteration is very common. Your best bet is to get it from a local who has given over his coconut trees for extraction. Mullapanthal Kallushap near Thripunithura is a certified Kallu brew shop. Karikku ilaneer (tender coconut), could be found at many hawker stalls, especially in Marine Drive. Sambhaaram (buttermilk) . is especially popular on hot summer days when it is even distributed freely by some clubs in popular areas. Shakes . such has Sharjah Shake are good cool down options and there are numerous cool-bars and juice stalls across the city. Finding a bar or pub is not difficult. Most of the budget oriented bars are located near the railway stations and in Kaloor and Edappally. Mid-market and high end bars are located all over. There are many beer and wine bars catering for foreign tourists at Fort Kochi. As elsewhere in Kerala, all bars and pubs have to close every first and second day of the month as well as on all state holidays . These are known as dry days. All bars have to close by midnight. You can buy almost any brand of liquor from state-run Beverages Co stores, which have an extensive network of in Kochi, selling at competitive rates. Expect long queues, especially on the eve of dry days. Central Park Bar . Kaloor-Kadavanthara Rd. A posh well maintained bar having a designer lounge. Nasha . at the Metropolitan Hotel bar, South Railway station. A well maintained good lounge bar, ideal for families and visitor. Offers a wide range of drinks offering at moderate prices. Very famous for its signature Kerala dishes as short eats. Oberoi Bar . MG Rd. A good small bar dominated by men. Polakkulattu Sliverspoon Bar . Jewek MG Rd. A good, well maintained bar with branches in Palarivattom near Metlife, and in SA Rd at Janatha Junction. Silca Bar . Hotel Mercy, Ravipuram area, MG Rd. 91 484 2367372. A lovely, upscale bar lounge popular with businessmen and upscale visitors. Famous for its signature dishes and cocktails. Velocity . Bnerjee Rd. A seedy bar with a wide range of liquors and beer. XL Fishnet Bar . Rose St, Fort Cochin. until about 10:30PM. The bar fills up each day with tourists looking for a beer in Fort Cochin. There is nothing cosy about the place and the staff are quite lazy. It can be a nice spot to meet other travellers, since everyone has one thing in common: drinking beer. There is a busy restaurant downstairs that also serves beer (more pricey) and may be preferred by solo women. 125 for a Kingfisher. Nightlife DJ parties amp pubs Edit Pub rules amp etiquette All discotheques, pubs have some strict rules and etiquettes. A restricted admission policy - allows only guests above 21 with proof of age required. No pets are permitted and some days may be reserved for ladies, couples and families. A strict dress code - only formal attire for both genders. Western styled fashion is allowed for women. Male patrons must be fully clothed in formal western style or in denims with shoes. No kind of ethnic Indian clothing is allowed for men, however sarees are allowed for women. Smoking is strictly not allowed inside any pubs or dance floors Nightlife comprising of pubs, DJ parties, discos are recent phenomenon with new venues opening. Pubs and discothques may not close down on dry days as is applicable to bars. However they do close on all notified state holidays such as Onam, Vishu, Easter and Good Friday. An exception to this rule is during Christmas time. VA lounge . Dreams Hotel, SA Rd . A lounge cum disco bar, ideal for families. Good music, a large dance floor and wide range of cocktails. Champs Sports Lounge . Gokulam Park, Kaloor . Has a good sports gallery, cricket-themed interiors, 2 gigantic screens for regular broadcast of cricket or football matches, signature cocktails and snacks. Couchyn . The Grand Hotel, Woodlands Junction, MG Rd . A traditional English styled lounge bar with great music and a wide variety of cocktails. GlowampCorktales . 91 484 409 0000. Atlantis Junction-MG Rd. Dance floor and large lounge bar. It has night parties from Thursday to Sunday with various themes and age groups. Opium the Club . 91 93 8825 6882. Palarivattom Jn, Palarivattom Jn. A new posh upscale dance floor and large discotheque, it has various events from Tuesday to Sunday, each in various themes. (Closed on dry days) Loungevity . Hotel Avenue Regent, MG Rd . House an inhouse DJ and the latest in electronic dance music. One of the coolest places for families. Tandav Discos . ( Le Meridien ), Maradu . Famous for its weekend all night parties and grand balls. Coffee shops Edit There are many coffee shops around the city. Amaara Maradu . Petta-Maradu Rd, Tripunithara ( near Gandhi Square ), 91 484 2706922. e-mail: amaarain. 10AM-9PM. An unique heritage hangout set in 200 year old Mangayil house. Serves authentic Kerala coffee and popular varieties of dosas. Regular cultural performances, cooking class, ethnic handicrafts class are some of the popular activities there. The cafe also houses a large library for reading as well as venue of regular book exhibitions. Barista ( Bay Pride Mall, Marine Drive ). 10AM-10:30PM. The place to cool down with coffee after a walk at Marine Drive. Not cheap though. BTH Coffee Shop ( Nr North Railway Station International Stadium-Kaloor ). 9AM-10:30PM. A moderate priced coffee shop, famous for its traditional Kerala snacks and savouries along with dosas and idilies. Cafe Cochin Lavazza ( G-360, Panampally Nagar ), 91 484 3114816. 9AM-10:30PM. The only direct Lavazza coffee outlet in South India. Cafe Coffee Day ( Shenoys Jn, MG R Oberon Mall Pallimukku, MG Rd ). 10AM-9:30PM. A popular national chain, which is a standard coffee hangout with western style eateries and a wide range of coffee. 100 for coffee. Cafe Persia ( TD Rd, near Banerjee Rd ). 9AM-10:30PM. A unique Arabic themed cafe, famous for SheeshasHookah smoking and an excellent range of Arabic coffee and tea, along with snacks. dead link Kashi Art Caf . Fort Cochin, Burgher St ( parallel to Princess St ), 91 484 2215769. e-mail: mailkashiartgallery. 8:30AM-7:30PM. Serve great iced coffee, fresh lunches, and a variety of sandwiches and tasty cakes. Teapot ( Peter Celli St, Fort Cochin ). 10AM-10:30PM. A unique cafe which serves a variety of teas, particularly 6 unique Indian flavours. It also has good traditional English snacks. Ice cream parlours Edit There are numerous cool-bars and juice stalls that sell branded and custom made ice-cream dotted all over the city. There are also a few specialist ice cream parlours. Caravan Softies . Caravan Complex, Marine Drive and Opposite Shenoys Cineplex. One of the most traditional ice-cream parlours famous for many in-house varieties. Horter Place de Glance . Jawahar Nagar Colony and Opp. Durbar Hall grounds. A premium ice-cream outlet selling the Uncle John brand. It has 29 ice-cream flavours and 18 ice-cream varieties with many toppings including sauces, creams, fruits and nuts. Kwality Walls . Foodcourt-Abad Bay Pride Mall Marive Drive. A local favourite. Merriboys Ice-cream Cafe . Food Circle, Oberon Mall. Famous for its original milk ice-creams and innovative fruit sundaes. This guide uses the following price ranges for a standard double room: Budget Edit dead link YMCA Youth centre . NH 47 Bypass ( Opp. Medical Centre Hospital ), 91 484-2342585. 91 484-2534909. e-mail: ymcapvtgmail. Check-in: 24 hrs. indoor sports, parking facility with a reasonable restaurant. Ac starts from 800 and non Ac strats from 375. Hotel Sreekrishna Inn . Near ESI Hospital, North Railway Station. 91 484 2393312. 91 9349267906. Mr. MG. Menon, manager: 9349267906 ( updated Apr 2018 ) C. R.H. Dormitory Ac . Banerji Road, Near North Railway Station. 91 484 2364295. 100. ( updated Apr 2018 ) Grand Residency . St. Benedict Road, North Railway Station. 91 484 22396996. ( updated Apr 2018 ) Hotel Classic . North side of the North Railway Station, Near ESI Hospital. 91 484 2394259. 500. ( updated Apr 2018 ) Viththaga Hotels . Banerji Road. Opp. Sani Rest. 91 484 2363527. 91 484 2364040. 91 484 2364070. 350. ( updated Apr 2018 ) Hotel Malabar Plaza . Opp. Town Hall, North Railway Station. 91 484 4055998. 350. ( updated Apr 2018 ) Elite Tourist Home . Paramara Road, Near Speciality Hospital, North Railway Station Area. 91 484 2395070. 91 484 2395616. 91 484 2395692. 500. ( updated Apr 2018 ) Thankam Tourist Home . St Benedict Road, Near the North Railway Station. 91 484 2390007. 91 9249416635. 91 9846021201. fax. 91 484 2390399. 500. ( updated Apr 2018 ) K. K. International . Opp. South Railway Station. 91 484 2376010. 91 484 2376040. 91 484 2376264. good restaurant attached. 600. ( updated Apr 2018 ) Hotel City Tower . Near Reserve Bank. 1200. ( updated Apr 2018 ) PRB Residency . PRB Residency, 3225005a. PJ Antony Road, Palaarivattom Jn. 91 484 2337011. 600. ( updated Apr 2018 ) Banana Hut Hotel . Main Ferry Rd ( On the left 150m to the Chinese Fishing nets from the main Ferry Station ). Basic rooms, but cheap and kind hosts. Leaving your bag there during the day is possible and was safe. from 300 (off season). Casa Linda Ballard . St. Pauls St ( Near St. Pauls School ), 91 484 2216888. A well maintained hotel in typical European style. Budget. Hotel Fort Avenue . Bazaar St ( Near old Bazaar ), 91 484 2226103. A well maintained hotel. Budget. Hotel White Rose . Fort Nagar. 91 484 3236004. A newer hotel, which is clean and good looking. Ideal for families Vintage Inn . Rids Dale Branch Road, Njaliparambu Jn. ( near K. B. Jacob Rd, traffic circle ), 91 484 2215064. Clean, comfortable ensuite rooms, fan or AC, free WiFi in the lobby, 5 min walk from historic centre. from 300 (off season). AJ Residency . Kaloor Rd ( near Kaloor Jn, behind Lenin Centre ), 91 484 2371711. e-mail: mapleregencyairtelmail. in. Check-in: 12noon. Near Kaloor bus stand at Kaloor Road and nearby Palarivattom Shopping district. It has the Rahamaniya tender Chicken Restaurant at ground floor. 350-800. Hotel Aiswarya . Warriam Rd ( Near Durbar Hall Ground ), 91 484 2364454. A good well maintained hotel with nice interiors and good hospitality. Located in heart of the city. Hotel Bijus . Cannon Shed Rd, Near Boat Jetty ( Near General Hospital ), 91 484 2361661. 91 484 2381881. Ideal hotel for budget tourist. A well maintained, clean and nice hotel. Hotel Excellency . Nettipadom Road, Ernakulam South ( Near Avenue Regent ), 91 484 2378251. Located very near to South Railway station, this is a moderate business hotel. Very good interiors, a restaurant and nice staff. 750-1,500 night. Hotel Kavitha International . Chitoor Rd ( btw Mulasserry Canal and Iyyattil Jn ), 91 484 2350618. 91 48 4236 2622. Check-in: 12 noon. Clean hotel, located very near to MG Rd at the heart of city. 24 hr reception. 600-900. Railway Retirement Room ( inside the south railway station ). 180. ( updated May 2018 ) Mid-range Edit Abad Plaza . Kavitha Junction, MG Rd. 91 484 2384380. One of the oldest hotels in town. There is also another hotel just behind which belongs to this chain. It has good restaurants, pools, gyms, spa, supermarket, bookshop and business facilities. Located right in centre of the city. Avenue Centre Hotel . Panampally Nagar ( Opposite Rotary Club and near to Passport Office ), 91 484 2315301. A good hotel in an upscale residential area with a multi-cuisine restaurant and swimming pools. Ballard Bungalow ( Near Fort Kochi Junker Jetty ), 91 484 2215854. A heritage colonial bungalow, which still maintains the colonial charms and recreates an atmosphere of the British Raj. Moderate. BTH . BTH Round, Durbar Hall Rd ( Near to Shiva Temple ), 91 484 2353501. The oldest business hotel of the town, BTH is a popular option, especially among Indian families. It has good lawns, a large swimming pool and vegetarian restaurants. Gama Heritage Residency . Napier St. 91 484 2217475. A typical Portuguese bungalow, which housed the Portuguese army until its defeat by Dutch forces. Today it is a stylish heritage hotel, famous for its hospitality. Mermaid Hotel . Kaniyampuzha Road, Vyttila. 91 484 3988444. 91 484 2307999. fax. 91 484 2307804. e-mail: reservationmermaidcochin. Spacious rooms with river views. Old Courtyard . Princess St ( Near Vasco Da Gama Square ), 91 484 2215035. An old Dutch bungalow, remodelled with modern interiors. Famous for lovely dinner parties. Moderate. Sealord . Marine Dve. 91 484 2382472. 91 484 2382473. One of the first star rated hotels in Kochi and offers rooms at moderate rates. Has good restaurants and a pub. Times Square . Layam Rd, Near Durbar Hall Ground ( Opposite Chief Justices House ), 91 484 2374488. Business hotel, near the shopping quarters of MG Rd with a very good multi-cuisine restaurant. Splurge Edit Brunton Boatyard . Fort Kochi Jetty, Beach Rd ( Near Bus stand ), 91 484 2215461. Check-in: 12 noon. A heritage bungalow, once built as Dutch Governors Palace, later owned by the Brunton brothers boatbuilders. Today is a premium property of CGH group. It has huge Dutch styled gardens, Kerala-Dutch style interiors, large cannons and good restaurants. 3,000-14,000. 9.967973 76.245393 1 Killians Boutique Hotel . River Rd ( Near Harbour ), 91 484 2217245. e-mail: relaxhotelkillians. A very well maintained and modern hotel in the heart of Fort Cochin (water treatment plants, attuned to the German Standards). ( updated Dec 2018 ) 9.967056 76.242642 2 Koder House . Tower Rd ( Near Fort Kochi Beach, Opposite Beach Park ), 91 484 2218485. Check-in: 12 noon. Once home to an affluent Jewish couple, today this has is a large Jewish theme hotel. It has a good restaurant which serves authentic Kosher certified food and a very large indoor pool. 2,000-10,000. ( updated Dec 2018 ) 9.962879 76.237503 3 Old Lighthouse Bristow Hotel . Opposite Fort Kochi, Beach Rd ( Next to INS Dronarchary of Indian Navy ), 91 484 3050102. This heritage property was once the residence of Sir Robert Bristow - the architect and father of modern Kochi Port. It has opulent interiors in a traditional English style and a good antique collection, along with large pools, a garden and host of other facilities. ( updated Dec 2018 ) CGH Casino Hotel . Willingdon Island ( Near Kochi Port Trust Complex ), 91 484 2668421. 91 484 2668001. e-mail: casinohotelcghearth. Check-in: 14:00 Hrs. check-out: 12 noon. The first property of CGH established in 1957, its an iconic hotel famous for its seafood restaurants and themed room, all overlooking Cochin Harbour 9,000-20,000. Trident Cochin ( (former Hilton Kochi) ) ( Near Kochi Port Trust Complex ), 91 484 3081000. 91 484 3081002. Check-in: 2PM. check-out: 12 noon. Located near to Ernakulam Port Wharf, this premium property has 69 luxury rooms and 10 premium suites along with several world cuisines restaurants and a world class spa. 9,000-20,000. Vivanta Malabar by Taj ( (former Taj Malabar) ) ( Near Kochi Port Trust Complex ), 91 484 6643000. 91 484 2666811. Check-in: 24 hr. On the tip of Willingdon Island. Its heritage wing was built in 1935 to accommodate the visiting Princess of Wales (Queen Elizabeth II), and later to accommodate senior officials of the Royal Navy. It is full of Victorian design amp decor and was a Crown Property until its handover to the Taj Group in 1954. The tower wing is more modern. The Infinity Pool is one of the oldest swimming pools famous for its beauty. 9,000-31,000. Beaumonde The Fern Dreams . S. A Rd, Kadavanthara ( Opp. Naval Enclave ), 91 484 4129999. A premium property which is a sister concern of Times Hotel-New York, with all 5 star facilities. 6,000-20,000. The Gateway Hotel ( Formerly Taj Residency ), Marine Drive, City. Near the harbour with good sea views. Popular amongst business visitors and upscale tourists. It has very large pools, cafe, gardens and own ferry services. This is a 4 star property of the Taj Group. Gokulam Park Inn International . Kaloor ( opposite Techno-towers ), 91 484 2400707. A 4 star property located in the business corner of Kochi. Has a good convention centre and a host of facilities. 4,000-12,000. Harbour View . Opp. Shipyard, Atlantis Junction, MG Rd. 91 484 2358444. Ideal business class hotel, with lot of premium features, located in the main area of city. 4,000-12,000. Holiday Inn . NH Bypass, Vennala 331739 A, Chakkaraparambu Junction. 91 484 4199000. fax. 91 484 4199111. 132 king bedrooms, 47 twin rooms 18 deluxe rooms 12 executive suites, 1 presidential suite and 2 specially able rooms. Teacoffee makers, iron and iron board, separate work area LCD, TVs, mini bar and safe. Restaurant, cafe, sports pub, pool bar, outdoor swimming pool, fitness centre, multilingual staff and Business centre. Le Meridien . Maradu Junction ( Near Maradu Bridge ), 91 484 2705777. One of the most exclusive addresses in the city. It has a host of facilities, including a large convention centre. Near to riverside, it offers good boating facilities and has an indoor shopping complex selling luxury items 6,000-20,000. Renai Cochin ( formerly Rennaissance ), Palarivattom Junction. 91 484 3919000. Resorts Edit Ideal if you prefer to stay away from the hustle and bustle of the city and enjoy holidays in an idyllic mood. Bolgatty Palace . Bolgatty Island South ( take ferry from High Court Jetty or reach through Goshree Bridges ), 91 484 2750500. 91 484 2750600. e-mail: bolgattypalacekochiktdc. Check-in: 12 noon. A premium heritage property of KTDC, where English Royals celebrated their life during British Raj days. The Palace complex was built in 1630s by Dutch owners and soon became the residence of the British Resident Commissioners for Kochi and Travancore. The resort is famous for its honeymoon cottages, large Dutch style gardens, horse tracks and golf course. A Marina and accompanying marina suites are nearby near to the ex-Residence. 5,000-15,000 per night. Ramada Resort Kochi . Kumbalam South End. 91 484 3011100. e-mail: reservationsramadacochin. Check-in: 24 hr. The resort is famous for a vast maze network of pools that merges into backwaters overlooked by the balconies of well appointed cottage suites. The resort is equally famous for its pool parties, dance floors, lounge bars and sprawling gardens. 3,000-10,000 per night. Homestays Edit dead link Adams Wood House . Andy Achari Rd ( Behind Saga at Paravana junction ), 91 98 9535 3782. e-mail: adamswoodhouseyahoo. Clean with comfortable beds. The owner, and his family are very friendly and helpful. Free WiFi, help with arranging trips inside and outside of town. Breakfast available. 1,000-3,000. Daniels Homestay . Rids Dale Branch Rd ( 2 min walk from Santa Cruz Church ), 91 98 9557 5181. e-mail: danielshomestayyahoo. Located in one of the silent by-lanes of Fort Kochi very close to the Santa Cruz Basilica. Friendly, clean and comfortable. 750-1,000. Dream Catcher Home Stay . Vasavan Lane Rd ( Near Thamaraparambu School ), 91 484 2217550. 91 97 4601 7881. e-mail: dreamcatcheronitavsnl. Home-cooked food, clean rooms, but host quite unpleasant. Free pick-ups from bus and railway station. 600-1,200. 11375 A KB Jacob Rd, Njaliparambu Junction. 91 96 5643 0583. e-mail: sanoobsanuyahoo. in. Check-in: 1PM. check-out: 11AM. Clean with comfortable beds. The owner and his family are very friendly and helpful. Free internet, help with arranging trips inside and outside of town. 400-800. Green House Home Stay . Kunnumpuram Road, Njaliparambu. 91 98 9526 2296. e-mail: greenhousehomestayyahoo. Friendly home stay in a good location close to Princess St. TV and a fridge are provided in the communal living room as well Internet. High season doubles are around 1,000 non AC or 1,500 AC, 300-600 during the low season, extra charge for AC rooms. Leelu Home . Cheerans Ebenezer, Behind Fort Kochi Post Office, Quirose St ( 2 min walk from the famous Santa Cruz Basilica ), 91 48 4221 5377. A recently renovated Victorian building in the heart of Fort Kochi. Cooking classes are conducted in the kitchen daily from 11AM-1PM and from 6PM-8PM. Maison Casero Home Stay . Near Santa Cruz Basilica Church, Fosse Road, Kottavalappu, Fort Cochin ( 45 km from the Cochin International Airport, 18 km from the Ernakulam Junction railway station, 150 m from the fort cochin bus stand ), 91 484 2215955. 91 9847125955 (Mob). Check-in: 11:30AM. check-out: 11AM. The owner Jaison and his family are very friendly and helpful. 600-1500. Padikkal Residency . Njaliparambu Junction ( 50 m from Santa Cruz Basilicum ), 91 98 95423033. e-mail: padikkalresidencygmail. Check-in: 1PM. check-out: 11AM price. Free WiFi, private rooms with ensuite bathroom. Common balcony. Traditional style homestay with helpful staff. Approved by the Department of Tourism Development. Close to the main Fort Kochi area, but in a quiet enough location to be away from the hustle and bustle of the main tourist traps. Prems Homestay . Njaliparambu Junction ( Close to the Santa Cruz Basilica ), 91 484 2215269. 91 98 4715 8166. e-mail: premshomestaygmail. Clean, homey atmosphere, welcoming hosts. Home-cooked food on order. Close to major tourist attractions. Will organise trips inside and out of town if you wish. 600-1,000. Riverside Heritage Homestay . 91 93 8879 4279. San Mike Tours Homestay . No. 1957, Directly opposite Santa Cruz Basilica. 91 484 2215385. 91 48 4657 1203. Friendly homestay run by two brothers Victor and Martin. They can organise anything from a 500 backwater cruise in Allepey to a day riding an old Enfield motorcycle down the Malabar coast. 500 per person or less if there is more than one of you. Tag und Nacht ( Homestay ), Beach Rd, Mackenzie Garden ( opposite the Naval Maritime Museum ), 91 999 599 4550. 98 467 51505. e-mail: tagundnacht1gmail. Very clean and beautifully decorated rooms with comfortable beds. The owners, Antonio amp Kristina, are friendly and helpful. Free WiFi, assistance with arranging trips inside and outside of town. Fabulous breakfasts. 500-1,200. Art forms Edit There are many popular institutes for learning local art-forms such as Bharatnatyam, Mohiniyattom, Kathakali and music, which can offer regular and crash courses. Kerala Kathakali Centre . 91 484 2215827. Offers short term courses in Kathakali, Kalaripayattu and percussion instruments for visitors. Ideal for learning a bit about the essence of Keralas, although it is not so authentic being aimed mostly at tourists. RLV College of Dance and Music . 91 484 2779757. Established in 1920s by Maharaja of Kochi in Tripunithara as a remembrance to his late wife and daughter, this is one of most popular music and dance colleges in the state. There are many short-term courses, making it ideal for interested visitors. Sree Sankara School of Dance and Music . 91 484 2462501, 91 484 2464189. Popular school for learning classical Indian artforms, offering certificates and diplomas. Kalaripayattu Edit Learn this martial art of Kerala at the following government-authorised, centres: Arjuna Kalari and Marma Chikitsalayam Centre . 91 484 2365440 91 484 3692304, 2 dead link. Has regular classes in Kalari techniques but it is more famous for its specialized ayurvedic treatments. ENS Kalari . 91 484 2809810, 3. One of the most popular Kalari centres in the state. Part of Kerala Kalaripattyattu Association, this institute is guided by trainers who are versed in ayurveda, mathematics and physical education. Yoga and Meditation Edit Art of Living-Ernakulam Chapter . 91 484 2383738, 4 dead link. Part of the international yoga and spiritual centre of Sri Sri Ravishankarji. Kochi is one of the safest cities in India with excellent police coverage. Common sense is of course required when being alone at night. Late night life is not common in Kochi. If you are planning on clubbing, make your own transport arrangements before hand, very few buses ply after 9:45PM, and none after 10:30PM. You can find autos and taxis, but only near railway stations or major bus stands. Be wary of eve-teasers, especially drunkards. Kochi is infamous for mosquitoes, due to presence of large water bodies across the city. Make sure any room you book, has mosquito repellents or at least a mosquito net. Its always better to have any anti-mosquito creams or spice oil extracts like lemongrass oil to ward off mosquito bites. Crossing roads - unlike in the other cities in India, vehicles do not tend to stop when you initiate crossing so wait till there is a comparative lull in the traffic - the oncoming vehicles will slow down for you. Be wary of Private Line bus and KSRTC bus drivers on the roads. Pedestrians live a hard life especially during peak hours in Kochi. There are many cases of road accidents and hit-run cases involving private buses and pedestrians, thus earning them the nickname, Red Killers . Take extra care, while crossing the roads. If difficult to cross then do so only at major signal junctions or seek assistance of local traffic policeman. Kochi lacks good pedestrian walkways, though many are being rebuilt now, along with the roads. Beware of walking on these walkways, especially during night. Jaywalking may be safe in the nights in sub-urban roads, but with the coming of better roads and with an increasing traffic, avoid walking on the roads in the city, especially in the daytime. Kochi is located only a few metres above the sea level, so a few roads in the arterial city tend to flood during rainfall. Its better to avoid such roads while raining. When the these roads are flooded it may be difficult to distinguish whether you are walking on road or walkway, which sometimes can land you inside drainage holes. However, these floods do tend to drain off quickly after the rain. Flood prone roads are - Edapally Junction, roads leading to Ernakulam Junction (South) Railway Station, South junction (in front of Hotel Woodlands) Public smoking bans are strictly enforced in the city more so than in other regions. The High Court of Kerala has decreed a public smoking ban across the state. Smoking on the roadside, in shopping complexes, restaurants, and parks is illegal and police can charge 500-1,000 for breaches. No shop that sells loose cigars or tobacco is allowed to provide lighters. Provision of lighters to customers may lead to a 150 fine being imposed upon both the supplier and the purchaser. Prostitution is illegal in Kochi, as elsewhere in Kerala and India. However there is every good chance, you will likely encounter street prostitutes and their agents, who may try to lure you. Beware of such offers, as many of such prostitutes are affected by HIV. Being illegal, they have no access to medical controls or treatments. As it is a criminal offence to commit adultery, regular police raids occur in local cheap hotels to catch prostitutes and their clients. Emergency support amp assistance Edit For any emergency support of Police, 100 for Flying Squad or 1090 for Crime Stopper. The city has around 16 Police Station zones. Kochi Central Police Station ( Central Circle ), Old Railway Station Rd ( Behind High Court of Kerala ), 91 484 2394500. 24 hours. This is the main police station and it houses the offices of the Asst. City Commissioner as well as Ernakulam City Circle officer. Kochi Women Police Station ( Vanitha Station ) ( General Police Quarters, Near to High Court ), 91 484 2394250. 24 hrs. For any assistance to women travellers. This all-women police station. Kochi Tourist Police Station ( Fort Kochi Station ) ( Parade grounds ), 91 484 2224055. 24 hrs. This is the countrys first and only tourist police station. Assistance for tourists including visa and immigration information can be provided. There is a small police museum here. Check for the difference of police uniform here. The Tourist Police wear a blue shirt and khaki pants. Foreigners Registration Office-FRO ( City Police Commissioners Office ) ( Commissariat, City Police HQ, Marine Drive ), 91 484 2394651. 10AM-5:30PM. The city commissioner is the FRO, who has powers and authorization for any immigration issues. For any visa conversion, losstheft of foreign passports, extension of visa, overstay of visa, immigration clearance, reporting a missing foreigners then report at this office. Sailors amp Seaport Users Registration Office ( DySP Office - Island ) ( SSRO Office, Near Port Trust Office, Willington Island ), 91 484 2666027. 24 hr. For sailors or ship crew, their registration and embarkationdisembarkation order has to be issued for this office. The DySP has authorization to issue landing permits for yachts, private boats as well as foreign ships and allow its passengers to board down for 72 hours without visa. Travellers arriving on cruisers and yachts should report at this office for any transit visa or short term visa required. Hospitals Edit Along with Trivandrum. Kochi stands out as one of south Asias best medical hubs and its not at all difficult to get medical attention. Many hospitals operate in the city, with 12 specialist hospitals. For accident cases, only hospitals marked with accident care are authorized to admit such cases. The toll free emergency number (from all telephones) is 102 and 1298 Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences (AIMS) ( Amrita Hospital ), Edapally North ( Take left in NH 17 after Edapally Toll Gate ), 91 48 4280 1234. 91 48 4280 4321 hotline 91 48 4400 1234 FORMAT. 24 hr. One of the top 10 leading specialist hospitals in South Asia. AIMS is reputed for its cost effective complex treatments and latest medical care facilities. Reputed for its cost-effective surgeries, the hospital offers several specialized over-all general check-ups Ernakulam General Hospital Lakeshore Hospital . Near Maradu Bridge, NH Bypass, Maradu. 91 484 2701032. 91 484 2701033. 24 Hrs. One of the most high tech hospital in South India famous for its innovative, modern medical treatment. Has various specialized departments including cancer care treatment and boneneuro treatment. The cardiac division has the latest facilities and highly qualified dcotors. There are 8 other specialist clinics. The hospital is well-equipped with all emergency services. Also offers comprehensive medical check-up services. Medical Trust Hospital . Pallimukku, MG Rd. 91 484 2358001. 91 484 2358032. 91 484 2358033. 91 484 2358034. 24 hr. One of the oldest Super Specialty hospital located in heart of the city, this hospital is one of the most important referral hospital in Kerala. Famous for its organ transplant operations. Has the largest number of intensive care facilities in the state. Its a very crowded hospital but is well organised. This hospital is part of Rapid Medical Action Force and they have an accident care. Other important hospitals are - City Hospital . Padma Junction, MG Rd. 91 484 2361809. 24 hr. A good hospital, with accident care facilities. It is famous for its orthopedics and paediatrics department. Cochin Port Hospital . Willingdon Island. 91 484 2666403. 24 hr. General medicine and has a large in-patient ward. Located near to Kochi Port area, its regularly used by sailors. All certifications required for mariners and sailors are available from this hospital. Gautham hospital . at Panayapilly, near Fort Kochi and Mattanchery. 91 484 2210510. 91 484 2210510. 91 484 4043457. 24 hr. A major multi-speciality hospital in West Kochi. 24 hr casualty, accident and trauma unit, ambulance services and an ICU and other state of the art medical care. Ayurvedic Hospitals Edit Kerala Ayurveda Samajam Hospital ( KA Samajam ), Carrier Station Rd, Karikkamuri ( First right from South Railway Station ), 91 484 2375603. Open 24 hr. Branch unit of worlds first Ayurvedic Hospital Chain - Shornoors famous KA Samajam Hospital Kochi branch is equally good for various treatments, including cancer and serious aliments with regular medical panel visits from its main hospital. Kottakal Arya Vaidya Sala Hospital . Thrikkara, Kakkanad ( Next to Bharat Mata College ), 91 484 2554000. 91 484 3296922. 24 hr. One of the states most celebrated Ayurvedic hospitals, the branch unit in Kochi is famous for its complex ayurvedic surgeries and treatments. The hospital has Out-Patient clinics at MG Rd (Dwaraka Junction) as well as in Aluva along with second in-patient treatment facility at Aluva Blood Banks Edit There are many 24 hr emergency Blood banks. Most of the accident care hospitals have a blood bank counter within the hospital. In event of emergency, the services of following blood banks can be utilized. Amrita Emergency Blood Bank . 91 484 2801234, 91 484 28014321, Amrita AIMS, Edappally North. IMA Emergency Blood Bank . 91 484 2361549, 91 484 2383549, behind Maharajas College, TD Rd. Its a 24 hr blood bank IMA General Blood Bank . 91 484 2354886, 91 484 2361809, Warriam Road, Durbar Hall Area. Branches: a) Behind General Hospital, Convent road b) IMA House, Stadium Road, KaloorAmbulances Edit Air Ambulance . 91 98 4544 6634, 91 99 8609 0451 (Need to have prior booking) Amrita Jeevanraksha . 91 484 2801234, 91 484 2802100 Emergency Medical Assistance . 1298 Kochi Police Medical Assistance . 91 484 2366100 or 100 Lions Club Free Ambulance . 91 484 2354139 NSS Community Free Ambulance . 91 484 2369920 On-Road Accident Emergency Care Force . 91 98 4609 9900, 91 98 4600 7740 Rapid Medical Action Force . 102 Rotary Emergency Medical Force . 91 98 4706 0077 24 hour pharmacies Edit Gautham Pharmacy, Panayapally, 91 484 2210514, 91 484 3096020 Amritha Pharmacy, AIMS, Edappally, 91 484 4001055 There are many pharmacies located near Medical Trust Hospital in Pallimukku, all 24 hr pharmacies. Telecom Edit The Area code for Cochin is 0484. If calling from outside India the format is 91 484 xxxxxxx. Almost all national telecommunication operators, operate in Kochi. Mobile Services . If you require an Indian phone number it is strongly recommended that you get a pre-paid mobile connection. To do this you need a photocopy of your passport (including the visa and the ID pages), a colour photo, and (officially) proof of local address (in Kochi). Most star hotels allow you to use their address for this. In the event of not having address you can still get a pre-paid connection using your visa number, finger prints and in some cases providing passport size photographs. Most of the mobile operators in India operate in Kochi, GSM as well as CDMA. Popular GSM service providers are BSNL Mobile, Vodafone, Idea Mobile, Aircel, MTS, Airtel, Tata DOCOMO, Uninor, Virgin Mobile GSM and Reliance GSM. Popular CDMA service providers are Tata Indicom, Reliance India Mobile and Virgin Mobile. Public Telephony :- PCOs (Public Call Offices) are a good option. You will find them almost every 100m. These are public pay-phones (post-pay) and there will be a person on the shop to take the payments. Check your bill generated (from the billing machine) and make the payment accordingly. Payments are always in Indian rupees (). Coin boxes are available everywhere where you can make local calls (within a radius of 10km from the phone). BSNL Calling cards are available in all stores, which is a prepaid calling card, that could be used in any phone, without charging the phone user. Vodafone World Cards and Airtel Globe cards are also another good option. General ampamp business telephone directory can be accessed by calling 91 484 4444444 . Toll Free directory enquiry from BSNL landphones amp BSNL Mobile is 197 . Internet Edit Kochi was one of the first places in India to be connected to the Internet. Being the landing site of 3 major international submarine network cables (FLAG, SEA-ME, SAFE) as well as focal point for most of the fiber-optic networks in South India. The city has good bandwidth at low rates. There are plenty of internet centres which charge around 10 per hour. Some cafes in Convent Road as well as near Cochin University offer high speed net connectivity at 5 per hour. If you have laptop with wifi connection, you can roam anywhere with BSNL WiMax USB connection (speed around 40 Mbits to 512 Mbits), as Kochi has 4th generation Wimax. In addition to this, Kochi is also a network city with services provided by the 3rd Gen-EVDO BSNL network as well as 3G services of BSNL, Docomo and Reliance Mobile. Most of the 3 Star hotels provide wifi connectivity. You require pre-paid connection cards of Tata Indicom or Reliance. The majority of hotels have Tata. Some hotels provide complementary wi-fi for the use of their guests. India Post has offices throughout the city, generally open 8:30AM-5PM weekdays, 8:30AM-1PM Saturdays, closed Sundays. The Kochi Airport post office (located in Departure side of International Area) is open 6AM-8:30PM on all weekdays and Saturdays. The General Post Office (GPO) is located in MG Road (Opp. Avenue Regent) and in Edappally near High School. The Head Post Office (HPO) is located at Postal Complex, Hospital Road. The express (EMS Service) is available at the HPO and Edappally GPO, which is open 24 hrs on all days except the 5 state holidays. Service through EMS Postal service is very fast and reliable. Post boxes are available all over the city and daily clearance is at 10AM and 4:30PM. A postcard to anywhere in the world costs 5. There are numerous of private courier companies operating in Kerala. Fedex, DHL, First Flight, UPS, DTDC and Aramex are some of leading private services. Newspapers Edit Almost all the national newspapers have editions for Kochi. The major English language dailies are The Hindu (has a detailed city tabloid called Metroplus), The New Indian Express (The local City express along with this paper provides good insights of city happenings), The Times of India . The Pioneer . Hindustan Times and many popular Malayalam and Tamil newspapers. Being seat of Cochin Stock Exchange and the principal financial hub of Kerala, lots of financial dailies in English are available in Kochi, like The Economic Times, The Business Standard, Businessline, The Financial Express. Lots of popular English Magazines are available. Many American and British magazines like Forbes, Mirror etc. is available in many supermarkets and bookstalls. Popular Indian English magazines are India Today, The Week and The Frontline. Electricity Edit Kochi uses the British three-pin and two-pin circular socket that follows British standard 546 (230 V50 Hz). Plug adapters are available at any hardware store. Holidays Edit Kochi has 15-20 public listed state holidays as else where in Kerala, when almost all government and a few private offices are closed. However, few holidays involve total closure of all commercial establishments. Please be aware that on these days most of the public transport options like bus, taxis and autos take a break. Beware of days declared as hartals . which are mass political strikes often involving a shutdown of the city. Attempting to travel in public routes could be dangerous without local information on the severity of the hartal. For the few holidays listed below, restaurants and food corners other than those operating inside hotels also close. Its always better to avoid these days, while planning holidays. The major holidays that Kochinites love to spend indoors are Christmas (25 Dec) Good Friday and Easter (April) Thiruvonam - the main day for Onam celebrations (between August-Sept) Vishu - the Malayalam New Year (14 or 15 April) A few religious holidays listed below marks closure of all commercial establishments owned by members of that communities. However public transport works as usual. Cheriya Perunal ( Eid al-Fitr ), Valiya Perunal ( Eid al-Adha ) and Muharram marks full closure of all Muslim owned establishments. All these firms take break for 3 hours from noon for Friday Juma Prayers. Diwali, Holi and Navarathri marks private holiday season for almost all North Indian establishments, particularly in Mattancherry. Saturdays, Hanukkah and Rosh Hashanah marks total closure of all Jewish establishments, particularly in Fort Kochi Apart from these holidays, the Sunday laziness can make most of the establishments do not to function in the morning time, though many open by afternoon. The city bus services on Sundays are also limited, though other public transport like autos and taxis function normally. Public libraries Edit Eloor Lending Library . Convent Junction ( Near St. Theresas College ), 91 484 2363539. Daily 10AM-8PM. Eloor Lending Library has mainly two membership options. Unlike other libraries, this library has a different way of lending books: when you take membership by paying 1,200 you can access books worth 1,800. When you pay 600 you can access books worth 900. Here you have to pay (an additional) 10 of the price of the books you take, as the reading charge. EMS Co-operative Library . Mavelipuram, Kakkanad ( Near Ernakulam District Co-Operative Bank ), 91 484 2421988. Mon-Sat 1PM-7PM, Sun 10AM-5PM. A well maintained library where subscribers can register by presenting proof of identity(non-residents of Ernakulam will have to pay 50 extra on admission and annual fees). There are many subscription plans ( 50 as admission fees, plus annual membership fees starting from 100). This library also has a park near it, though it is not very well maintained. Ernakulam Public Library . Convent Rd ( Opp. Shenoys Theater ), 91 484 2351894. Mon-Sat 10AM-7PM, Sun 10AM-5PM. The Ernakulam Public Library is one of the oldest public library in India started in 1839. Books could be rented for 2 weeks for various rental options ranging from 60 for four books to 15 for single book. A refundable caution deposit is required ranging between 1,000-250 depending upon membership class. There is a free reading room with good collection of all national and international newspapers and magazines. Try here if you like read some of the treasured archives or original historical manuscripts. Just Books . Panampilly Nagar. a good library Opticians Edit Sunshades and prescription glasses in stylish frames are much cheaper in India as compared to the western world. Across the city, one can find numerous optician stores. Most of them have computerized testing services and many have optical clinics within with the store. Indian Opticals ( M G Road, North End ), 91 484 2361261. Kurians Opticals ( Broadway Kurian Towers-Banerjee Road KTDC Complex-Marine Drive MG Road Kadavanthara and Civil Lanes-Palarivattom ), 91 484 2351846. 91 484 2383489. 91 484 2394993. 91 484 2356428. A good chain of opticals, it has all major brands. Lawrence and Mayo Lens amp Frames ( Opp. Abad Plaza, Kavitha Junction, MG Road Near KTDC Information Centre-Marine Drive and South Area-MG Road ), 91 484 2351557. 91 484 2363915. 91 484 2377182. A well stocked leading optical store, it has branches all over the state. It has wonderful collection of all leading national and international brands. Vithayathil Opticians ( M G Road, Jos Junction, ), 91 484 2376941. Hairdressers Edit Kochinites are particular about their hair styles and adopt almost all latest fashion. Thus there is no shortage of various hair salons charging from 50 up for the latest trends. Most of the budget saloons are found almost every part of the city, normally calling as Barber shops or Saloons. The middle range hair salons located mainly in MG Road, Palarivattom, Marine Drive and Edappally areas, offer haircuts with hair wash as well as other frills. For splurge, most of the premium beauty palours and skin clinics are located Panampally Nagar, GCDA Nagar, Girinagar, SA Road and MG Road that offers various skin and hair treatment, all costing above 1,000. Polonica . Kanchanja Apartment, Palarivattom. 91 484 2535174. 9AM-8PM. A popular mens only saloon, which has all leading styling techniques and brands. 100-1500. Styl-X Men Salon . House-14, Panampilly Nagar. 91 484 2322009. 11AM-9PM. 100-2,000. Women Edit Unisex Edit Kaya Skin Care Clinic ( Ground Floor, Shop No. 14, Swapnil Enclave, Marine Drive ), 91 484 3092789. Popular national chain, its famous for its skinhair treatments and dressing styles. Ole International ( Grand Hotel - MG Road International Hotel - MG Road ), 91 484 2353455. A popular uni-sex parlour, its a favourite among Malayalam movie celebrities and businessmen. VLCC International ( 1st Floor, ABM Tower, Kadavanthra ), 91 484 2207301. Popular national chain, famous for its special products and treatments. Alappuzha (70 km) (also called Alleppy) is famous for house boats, the heart of backwaters of Kerala with amazing maze of lagoons, backwaters, rivers, canals created by nature. 81 bus from the interstate bus stop. Athirappilly Falls milky waterfall in Chalakuddy 18 km from Cochin International Airport, is known as Desi Niagara with numerous giant waterfalls and small rapids nearby. This is a popular picnic spot. Bhoothathankettu (35 km) scenic dam site with boating facilities is situated in a vast virgin forest. It is a popular picnic sport with Salim Ali Bird Sanctuary near by. Idukki (90 km) a hilly region with lots of hill resorts, in Northern Travancore . Kumarakom (40 km) popular internationally known bird sanctuary located on wedge of a backwater island. Kottayam (55 km) The biggest spice trading hub famous for large churches, wild trekking and cultural monuments. Muvattupuzha (30 km) a small town famous for pineapple cultivation, historical orthodox churches, spice trading and rubber plantations. Thattekkad (45 km) bird sanctuary near Kothamangalam. famous for a good boating and a wild picnic. Thenmala (225 km) famous for ecotourism, waterfalls, boating, adventure activities and a deer park. Thiruvananthapuram the capital city of Kerala, 5 hours away by train with many attractions such as Kovalam beach, Neyyar dam, Ananthapadmanabhan temple and East fort. Thrissur (60 km) cultural heart of Kerala famous for various cultural monuments, temples and grandest festival - Thrissur Pooram. Wagamon (50 km) famous for pristine forests, small rapids, vast green meadows, its also known as Scotland of Asia. This city travel guide to Kochi has guide status. It has a variety of good, quality information including hotels, restaurants, attractions and travel details. Please contribute and help us make it a star :39Chennai :Redirect :Style Chennai (Tamil:), formerly known as Madras . is the capital of the southern state of Tamil Nadu in India. With a population of 8.6 million (2018 census), Chennais urbanized area is the most populous in South India and the fourth most populous in India. It is situated on the east coast of peninsular India. Though Chennai traces its history to Fort St George and adjoining village of Madrasapatnam founded by the British East India Company in 1640, some residential districts of the city are older. The name Madras was changed to Chennai in 1997 by a special act of the Tamil Nadu legislature. Chennai is well-connected by road, rail and air and is a staging point for tours to the 7th century Pallava temple of Mahabalipuram. an UNESCO World Heritage site, the Hindu temples of Kanchipuram. Sriperumbudur and Tirupati. the bird sanctuary of Vedanthangal and the Pondicherry ashram. Chennai has an extremely hot and humid climate which may not be conducive to foreign tourists. During monsoons (July to November), Chennai experiences heavy rains. The Horse and rider, Anna Salai. History Long the site of earlier coastal settlements, Madras was founded in 1639 when the British East India Company (represented by Francis Day and Andrew Cogan and aided by a local translator Beri Thimappa) was granted land to build a trading settlement by the local ruler (Nayak) of the suburb of Vandavasi, Damerla Venkatapathy Nayak. The document of the land grant is dated 22 August 1639, and hence Madras celebrates its birthday on 22 August each year as Madras day. Madras was one of the first outposts of British East India Company. Colonel William Lambton, superintendent of the great Trigonometrical Survey of India, started his journey of triangulating India from St. Thomas Mount. The British built Fort St. George (today the legislative and administrative seat of the state). Fort St George was completed on St Georges day in 1640 (23 April) and hence was named after the patron saint. George Town then developed becoming the modern city of Madras, absorbing several nearby boroughs. Thomas, one of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ, is associated with Chennai. He is said to have come to India as an evangelist and died in what is now Chennai. Two suburbs, Santhome and St. Thomas Mount, are named in his memory. In 1996, the Tamil Nadu government renamed Madras to Chennai providing the reason that Chennai was the citys traditional name while Madras was one derived during colonial rule. Madras is derived from Madraspatnam . a name given to the area when the British negotiated settling there. The origin of the name is uncertain. Tradition suggests that a fishing village near to the location of the British settlement was called Madraspatnam. Others think early Portuguese may have called the area Madre de Sois after an early settler, or Madre de Deus after an early church (of St. Mary). Chennai is derived from Chennapatnam . a name with almost equally uncertain origins. Tradition has it that Chennapatnam was the name of a fishing village near to the location of Madraspatnam. However it is not clear if the village was there beforehand or grew up around the British Madraspatnam settlement. There are some suggestions that the name was given to the developing Indian settlement honor a local Indian administrator. As the settlements grew, the exact location of both Chennapatnam and Madraspatnam became confused as the two settlements merged into a single town. Under the British, the then city of Madras grew to be a major city, It was the capital of the Madras presidency . a province that covered the parts of Southern India that were not governed by any of the other princely states. After independence, it became the capital of Madras state . and when the states were reorganized on a linguistic basis, it became the capital of Tamil Nadu. Chennai boasts of many well known people including Elihu Yale, whose liberal gift funded the construction of Yale University in 1718 Indira Nooyi CEO of Pepsi International A. R. Rahman, the musical genius of Slumdog Millionaire, Manirathnam the ace film Director, Vijay Armirthraj, Ramesh Krishnan and his father Ramanathan krishnan who were holding the Indian flag high in Tennis and chess wizard Vishwanathan Anand among many others. Culture Chennai is gateway to the South, and its culture is distinctly different from that of any other city in India. Tamil tradition and culture is essentially the celebration of the beauty, which is exemplified through dance, clothing, and sculptures. Chennai is both an orthodox and a modern cosmopolitan city the culture of the city reflects its diverse population. The traditional arts, music, dance and all other art forms of Tamil Nadu grow and flourish here. The food is a unique blend of traditional, to fast foods and filter kaapi. Its a land of temples and priests. The architecture ranges from ancient temples to modern high-rises. Music is classical and western, to the growing nightlife in the city. You can find a school for traditional Bharatanatyam or Salsa dance and for music a veena violin or for Guitardrums school in almost every neighborhood of the city. Chennai checks reflects its traditionalism every December when the music season is in full swing. Clothes are generally conservative but young people are contemporary. Traditional Tamil Clothing - Tamil women traditionally wear the Saree or Sari while the men wear Dhoti . which could be either a white pancha or a colourful lungi with typical South Indian patterns. The sari, being an un-stitched wrap, enhances the shape of the wearer while only partially covering the midriff. In Indian philosophy, the navel of the Supreme Being is considered as the source of life and creativity. Therefore by tradition, the stomach and the navel is to be left unconcealed, though the philosophy behind the costume has largely been forgotten. This makes the realization of sharira-mandala (the body), where in Angikam bhuvanam yasya (the body is your world) unites with the shaarira-mandala (the whole universe), as expressed in the Natyashastra. These principles of the sari, also hold for other forms of wraps, like the lungi or worn by men. The lungi can be wrapped over clockwise or anticlockwise and can be tied at the back or fixed just along the waist line. Its sometimes lifted till knee and tied at the waist leisurely or just held in hand to speed up walking. In tradition Brahmin homes men wear kachche panchey where it is tied at back by taking it between legs. Similar pattern is seen in women. Tamil Nadu Cuisine - Rice is the staple diet in Chennai, Dosa, Idli and Uttapam are popular in Chennai. The state of Tamil Nadu has a distinct place in culinary map of the country. Chennai has a wide range of vegetarian and non-vegetarian delicacies to offer. The food here gets its flavor from a host of spices and condiments used in Tamil Nadu. Coconut, tamarind and asafetida are a must for almost all vegetarian recipes. Garam masala is avoided in Tamil cuisine. Refined gingelly oil is normally used as the medium of cooking. Chutneys and mixed spice are served in the lunch and enhance the taste of the meal. The Tamil Nadu lunch or meals in Chennai consists of cooked rice served with different kinds of vegetable dishes, Sambar, chutneys, Rasam (a hot broth made with tamarind juice and pepper) and curd (yogurt). The non-vegetarian lunch includes curries or dishes cooked with mutton, chicken or fish. Tamil meals are incomplete without crisp Papads or Appalam. In Chennai, Chettinad cuisine of Tamil Nadu is particularly famous. This cuisine is hot and spicy and provides delectable variety in mutton, chicken and fish dishes. Chettinad Pepper Chicken is one of the most famous dishes in Tamil Nadu. The Chennai style of Mughalai food can be tasted in the Biryani and Paya. Paya is a type of spiced trotters broth and is eaten with either Parathas or Appam. Breakfast or tiffin in Chennai includes idly (steamed rice cakes), dosai (a pancake made from a batter of rice) and lentils crisp fried on a pan, vadai (deep fried doughnuts made from a batter of lentils), pongal (a mash of rice and lentils boiled together and seasoned with ghee, cashew nuts, pepper and cummin seed), uppuma (cooked semolina seasoned in oil with mustard, pepper, cumin seed and dry lentils). Most of the breakfast dishes in Chennai are eaten with coconut chutney, sambar (seasoned lentil broth) and mulagai podi (a powdered mix of several dried lentils eaten with oil). Tamil Nadu, especially Chennai, is famous for its filter coffee . Most Tamils have a subtle disliking for instant coffee therefore filter coffee is more popular. The preparation of filter coffee is almost like a daily chore, the coffee beans have to be first roasted and then ground. The coffee powder is then put into a filter set and hot boiled water is added to prepare the boiling and allowed to set for about 15 minutes. The decoction is then added to milk with sugar to taste. The drink thus prepared is then poured from one container to another in rapid succession to make the perfect frothy cup of filter coffee. An exotic drink that refreshes you and the taste that lingers, served best in Dabarah set which includes a steel tumbler and saucer with a rim. Music - There are many composers in Carnatic music. Purandara Dasa (1480-1564) is known as the father (Pitamaha) of Carnatic music due to his pioneering contributions to Carnatic music. Purandara Dasa is renowned for formulating the basic lessons of Carnatic music. The contemporaries Tyagaraja (1759-1847), Muthuswami Dikshitar, (1776-1827) and Syama Sastri (1762-1827), are regarded as the Trinity of Carnatic music due to the quality of Syama Sastris compositions, the varieties of compositions of Muthuswami Dikshitar and Tyagarajas prolific output in composing kritis. The compositions of these composers are rendered frequently by artists of today during the music festival season. Chennai Music Festival or December Season is a celebration of classical music and dance of South India held during mid December to mid January in the capital city of Chennai, Tamil Nadu. The festival is held at a number of venues around the city by various sabhas or organizations. Besides the auditoriums, well-known temple premises and heritage bungalows are being used as venues. The month long dance and music extravaganza will have performances of eminent artistes from various parts of India. The Margazhi festival of Dance and Music started early back in 1927, to commemorate the anniversary of Madras Music Academy every December, was later adopted by various organizations which held art festivals in different parts of the city. The Tamil month of Margazhi (December) is a sacred month of the Hindus. South Indian classical music (Carnatic Music) which has its roots in devotion to the gods, has been a traditional form of worship from time immemorial. The city comes alive with the festival which has now developed into a cultural extravaganza with more than 2,000 artists participating in over 300 concerts. The festival also known as December Season attracts expatriate Indians and scholars from around the world as well. Performances include Vocal and Instrumental music, Dance - solo and group, both by junior and senior artistes. Even upcoming artists get a chance to perform along with well-established artists. The music include classical vocal renditions in various South Indian languages like Tamil, Telugu and Kannada and instruments like Flute, Veena (a large string instrument), Goottuvadyam (similar to Veena but without frets), Nagaswaram (pipe), Thavil (percussion instrument), Mridangam (drum), and even Ghatam (a mud pot). The season goes on till mid January when the scene shifts to Tiruvaiyaru, near Tanjore, where Thyagaraja Aradhana a week long music festival is held to celebrate the birth of one of the greatest Carnatic composers and one among the trinity of music - Thyagaraja. Information about the tickets and the venues can be had from the tourist office, Chennai. The weather is cool and pleasant at this time of the year. November - December is the best season to visit the city. Now the music in the motion picture industry has emerged as an important entertainment platform in Chennai, over the years portraying the cultural changes, trends, aspirations and developments experienced by its people. Dance - Chennai is home to the distinct dance form - the Bharat Natyam. Bharatanatyam is the celebration of the eternal universe through the celebration of the beauty of the body. This is done through its tenets of having a perfectly erect posture, a straight and pout curving stomach, a well rounded and proportionate body mass - to the body structure, very long hair and curvaceous hips. These tenets bring to life the philosophy of Natyashastra, Angikam bhuvanam yasya (The body is your world). This is elaborated in the araimandi posture, wherein the performer assumes a half sitting position with the knees turned sideways, with a very erect posture. In this fundamental posture of the Bharatanatyam dance, the distance between the head and the navel becomes equal to that between the earth and the navel. In a similar way the distance between the outstretched right arm to the outstretched left arm becomes equal to the distance between the head and the feet, thus representing the Natyapurusha, the embodiment of life and creation. Climate Climate of Chennai is Tropical. Chennai has mainly two seasons - summer (35-42C 95-108F) AprilJune (Highest temperature ever recorded is 45C 113F on 30 May 2003) and monsoon (Oct-Dec). It receives scanty rainfall from the south-west monsoon (Jun-Sep), but gets its bountiful rains from the north-east monsoon from October through December, thus amounting to about 125150 cm (4959 in) of rainfall annually. Rainfalls occur usually from October to December. During some seasons, Chennai gets ample amount of rainfall if there are depressions in Bay of Bengal. December to February are the mildest months temperature - (19-28C 66-82F). Climate is humid pretty much throughout the year because the city is on the coast. Summers are very hot and humid. Be sure to take along light (not flimsy) clothing. Read Books on Chennai : Madras Discovered, Tales of Old and New Madras, Madras (1992) by S. Muthiah Madras its Past and its Present (1995) by S. Muthiah Madras its Yesterdays and Todays and Tomorrows by S. Muthiah At Home in Madras (1989) by S. Muthiah The Spirit of Chepauk (1998) by S. Muthiah The Story Of Fort St. George (1945) by Col. D. M. Reid Fiction set in Chennai Kalyanis Husband by S. Y. Krishnaswamy Chasing Rainbows in Chennai . (2003) by Colin Todhunter In Old Madras (1914) by Bithia Mary Crocker Tamil is the most widely spoken language in Chennai and is the official language of the state of Tamil Nadu. However, English, is well-understood and considerably well known in the city. The dialect of Tamil used by the locals is called Madras Bashai and includes a disproportionately high chunk of the English, Telugu, Sanskrit, Hindi and Urdu vocabulary and their derivatives. White-collared professionals use Tamlish . a form of conversational Tamil with a large number of English words. Both forms of Tamil are different from the dialects spoken in other parts of the state and are often viewed upon contemptuously by Tamil purists. Telugu is spoken by quarter population of the city. Most Telugu-speakers are settled in the city for generations and are usually bilingual in both Tamil and Telugu. However, the Telugu script is far-less understood and very few are literate in the language. As the centre of anti-Hindi agitations from the 1930s and the 1960s, the city has historically cherished a deep-rooted animosity for Hindi. However, since the 1980s, when the much-politicized rhetoric against Hindi began to tone down, tolerance for Hindi has been growing. Consequently, native Hindi speakers will not run into any problems speaking Hindi among themselves. Nevertheless, Hindi is still not widely spoken or understood by locals, and even those who understand Hindi are often reluctant to speak it. Hence, You will be better off trying English instead of Hindi when attempting to speak to locals. By plane Chennai International Airport (:IATA ) is the third busiest in India (after Mumbai amp Delhi). All international flights arrive at Anna Terminal, while the domestic flights arrive at Kamraj Terminal. The two terminals are on the same road and are 150 m (492 ft) away from each other. It is the second-largest cargo hub in the country, after Mumbai. Chennai is well connected to London, Frankfurt, Singapore, Malaysia, Middle east, New York, Hong Kong, etc. Europe and North America . Lufthansa (Frankfurt) and British Airways (London-Heathrow) fly nonstop to Chennai with connecting service from their European hubs to points in the United States and Canada. South-East Asia . Thai Airways offers nonstop service to Bangkok. Silk Air, Singapore Airlines and Tiger Airways connects you to Singapore along with many Indian carriers like Indian Airlines and Air India Express. Air Asia flies to Kuala Lumpur and Penang with affordable fares while Malaysia Airlines offers nonstop service to Malaysia. Indias very own Jet Airways flies non-stop to both Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. Cathay Pacific flies non-stop to Hong Kong. Air Mauritius flies non-stop to Mauritius. Air Seychelles flies nonstop to the Seychelles. Middle East . Nonstop services are available from Chennai to Abu Dhabi. البحرين. Dubai. Dammam. Doha, Jeddah. Kuwait. Muscat. دولة قطر. Riyadh and Sharjah on Air Arabia, Indian Airlines, Air India Express, Oman Air, Emirates, Etihad Airways, Kuwait Airways, Qatar Airways, Saudi Arabian and Gulf Air. Sri-Lanka . Chennai is a hub for flights to Colombo with SriLankan Airlines, Jet Airways, Indian Airlines, Air India Express and JetLite. Chennai is the traveling hub for Colombo. Domestic . All the major Indian domestic carriers (Jet Airways, Spice, Go Air, Indigo) connect Chennai with multiple flights to points all over India and most use Chennai as a hub for flights to smaller cities in South India. Chennai is also a staging point for flights to Port Blair in the Andaman Islands. Avoid the cafeteria at the viewing area, as there have been cases of food poisoning in 2018. Airport to City connection The suburban rail link is the most affordable option (5 rupees) for getting into downtown Chennai. Although the airport does not have a dedicated stop, the Tirusulam station is located directly across the street from the domestic terminal. Walk through the car park, cross the street and walk left until you see the station. Due to the distance from the airport 500m-600m and high volume of traffic on the road, walking to the station is only advisable with limited luggage. A regular class ticket from Tirusulam costs five rupees. The train stops at both Edgmore and Chennai Park. To get to Chennai Central, follow the crowds exiting the train at Chennai Park station. It is advisable to take a first class ticke if you happen to reach the airport during peak hours. The general compartments are often over-crowded as they transport commuters tofrom work. In peak hours even the first class compartments may also be crowded. Tickets are priced around 70 rupees. Using the pre-paid taxi to get to the city, each terminal has several booths for several taxi companies when you exit the airport, outside before you meet the crowd. Fast Track has the best rep, figure on around :INR 560 to the city centre for a Toyota Innova or equivalent. The fares are different for the domestic and international terminals though the terminals are next to each other. You can either choose the standard Taxis (Black with Yellow tops) which are usually the ancient Ambassador cars or the private call-taxi (which can come in any model and in any color). Its better to keep small change in hand while paying at the counters. Note the taxi number written on your charge slip (one copy is for the passenger and the other is for the driver to collect the fare from the counter). Make your way to the taxi stand and get the taxi number allotted at the designated desk. The helpful drivers offer to take your luggage and guide you to the taxi that drives up quickly near the allotment desk. A new cab provider named Fasttrack has started off their service and a pre-paid booth of them is available at both domestic and international terminals. Comparing with the rest of the taxis their fare and service is pretty much good. Depends on your need you can get from Maruti van to Toyota Innova. Prepaid and yellow top taxis are not air-conditioned, are of vintages right from 70s and 80s, rickety, prone to stop midway, drivers exhibit rough behaviour, sometimes could be dangerous, demand exorbitant fares, pre-paid may mean nothing and they may demand more when you get down. Keep away from these types. Aviation Express is massively overpriced. The Chennai Metro is under construction and expected to open in 2018. By train Chennai has two main long-distance train stations, Chennai Central (code MAS) and Chennai Egmore (code MS). Central has daily trains fromto Bengaluru. Mumbai, Coimbatore. Delhi, Hyderabad. Kolkata and virtually all other major Indian cities. Egmore has trains which cover all the places in Tamil Nadu and also a few important places outside it. You can arrive at the prepaid taxiauto stand and book a cab to transport you to your exact place of stay. Many long distance trains to Egmore stop at Tambaram (code TBM) and some trains to Central stop at Perambur (code PER). These are two railway stations which serve the suburban areas of Chennai. Trains that connect Chennai to major hubs like Bangalore, Mumbai and Delhi are usually booked out days in advance. If you plan to travel by train, consider making an advance reservation, the reservation opens 60 days before the day of travel. The AC compartments in the trains are preferable for new travelers as the sleeper class and sitting class compartments are generally very crowded. A 3-tier AC berth from Chennai to Bangalore or Coimbatore costs around :INR 700 and that to Delhi around :INR 2500 including meals. By bus Chennai has one of Asias largest bus stations, CMBT. Seven different state owned corporations drive buses to and from various destinations within South India. There are hourly buses for places like Tirupati. Pondicherry. Coimbatore, Tirunelveli. You will get the option of AC or Non-AC coaches for cities like Bangalore. Trivandrum. Hyderabad . Several private players also operate buses between most southern destinations. During the weekends most buses are fully occupied and its better to reserve a ticket in advance. All buses terminate near Koyambedu but there are different stands for state owned (CMBT) and private buses (Omni bus terminus). The two terminals are near each other, and it is better to tell your exact destination to the taxiauto-rickshaw driver. وتنزل الحافلات عادة الركاب في نقاط مختلفة في المدينة قبل الوصول إلى المحطة. Feel free to ask the driver or fellow passengers the closest drop-off point to your destination. By car Chennai is very well connected and to other parts of India by road. Five major national highways radiate outward towards Kolkata, Bengaluru, Tiruchy Madurai. Tiruvallur. and Pondicherry. With the progress of the Golden Quadrilateral project, driving down from Bangalore is an option too. There are many car rental companies available. Getting around the heart of Chennai city often takes time, due to traffic and heavy congestion. So it is advisable to plan your journey accordingly. Travelling within Chennai is not so cheap by Indian metropolitan standards, and are quite cheap by European and USA standards. By train Chennai has a suburban train network. There are four routes: Chennai Central - Arakkonam Chennai Central - Gummidipoondi-Sulurpet-Gudur Chennai Beach - Tambaram and Chengalpet Chennai Beach - Velachery (MRTS) The suburban trains are generally reliable and fast. The frequency of suburban trains is generally good and it is advisable to take a first class ticket during peak hours. Trains offer a reliable alternative to quickly reach your destination when compared to buses which might get trapped in traffic jams. The fare in Chennai suburban trains is the lowest in the country and you dont have to compromise comfort for the meagre amount that you pay as in other Indian metros. There is a separate ladies compartment in the suburban trains that are relatively less crowded even in peak hours. The lowest second class train fare is Rs.4-. However, you might need to wait even for almost half an hour in a queue for ticket during peak hours. So it would be best if you buy a card that is available at every station that can be used to buy tickets from a ticket vending machine that almost nobody uses. Always keep your baggage safe when you are traveling in the suburban railway system. New Metro Rail is under construction it will soon be operational and will provide effective transportation. It will connect the airport, the railway station, the CMBT bus station and most of the city. By bus Metropolitan Transport Corporation buses ply throughout the city. These are government-run and extremely cheap. Normally Bus Fare in MTC range from :INR 4 - :INR 30. State corporation also has Deluxe and AC Buses for Chennai Passengers. Fare for deluxe bus is almost two times as compared to normal bus. For same route, deluxe and normal bus have same number but deluxe buses are being run targeting long distance journey since it will stop at major bus stops only. So if you find normal buses too crowded, take a deluxe one. Non AC deluxe also have power gates and better suspension which you wont find in normal bus. If you have luggage with you, you might have to pay the cost of an extra person depending upon its size. MTC Chennai operates AC bus service between important routes like Parrys - Tambaram, Parrys - CMBT, Chennai Central - CMBT, Chennai central - Tambaram, etc. Most frequent AC bus runs between CMBT towards Pondicherry and are known as East coast road (ECR) buses and is very popular for intracity travel too. Daily and weekly bus passes are available for tourists costing :INR 50 or :INR 300. They can be used on normal and deluxe bus services (but not AC) on all routes within the city. It is worthwhile to purchase the daily pass if you plan to visit more than a couple of places in a day and it will save you from the trouble to maintain loose change. The daily pass can be purchased on the first bus you board from the conductor, while the weekly and monthly passes are sold at kiosks located in major terminus. Recently a hop-on hop-off tour bus has also been organized by the Government. The service covers many of the famous sights along the scenic East Coast Road up to Mahabalipuram . Bus Route information for MTC Chennai is available online at official site 1. jaanlo 2. desiroutes 3 and rab 4. While official site only provides stage wise info, others have more interactive interface which can ease your life specially if you are new to the city like desiroutes 5 is google maps based while rab 6 is based on open street maps. State Express Transport Corporation buses go to different parts of the state. Private carriers also run to other townscities in state. You can buy these bus tickets online at redBus or readIndia or RathiMeena . By auto-rickshaw Auto-rickshaw drivers in Chennai do not use meters some try to overcharge and often drive rashly, but thats part of the fun of being in Chennai. They are happy to exploit foreigners and locals alike. The advantage of being a local is that you know when youre being fleeced, and so youll know when to walk away and find another auto. The upside is that autos are ubiquitous and possibly the easiest form of transportation to locate. Use Auto-rickshaws only for short distances because they are uncomfortable. Before talking to an auto driver you might like to try and ask any local person what the actual fare should be, because the drivers will often ask for up to 3 times more. Even so, by Western standards they are dirt cheap. Youll have no problem once the fare has been agreed and for short trips the Auto is a must. The local government of Chennai has failed to regulate the price mechanism of the auto-rickshaws, possibly because they tried to set the price unreasonably low. If you want to travel by the auto, stick to these rules: Dont take the first auto or take the first price, take a least quote and go to the second or third. Never leave anything behind when you leave. Forget the meter no one will go by it, and if they do, its probably rigged to show a higher fare. Negotiate a rate with the driver beforehand if he doesnt agree, just go to the next auto on the road there will always be others unless its very late or very early or you are in a remote area: then be prepared to pay up. Stick to the agreed price, though on very rare occasions the driver may attempt to ask for more. Consult local friends beforehand to find out reasonable market prices for the distance you intend to go. Try to hail individual auto rickshaws in traffic which are heading in the general direction of your destination. As a general rule, expect to pay about :INR 10 to :INR 15 for every kilometer (0.6 mi) you travel. Be careful about the following when you plan to undertake an auto-rickshaw trip: You dont have to pay for any empty return trips that the auto-rickshaw driver has to make once you have agreed upon a fare. You tell them to go to a landmark near where you want to go, and upon reaching the landmark, ask them to go a little further along a particular road to your destination. They might cite the extra distance traveled and ask for more money. So it is better to negotiate the fare upfront. You dont have to pay for petrol during the ride. If you pay them for petrol, make sure you pay them the remaining fare amount after subtracting petrol charges. Sometimes airport and Railway station have something called prepaid auto section they would have a tariff chart also, the actual cost should be around 20 rupees of the amount. The call taxis are better regulated and can be ordered air-conditioned, although unlike auto-rickshaws, advance reservations are needed and they cannot usually be flagged on the street. Share autos have emerged in the recent years as an alternative mode of transport in Chennai. They are over-sized three wheelers running on diesel and charge slightly more than the bus. There are four wheelers known as meter taxis . which dont have a meter and are not taxis. Recently, yet another four wheeler, Magic (manufactured by Tata), has started running in and around the city, which operate similar to share autos and meter taxis. They are all over crowded and the drivers indulge in rash driving, owing to the competition. The only advantage is that it is cost effective. On a side note - if you are fascinated by the idea of going around in an auto, think about all those foreigners, who are riding an auto from Chennai to Mumbai. A Chennai based event management company, Chennai Event Management Services, has been having these auto-rickshaw rallies from Chennai to Mumbai, or Kanyakumari, etc. and has developed a great fan following for the same. More info: 7 By taxi Taxis (locally called call-taxis since they must be pre-arranged) are available by phone. They are mostly reliable, can be ordered air-conditioned, and have digital fare meters, although time-based hire is also possible with some companies. Most companies charge a minimum fare of :INR 150-, which is for 5 km (3 mi) and for every subsequent kilometre they charge :INR 18-. Alternatively, you can hire a car for a halffull day for around :INR 8001300. These figures are for basic non-AC Ambassadors, add about 50 if you want a comfier aircon Tata Indica. Waiting charges are included in the meter cost but you are required to pay parking and toll fees additional to the fare displayed in the meter. If your trip is time-sensitive, its best to book your taxi a few hours in advance and call shortly before your trip to confirm. Most prepaid taxi operators have choice of vehicles. Indica is the ubiquitous hatch back that can seat 3 passengers, but it is almost impossible to find one of these well maintained. Opt for a Figo or Liva instead of the Indica when you book the taxi, these are newer models and likely to be in better state of maintenance. If you prefer a sedan, choices are Etios, Maruti Dzire and Ford Fiesta. SUV models Innova or Xylo have more space and are suitable for small groups (up to 7). Innova has a well deserved reputation with travelers for airport transfers due to the reliability, spacious seats and capacity to carry more luggage. Tourist Cabs - Are the best choice in case you want to tour the city all day or visit nearby places like Mahabalipuram, Tirupati, etc. Costs about :INR 10-:INR per kilometre and :INR 100 per hour as hire charges. Also generally there is special price if you need to go Chennai Central or Chennai Airport. By car It is generally not advisable for foreign travelers to drive on their own as they might be unaware of the traffic rules and congestion in the city. The roads in Chennai are better maintained than the average Indian road. The main highway is Anna Salai also known as Mount Road . The complex road routes may confuse novice driver and it is sheer waste of time. If you choose to rent a car, its highly advisable to hire a driver as well. Typical driver fee comes to around 250 for 4-hour shift and an additional 50 every hour thereafter. Outstation trips cost a driver fee of 750 for a 12 hour journey. Foreign travelers should keep in mind that both diesel and petrol are used as fuel in India and it varies with the model of the car. Some cars have identical models with only a D badge to indicate diesel. Make sure you find out what type of fuel the car uses from the rental company. ECR or East coast road is one of the very few places around Chennai that is best enjoyed by car. There are a lot of scenic views with many sightseeing options along the route. For most of the sights within the city limits, travelers would be better served by public transport or a taxi. Restaurants, watering holes and discothques have been opening with increasing frequency and while the absolute numbers arent much, theyre more experimental than most Indian metros. While in Chennai one can drop into one of the following places. Beaches Beach Watch Note Although Chennai beaches are both beautiful and inviting, they are not swimming beaches . due to strong under currents present along the shoreline. Swimming should not be attempted there. There are no lifeguards and rescue equipment is not provided at any of these beaches. However there are beach police who ride on horses and keep an eye on the people and look out for any trouble. People should avoid wearing swimwear or similar attire on these beach as such clothing is not appropriate there. Chennai has several well known beaches: Marina Beach . is 12 km long and offers excellent opportunities for walks and has a very wide sandy foreshore. Its width is up to 300 m (985 ft). The Marina of Madras is the second longest beach in the world. it is an elegant promenade with flower beds along its lanes. Along the shore, there are many buildings built during the British colonial rule. The South Beach Road runs past the Madras University, the Senate House, the Chepauk Palace (Nawabs of Carnatica once held their court here). It is the most popular gathering place for locals, especially in the evenings and on weekends. It can also get very crowded at those times. The beach is relatively less crowded in the early mornings and more pleasant. Walk along the Marina in the evening to cool off and eat crispy sundal and murukku. Watching sunset and sunrise from the beach is an experience by itself. Its not a swimming beach, though you will see people fully clothed taking partial dips. Other lesser known places in the Marina: Anna Square: Dr. C. N. Annadurai, former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu was a very respectable personality among the people of Tamil Nadu. The mortal remains of Dr. C. N. Annadurai were buried at Anna Square, which is situated at the northern end of the Marina Beach. People from different parts of the state come here to pay their tribute to the great leader. It is located in the center of a park and the entrance is attractive. The beautiful arch is in the shape of twin converging elephant tusks. The tomb of Dr. C. N. Annadurai is flanked by imposing memorial pillar and eternal flame. People of Tamil Nadu affectionately called him Anna meaning the elder brother. Though listed here Anna Square is not a must see place. There is nothing much to see, unless you have lots of time to spare. Edward Elliots beach . is spread along the coast down south from Marina. It is also the night beach for Chennai youth. This beach is comparatively quieter and it is located near Besant Nagar. At the end of this beach are the Velankanni church and the Ashtalakshmi temple. Good roads, pavements, walking track illuminated sands, makes a visit to this beach a real pleasure. Breezy Beach is located in the quiet neighborhood of Valmiki Nagar (Thiruvanmiyur) in Chennai. It is smaller and less popular than the Elliots beach. This beach is not as commercialized as the Elliots beach, and is hence more quiet and peaceful. Evenings are very pleasant and with gentle breezy here, Lots of tourists are attracted towards this beach. Since the residential area around this beach is occupied predominantly by young professionals working in the ITITES industries (that thrive in the area), this beach has turned into a hot-spot for them. It is less polluted and environment friendly. Those who look for a calm, cool and breezy place to relax, this beach is the best place in Chennai. Covelong as it was known earlier is a small fishing village located 40 km (25 mi) from Chennai on the way to Mahabalipuram. Now it is a luxury beach resort. There was a fort built by the Nawab of Carnatic, Saadat Ali. Now a luxury beach resort. It was here that the French General Labourdonnais landed his troops in 1746. Later it was taken by Robert Clive in 1752 and destroyed. The Beach is separated from the mainland by the canal running from Chennai to Mahabalipuram. Taj Group of Hotels runs the Fishermans Cove Resort with rooms in the main buildings and cottages and the sandy beach here. A small public beach can also be accessed through a narrow drivable road. This beach is still mostly used by the fishermen, but gets crowded on weekend. Historical Places Churches Basilica of the National Shrine of St. Thomas Basilica of the National Shrine of St. Thomas . Santhome High Rd. In the whole world, there are only three churches built over the tomb of an Apostle of Jesus Christ - the Basilica of Saint Peter built over the tomb of St. Peter in Rome, Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela built over the tomb of St. James in Spain and Basilica of the National Shrine of St. Thomas built over the tomb of St. Thomas. Basilica of the National Shrine of St. Thomas is in Chennai, India. The present National Shrine of St. Thomas is built over the tomb of Saint Thomas the Apostle, who came to India in the year 52 AD. After preaching on the West coast, he came to Chennai (formerly Madras), and suffered martyrdom on a hill at the outskirts of the city, today known as St. Thomas Mount. His body was buried on the spot over which the present Basilica stands. The shrine was restored in 2004. A valuable work of art kept in the Basilica is an ancient painting of Our Blessed Mother, in front of which the other great apostle of India, St. Francis Xavier, used to pray. There are two new structures today: The Tomb Chapel below the Basilica and Museum cum theatre . The new underground chapel with a separate access outside the church structure, allows pilgrims to pray at the tomb and tourists to visit it, without disturbing the sacred functions in the church. The museum exhibits artifacts connected with St. Thomas and the Basilica, and the theatre is used for screening a short video on the life of the Apostle. 5:AM-9PM daily. 91 44 24985455, 91 44 24980758. Email: parishpriestsanthomechurch Website: santhomechurch St. Marys Church, situated in the fort, is one of the oldest surviving churches built by the British in India. This is the first English church in India and the oldest Anglican church in the East. Designed by William Dixon, the then Master Gunner of the Fort, it was constructed under the supervision of the Governor Streynsham Master. Given the precarious nature of the English presence in India at the time (not to mention later attacks by the French and the locals), the church has a defensive stance - thick walls, castellated parapets and a well within the grounds - to withstand any bombardment or siege). The church was consecrated on 28 October 1680. The tower was completed in 1701 the steeple added in 1710 and the tower was connected to the main body of the church in 1759. Robert Clive - more famous as Clive of India - married Margaret Maskelyne here in 1753. The first but equally famous wedding was that of Governor Elihu Yale (who was to become the benefactor of Yale College) to Catherine Himmers in November 1680. The interior of the church contains many fascinating plaques and monuments to early British India evoking past glories and lives full of achievement. It also contains the old colours of the Madras Fusiliers, the first European regiment of the East India Company. The glass windows, wall frescos, teak plaques still shine with their all time glory. 10AM-5PM daily except closed on Friday. St. Thomas Mount St Thomas Mount, St Thomas Mount, Chennai South. St. Thomas, referred to as Didymus, in the Gospel of St. John is one of the twelve disciples of Jesus Christ. He is one of the prime witnesses to the resurrection of Jesus. St. Thomas Mount is associated with St. Thomas, the apostle of Christ, who is believed to have been martyred here. The mount is commonly called in Tamil Parangi Malai or Bhringi Malai. History says 2000 years ago, a saint Parangi lived here (parangi in Tamil language is used to refer to a white person). According to local myth, St. Thomas was one of the first Christians to reach India and to preach Christianity. He is believed to have reached South India in AD 52, and spent the last years of his life in a cave on this hill. Tradition states that Thomas was assassinated by an arrow in AD 72, by persons hostile to him. Thus, the hillock acquired the name St. Thomas Mount. Over time Anglo-Indians predominated in this area. A small relic-filled Church built in 1523 by the Portuguese stands at the summit of the 300 feet high St. Thomas Mount. The place was visited by Pope John Paul II during his visit to India on 5 February 1986. At the northern foot of the mount, is a gateway of four impressive arches surmounted by a cross bearing the inscribed date 1547. A flight of 160 steps leads up to the summit of the mount. There are fourteen stations of the cross erected on the way to the summit. Mosques Big Mosque also known as Wallajah Mosque, is situated at Walajah Road in Triplicane, Chennai is a historical landmark constructed by Wallajah family in memory of Nawab Muhammad Ali Walajah, in 1795 . It is an imposing structure of symmetry and form of architectural magnificence with an imposing facade. The Mosque stands in extensive grounds, which are being used as a forum for religious and cultural activities. The magnificent grey granite structure is built without steel and wood. This architectural marvel is one of the important mosques in Chennai. The Nawabs descendants are still living in a mansion known as Amir Mahal . One distinctive feature of this mosque is that the chronogram engraved in stone and fixed on the inside of the western wall of the mosque is by a non-Muslim, Rajah Makkan Lal Khirad, a Persian and Arabic scholar of repute, who was the private secretary to the Nawab. It may be mentioned in this regard that, as far as is known, no other mosque in the world has a chronogram composed by a non-Muslim. The Mosque has two minarets at the front. Medieval architecture is clearly visible in the construction of this great mosque. The Eid Prayer timing remains the same, 10AM, since 1749 A. D. This historic mosque is under the management of H. H. Adjoining the Wallajah Mosque is the tomb of the great Islamic saint Maulana Abdul Ali Bahrul Uloom, a divine scholar of the days of the Nawab Wallajah. في هذه الضميمة أيضا مقابر نوابس الراحل من كارناتيك، أميرة أركوت وغيرهم من العلماء المسلمين البارزين واللاهوتيين. Wallajah Mosque can be reached either from Ellis Rd (backside) or the Triplicane High Rd. Temples Kapaleeswarar Temple Mylapore. One of Chennais oldest and best-known temples, said to date to the 8th century, although the present structure dates to the 1600s. Notable above all for its soaring, incredibly detailed 37m gopuram (entrance gate). There is a large water tank behind the temple, used for the Thaipusam festival (Jan-Feb), and plenty of flower shops all around. Within easy striking distance of the city centre. The Parthasarathy Temple At Tiruvallikkeni (Triplicane) as the Britishers called it, is considered be the oldest temple in the Chennai and origins date back to the 8th century AD, the reference of which has been made in the Vaishnavite works of the Alwar saints. The existence of the Tiruvallikkeni village in referred in the Pallava records and before. The temple derived its name from the pond in front of the temple. وقد بنيت أصلا من قبل بالافاس. The temple was renovated by later dynasties, the Chola and the Vijayanagar kingdom. The Temple is dedicated to Lord Krishna. The name Parthasarathy has been derived from two Sanskrit words Partha and Sarathy. The former word refers to Arjuna and the later means Charioteer. Its architecture is a combination of several temple building styles. There are inscriptions of the Pallavas, Cholas and the Vijayanagar kingdom on the temple structure. The temple besides being dedicated to Parthasarathy is also revered for Venkatakrishnaswami and to Ranganathar. The temple, when it was built, housed five avataras of the deity Vishnu. The structure, as it stands today, houses the shrines of popular deities like Venkatakrishnan with Rukmani, Balaraman, Satyaki, Anirudha, Pradyumna, Rama, Lakshmana, Barata, Sita, Shatrugna, Varadaraja and Hanuman. Sri RamakrishnaMath - Universal Temple . 31 Ramakrishna Math Rd , 91 044 2462110. : mailchennaimath. org 5AM-11:45AM and 3PM-9PM. Mylapore. Swami Vivekananda on his return from the west was requested by the devotees in Madras (now Chennai) to start a Math here. To fulfill their desire Swamiji sent his brother-disciple Swami Ramakrishnananda to Madras in March 1897. After reaching Madras, the first thing Swami Ramakrishnananda did was to set up a small shrine for Sri Ramakrishna at a rented house. He lived there and led a life of renunciation, service and austerities. Slowly he built up the institution as the present Sri Ramakrishna Math and thus Sri Ramakrishna Math, Madras, came into existence. This is the oldest centre of the Ramakrishna Order in the South. Srimat Swami Bhuteshanandaji Maharaj, the 12th President of Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission, laid the foundation-stone for this Universal Temple on 1 December 1994 in a grand function. It took five years for the project to take shape as the present grand Universal Temple. On 7 Feb 2000 the temple was dedicated by Srimat Swami Ranganathanandaji Maharaj . the 13th President of the Ramakrishna Order. Sri Ramakrishna Math completed hundred years of its service in 1997. The Math is regarded for its spiritual traditions, modern outlook, acceptance of all religions, service as the way of life. With its lushy green surroundings, the Universal Temple is the ideal spot for contemplation and meditation. Memorials Valluvar Kottam . Valluvar Kottam High Rd, Nungambakkam, Chennai. Valluvar Kottam marks the memorial of one of the renowned poet and saint of the region, Tiruvalluvar. The memorial is shaped like a temple chariot and is, in fact, the replica of the temple chariot in Thiruvarur. There is a 101-feet high temple chariot structure with a life-size image of the poet in it. This chariot is a replica of the temple car of Thiruvarur in Tamil Nadu. The monument stands as a massive auditorium and was open to public in the year 1976. Over 3,000 blocks of stone were used to create this memorial to Tamil culture. Valluvar Kottam has quite an extensive space. The auditorium at Valluvar Kottam is said to be the largest in Asia and can accommodate about 4000 people. It is a revered place in the city as it is considered to bear the impressions of the Tamil culture. The auditorium is surrounded by granite pillars that have the inscriptions taken from the famous work of the poet. The epic Tiruvalluvar, written by the poet consists of 1330 verses, all of which are inscribed on the granite pillar. The 133 chapters of his famous work Thirukkural have been depicted in bas-relief in the front hall corridors of the chariot. It stands as a modern memorial to the great poet who represents the glorious culture of the Tamils. Monuments Fort St. George . is located on the banks of Bay of Bengal. It was (formerly known as White Town) was established as the East India Companys fortified foothold in Madras and it was from this small trading post (or factory as it was then known) that British influence spread throughout India. The establishment of Fort St. George marked the birth of the new city that is Madras, in the year 1640. The fort was named after St George who is believed to have preached in the region. The British East India Company, after buying the land from the Nayak of Vandavasi in 1639 . led the establishment of what was called the Madrasemen . the permanent settlement of the company. One year later they built the fort as a commanding post in the region. With the increased trade activities of East India Company the region soon developed into a popular trade and commerce centre. The British enjoyed the supremacy in the region till 1746, when the French attacked the fort and captured it. After three years, in 1749 the British regained the ruling power by signing a treaty with the French. In the meantime they fortified the base in order to sustain the invasion of Hyder Ali and the French. The fort is believed to be the first establishment of the British in India. It is a military architecture marvel, which was started as a trading post and later evolved to be the origin of modern Indian Army. St. George Fort holds great historical importance and is looked after by the Archaeological Survey of India. It has a number of other monuments within its boundaries. Inside the Fort is the Fort Museum is decorated with cannons of Tipu Sultan. There are a lot of interesting artifacts showcased in the museum like coins, artifacts and so on. Apart from the museum, the southern division of the Archaeological Survey of India is located here. The place is famous for its exotic collection of books in the library. Today, Fort St George is famous for housing the legislative assembly and is known as the secretariat building. The fort in its present form looks more like a mansion, rather any fort. Various Government offices function inside this building, including the structure which used to be the residence of Robert Clive called the Clive House. St. Marys Church, situated in the fort, is one of the oldest surviving churches built by the British in India. The tallest flag pole in the country can be seen here, its height is 150 feet. The Pole is now made of metal was originally made entirely of teak wood. 10AM-5PM daily except closed on F. Fort Museum: For children below 15 years free. For Indians: :INR 5- For foreigners: 20. Museums and Art Galleries Government Museum Pantheon Rd, Egmore. Established in 1857, the Government Museum of Chennai is one of the popular tourist destinations in the city. It is a multi-purpose State Government Museum located in Egmore, which is in the heart of the city, spreading over an area of 16.25 acres of land. Six independent buildings in this Museum campus has 46 galleries. There is an Archaeology Section, Zoology Section, Botany Section, Geology Section, Numismatics Section, Bronze Gallery, Childrens museum, Art gallery and various other interesting sections and galleries. It is considered to be one of the oldest museums of India, since its inception dates back to the Colonial rule. There is history behind the origin of this Museum. In 1846 AD, the Madras Literary Society debated the proposal of establishing a museum in the then Madras. The proposal was approved by the Court of Directors of the East India Company in London. Chennai Government Museum was handed down with a sprawling complex and the presently maintained by the State Government. There are six independent buildings in the Museum campus, which compose of 46 galleries. The Museum was formally inaugurated on December 5, 1896 by the Sir Arthur Eli bank Havelock, the then Governor. He named it after the former Governor, Lord Connenmara. The museum was designed by H. Irvin, the consulting architect of the Government of Madras. The Government Museum has a splendid hall, marvelous reading room and striking Teak wood shelf and stands divided into a number of sections. Note that parts of the museum are often closed. Phone: 91 44 28193238, 9:30AM-5PM except holidays. A free guide service is available at 11AM and 3PM. National Art Gallery The building of National Arts Gallery was built in the year 1907. This magnificent red sandstone building was designed by Henry Irwin and built by T. Namberumal Chetty. The building represents a typical Indo-Saracenic structure and was initially famous as Victoria Memorial Hall. Built with sandstone and adorned with motifs, the building bears impressions of Mughal architecture. The structure as well as the gallery collections are key factors responsible for the much credited tourist place. The gallery exhibits medieval handicrafts, sculptures, metal ware and paintings belonging to various schools of art, all from the past. The gallery displays paintings belonging to different schools and eras. The gallerys collections are displayed in four different sections that are: Tanjore Painting Gallery, Decorative Art Gallery, Indian Traditional Art Gallery and Ravi Varma Painting Gallery. The Tanjore paintings on glass are wonderful. The miniature paintings from Rajput and Mughal eras are fascinating too. The handicrafts that are displayed in National Arts Gallery belong to the 11th and 12th century, Indian handicrafts, period. The top floor, closed in May 2018, offers additional galleries. 9:30AM-5PM daily except F and national holidays. 91 44 28193238. Birla Planetarium . Gandhi Mandapam Road , 044-24410025, 24416751, 24915250, 24918787 Built in memory of B. M. Birla, the well known industrialist and visionary. Adjoining the planetarium is a Periyar Science and Technology Museum which will be of interest to students and other science scholars. The Science and Technology Centre is open on all days except on national holidays. Program Timing 10:45AM1:45PM and 3:45PM. English Noon, Tamil 2:30PM. Package cost :INR 45, :INR 20 for children Vivekananda House . Triplicane , 91-44-28446188. : vivekanandar. illamchennaimath. org 10.00 AM to 12.15 PM and from 3.00 PM to 7.15 PM except Wednesdays. A colonial house where Swami Vivekananda stayed after his return from Chicago. It was also the location of the Ramakrishna Math for a decade before the Math was moved to its present location in Mylapore. The house now features a museum, painting gallery, photo gallery, book shop and video show on the life and teaching of Vivekananda. It is maintained by the Ramakrishna Math. Meditation and spirituality classes are arranged regularly at a nominal cost. : Entry :INR 10, classes charged extra. Miscellaneous Integral Coach Factory The Railway Coach manufacturing unit of Indian Railways, which has a Rail Museum. Check the website for directions as the auto-rickshaw drivers have never heard of it. Parks Arignar Anna Zoological Park , 91 044 22751089. . 91 044 22750741. : aazpyahoo 9AM-6PM daily except Tu. This zoological park is situated in the outskirts of the Chennai metropolitan (nearly 40KM from the city center). Chennai has the distinction of having the first zoo in India, which was started in 1855. This park is said to be one of the biggest in South East Asia. The wildlife population is exhibited in a large open moated island enclosure with a simulated natural environment. More than 170 species of mammals, birds and reptiles are housed in this park. Lion safari vehicles, elephant rides, battery operated vehicles are some of the facilities available. The peak time is during Pongal and weekend holidays. : Rs 30, Free below 5 years, 5 to 12 Rs 10, still camera Rs 25, video camera Rs 150. Guindy National Park . Sardar Vallabhai Patel Rd, Adyar, Guindy M-F 9AM-5:30PM except Tu. The current park area stands close to 280 hectares. Guindy Park happens to be almost certainly the smallest national park in the country and the only park within the city suburbs of India. The park is inhabited by more than 20 species of trees, about 14 varieties of shrubs and more than 14 species of woodland mammals. The place also houses many species of rare birds and amphibians. The dry deciduous forests of Guindy are lined with tree species like Amona Squamosa, Atlanta Monophylla, Feronia Limonia and Azadirachta India. The popular park animals include species like Indian Antelope (Black Buck), Elephant, Spotted Deer, Indian Civet, Jungle Cat, Hedgehog, Pangolin and Jackal. Some rare bird species found in the park include Black Winged Kite, Honey Buzzard, and Pariah Kite. The park is also home to many reptile and amphibian species. : Rs 15, Free below 10 years, 11 to above Rs 5, School Children age 5-12 from government and aided schools Rs 2, children from private schools age 5-12 Rs 10, still camera Rs 10, video camera Rs 75. Guindy Snake Park M-F 8:30AM-5:30PM except Tu. Founded by one of the prominent wildlife conservationist Romulus Whitaker. The park houses a number of snake species, lizards, crocodiles and turtles. The park breeds more than 30 species of Indian snakes. Some of the most sought after species include King Cobra, Indian Rock Python, Reticulated Python, Adders and Vipers. In addition to the snakes the park also breeds species of lizards, crocodiles and turtles. The museum in the park premises contains preserved specimens of many reptiles and amphibians. They have a snake display show 4 times daily, and live snakes of different species are shown to the audience with a voice over in 3 languages (English, Tamil and Hindi). : :INR 15, :INR 5 for children below 12. During summers it becomes too hot and humid to venture out during the day. So go out for a stroll during the night (7-9 PM) on the Marina beach and Elliots Beach (Besant Nagar). Its a nice idea to pack dinner and have a picnic on the beach as most locals do. If you happen to drive a car you can also consider taking along a few foldable chairs. Beyond 10 PM, no one is permitted to be on the beach. There are policemen on the beach to ensure people follow this rule, and on some occasions they tend to shoo people out by 9 PM. However, if you are an early riser, you might consider visiting the beaches early morning around 6 to 8 A. M. The sunrise is wonderful and there is a slight breeze as well. However, be warned that there are dogs lying all over the place and you have a high chance of getting hit by a cricket ball if you arent looking. Stroll along the over crowded Pondy Bazaar and Ranganathan Street and try your skills in bargaining for knick-knacks. Be warned that it is an intensely crowded place, where you have to elbow your way through. Take a bus or an auto to Mylapore Tank and take a walk around Mylapore especially in and around the Kapaleeshwarar Temple . The crowds, sounds, fragrances of temple incense and flowers and the tiny shops are to be definitely experienced though keep away on Fridays. It gets too hectic even for experienced Mylaporeans. Chennai is also home to one of the best preserved Art Deco architectural areas in India, Parrys Corner . Its also Chennais oldest Central Business District though it has long since given way to Nungambakkam and T Nagar. If youre particularly interested in architecture or photography, this is a must visit place. Dont forget the nooks and crannies. The Tamil Baptist Church in Kilpauk is worth a visit. It is a 107 year old monument. Semmozhi Poonga is a botanical garden situated opposite to the American consulate in cathedral road, it has wide variety of Bonsai plants and has a very nominal entry fee. Kumaran Kundram small hillock at Kumaran Kundram near by Madras Institute of Technology Lutheran Adaikalnathar Church(TELC) . Tana Street Protestant Church which is more than 100 years old St. Matthias Church . Vepery One of the oldest churches in Chennai which was built by the British. Its also has a higher secondary school in the campus which has both boys and girls studying in the school. kundrathur sivan temple . kundrathur sekkizhar built this temple, a 1000 year old Music and Dance Chennai is famous for its concerts and performances that take place in various auditoriums and temples throughout the year, which are announced in the Hindu and other local newspapers. During the Tamil month of Maargazhi (December - January) there is a series of classical Carnatic music concerts and classical dance performances in various parts of the city, but the best are organized in various Sabhas (loosely translates to concert house). You will see mostly older celebrities, although occasionally there will be some world-class young virtuosos. Free entry passes are usually given out for debutante performances (called Arangetram in Tamil) and for performances held on weekdays (before 4pm when the crowd starts filling up). The Music Academy No. 168, T. T.K. Road, Chennai - 600 014. Phone: 91-44-2811 2231 91-44-2811 5162, Email: musicmusicacademymadras Sir Mutha Venkatasubba Rao Concert Hall Madras Seva Sadan, No 7, Harrington Road, Chetpet. Call for details: 91 44 43561198 and 91 42146632, Email: infosirmuthamemorial VDS Arts Academy MOP Vaishnava College for Women, Nungambakkam. Music and Bharatanatyam dance concerts throughout the year at 6:30 PM. every Friday, Saturday and Sunday by young artists. Admission: free. Brahma Gana Sabha Sivagami Pethachi Auditorium, M. Ct. M School, 179, Luz Church Road, 91 92821 06425, 91 98412 96684 Indian Institute of Music and Arts . R. K Swamy Auditorium, Sir Sivaswamy Kalalaya, 5, Sundareswarar Street, Mylapore. Kartik Fine Arts Narada Gana Sabha Hall, TTk Road. 91 44 2499 7788, 91 44 2495 2695 ( 30th Year Art Festival ), Sri Krishna Gana Sabha. Dr. Nalli Gana Vihar, 20. Maharajapuram Santhanam Road, T. Nagar, 91 44 2814 0806 (The 49th Art and Dance Festival amp Pongal Nagaswara Isai Vizha And the 24th Natya Kala Conference), :INR 50 to :INR 500 ( daily rates ) Sri Thyaga Brahma Gana Sabha Vani Mahal, 103, GN Chetty Road, 91 44 2815 2166 ( The 25th Isai Iyal Nataka Vizha ) Kalalayaa Art Academy . 2nd Floor, 100 ft Bye Pass Road, Velachery , 91 98408 77546 GK Parigi . : parigeyahoo. co. in In Cine Abinayam star night programme. Nungambakkam Cultural Academy Trust Chennai is a major centre of Bharata Natyam with over 1000 dance performances a year. More dance forms are now encouraged and taught like Kuchipudi (Traditional dance form from Andhra Pradesh ), Mohini Attam . etc. Some other dances like Odissi Manipuri can be found, but are rarer. Cinema When in Chennai, do not miss a chance to watch a movie. There are several new Tamil movie releases every Friday or to coincide with holidays. Apart from Tamil, movies in other Indian languages like Hindi, Kannada, Telugu and Malayalam also get wide releases in Chennai. Many of the Hollywood franchise movies enjoy a huge fan following and are screened at some theaters (dubbed) in Tamil. Make sure to book your tickets in advance especially for the weekend, because most of the cinemas will be sold out. Chennai also provides best cinematic experience at lowest cost Rs. 120- and lesser, which is very less compared to other metro cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Hyderabad and Kolkata. Check out any local newspaper or websites to get to know the movies running in and around Chennai. Some of the cinema halls are Udhayam Theatre, Ashok Pillar. Devi Cineplex, 8. In the heart of Chennai on Anna Salai. The Cineplex is a huge complex and a great architectural beauty. Sathyam Cine Complex , 044-42244224 Thiru-vi-ka Rd. One of the best theaters. Provides quality food and the main screen is one of the biggest in India. Celebrities and cine stars frequent this complex. S2 Thiagaraya Cinemas Escape Cinemas , 91 44 4224 4224 Express Avenue, Royapettah. 8 premier quality screens with 3D, Dolby Atmos and RDX technology. Each of the 8 screens has a different decor which adds to the style quotient of the place. Inox Chennai Citi Centre, R. K.Salai Mayajaal Cine Complex ECR. 14 Screen Multiplex. Located far away from the bustle of the city. Except in rare cases, reservation is not a must and seats can be booked at the counter. Abhirami Cine Complex, Purasawalkam. Located in the Abirami Mega mall. Shanti Cine Complex, Anna Salai Ega theatres 9. P. H Rd, Kilpauk. Features Hindi movies. Sangam cine complex in kilpauk. For tickets check 10 . Rohini Cinema Complex, Koyambedu. Ganga Theatre complex, Kolathur. Rakki Theatre, Ambattur. PVR, AMPA SkyWalk Mall, Nelson Manickam Rd. AGS Royal, Villivakkam. AGS Cinemas OMR, Navalur. Kamala Cinemas Vadapalani. Located opposite the Green Park hotel. Vetri Theatre, Chromepet. Sports Chennai has been one of the prominent sporting location in India, with wide variety of sports played almost everywhere right from every street corners to big stadium matches. M. A. Chidambaram Stadium (Famously known as Chepauk Stadium) Cricket by itself is a festival in India, every TV in the Mall is tuned to cricket during the match season and the whole city would be tuned in to the sport some way or another. Chennai is an international venue for cricket and is also a home ground for the Chennai super Kings cricket team. While in Chennai it might be interesting to catch a game and enjoy the electric spirit of Indian cricket. Close to Chepauk there are several sporting goods stores where you can buy good quality cricket equipment at low prices. Chennai Open . A prominent ATP250 tennis tournament that happens around January every year, the event has attracted lot of high ranked players such as Rafael Nadal, Carlos Moy, Stanislas Wawrinka and Leader Paes. The SDAT Tennis Stadium in Nungambakkam (a short walk from Valluvar Kottam) is the venue for the event since 1997. The event is well organized with details including ticket sales published online. Chennai has dozens of different institutes of higher learning from arts to engineering. The city also offers plenty of opportunities to learn Yoga, Bhartanatyam, Carnatic music and the Bhagavad Gita. Alliance franaise de Madras , 91 44-28279803 Indo-French cultural center and a place to learn French Aurobindo Ashram Bharatia Vidya Bhavan British Council . 737, Anna Salai, Chennai , 1-800-102-4353. : chennai. enquiryin. britishcouncil. org English courses, IELTS preparation courses. Also houses a large library in the campus. Chinmaya Mission . 2 13th Ave Harrington Rd, Chetpet , 91 44 2826 5641 Goethe Institut . No.4, 5th Street, Rutland Gate, Chennai 600 006. : infochennai. goethe. org German language courses, culture and other events International Society For Krishna Consciousness . Hare Krishna Land Injambakkam , 91 44 2501 9303 Isha Yoga . 81 Manoharan St, SW Boag Rd , 91 44-24333185. : chennaiishafoundation. org Kalakshethra . Kalakshetra Foundation, Tiruvanmiyur , 91 44 2491 1836. . 91 44 2491 4359 Kishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram . 31, 4th Cross St, R. K. Nagar , 91 44 2493 7998. . 91 44 2461 334 Krishnamurthi Foundation . 124, 126 (Old 6465) Greenways Rd , 91 44 2493 7803 infokfionline. org Raja Yoga Learn Yoga free of cost. Theosophical Society . Adyar, Chennai , 91 44 2491 2815. . 91 44 2490 2706. : intl. hqts-adyar. org Shopping Malls Phoenix Market city At Velachery with approximately 2.40 million square foot (including 0.45 million square foot of parking) of developable area. In addition to the usual Market City components, Market City Chennai is expected to include an IT park. Express Avenue Royapettah High Rd. It is the second largest shopping mall in South India and features unique stores like Hamleys, Global Desi and Peekaboo, designer wear like Guess and Diesel and high-street chains like Body Shop, Tie Rack, Esprit and Lush. It has a few fine-dining restaurants and also one of the largest food courts in India. Escape Cinemas, a 40000 sqft, 8 screen multiplex is located on the 3rd floor. Local youth usually abbreviate the name to EA, from the huge sign on the building entrance. Spencer Plaza 769, Anna Salai. Spencer is a Chennai landmark that dates back to colonial times. The original was destroyed in a fire, and the current building dates back to 1983. The new Phase III section even has a mock Indo-Saracenic atrium in the style of the original. One of the earliest shopping malls in India, it has slightly lost its charm with the arrival of swanky new malls, but it is still an excellent place to buy handicrafts, ethnic wear, Indian jewellery and books (it houses the largest Landmark bookstore in Chennai). There is a reasonably good food court on the 2nd level of Phase I and Phase III. Chennai Citi Center 10, Radhakrishnan Salai. Opened in March of 2006, it houses mostly mens western-wear brands like Adidas, Louis Philippe, Parx and Zodiac. Has a good food court, an Indian restaurant, INOX cinema and a supermarket. Shoppers Stop 2, Harrington Rd, Chetpet. This is one of the largest department stores in Chennai, and you can buy everything from clothes to shoes to books here. Ispahani Center . Nungambakkam Road. An early shopping centre - has a cafe, bar amp shops. Prince Plaza . Pantheon Road, Egmore It has been featured in many movies. Ampa Mall A new shopping mall in Chennai with both western and Indian brands featuring in the shops. Most popular for its PVR Cinemas multiplex, Star Bazaar grocery store and one of the few McDonalds in the city. It also has a food court and a boutique hotel. Stores on Doors , 91 44 65158534 Online shopping service. Good quality grocery and farm-fresh vegetables and fruits with free same day delivery. Books Chennai has a wide selection of rare books and maps in the many second-hand book stalls. Alwars Roadside bookshop opposite Kamadhenu theatre in Mylapore. Bookfield . ( opposite the LIC building on Anna Salai, Mount Road ). Vendors near the Central Station Vendors on Mount Rd outside Devi Theatre and the GPO (General Post Office) Higginbothams . Anna Salai. Kennedys Book House . Anna Salai. For more current publications Landmark Spencers Plaza, Anna Salai (Mount Rd) - Books, Toys, CDs, 4 locations: Spencer Plaza, Anna Salai (Mount Road) - 37,000 sq. ft. Apex Plaza, Nungambakkam High Road - 12,000 sq. ft. - The original store. Chennai Citi Centre, Radhakrishnan Salai. Ampa Mall, Injambakkam - newest location. Odyssey . Behind Gandhi Nagar Bus Stand, Adyar and Express Avenue, Royapettah Giggles . Connemara Hotel Binny Rd. General books from a friendly shop keeper. Chennai Book Fair (annual) 10th Jan to 22nd Jan 2018, YMCA Grounds, Anna Salai, Nandanam. Location and dates may vary annually. If you happen to be in Chennai in January, Chennai Book Fair is an event not to miss. Plan to visit on a weekday as they attract lesser crowds and you can browse through the collections peacefully. If you pick a weekend or holiday, try to visit in the morning instead of the evening. Look through all the shops but it is usually better to skip the marquee stalls and visit the smaller ones which have books stacked all around. You will be rewarded with some great finds as these shops have lesser known but excellent titles from all around the world. Carry cash as many of the smaller shops do not accept creditdebit cards and cash also helps to bargain down the price of the books to some extent. On average, paperback novels in bargain shops cost 100 to 200. A budget of 3000 (around 50) should be enough to purchase a good collection of books. Clothes Brass Tacks , 91 44 4208 1767 7713, Corporation Shopping Complex, C. P. Ramaswamy Rd, Alwarpet. Contemporary clothing from natural fibres for women. FabIndia . 3 Woods Rd The Ilford House location at is probably the best in terms of choices and selections. This is the place to go for all your natural-dyed, hand loomed and hand made textiles. The prices have been going up the last few years, but FabIndia is the only source for this sort of textile in Chennai at any retail outlet. Just Casuals , 91 44 28273882 Nungambakkam, 1, Sterling Rd. A good place to head if youre in the mood for the Banana RepublicAbercrombieOld NavyGap type stuff. They seem to get all the export rejects or overstocks. Youll find that all the brand tags are cut out due to some agreement with the manufacturer. The quality and prices are good, but unfortunately theres no bargaining possible. Handloom Exhibitions . Year-round there is always a handloom exhibition profiling the work of one state or the other. These temporary installations (youll have to check the local papers to find out where they set up) generally have a good selection of interesting fabrics and textile products. And there is always the option to bargain, which makes it a better bet than oft-overpriced retail stores. The Royapettah YMCA (across from Royapettah Hospital) has a regular handloom exhibition. Shanti Colony . Annanagar is a hub for seconds clothing as in the above description for Just Casuals. Raymond shop . 162 Anna Salai There are several outlets of Raymond shop around Chennai. Custom tailored shirts, suits and other wardrobe accessories for men. Crafts Poombukar . 108 Anna Salai, Plandmark. ( opposite the LIC building in Annasalai and next to Higgingbothams book store ). They sell handicrafts. Amethyst , 91 44 2820 3582 Sundar Mahal, Padmavathi Rd, Jeypore Colony, Gopalapuram. They sell handicrafts. Ashvita - Arts and Artifacts . 11 2nd St , 91 44 2847 6063 Radhakrishnan Salai, Mylapore. Art, jewellery, photo prints. Crafts and Weaves , 91 44 2466 0232 1, 1st Main Road, CIT Colony, Mylapore. Handicrafts. Giri Stores . Adjacent to Kabaleeswarar Temple, ( opposite the Radha Silk Emporium, Mylapore Tank ). Hindu spiritual items like Rudraksha garlands, books, CDs amp tapes for chanting, incense sticks, camphor and lamps. Hidesign Ispahani Centre, Nungambakkam High Rd amp Phase 3, Spencers Plaza. Leather goods. Vimonisha Art Gallery . 12 Khadar Nawaz Khan Rd Handicrafts. Jidoka Store . 1st Lane, Nungambakkam High Rd, 91 44 2822 3516, 91 44 2822 3317. Handicrafts. Poppat Jamals . Mount Rd Anna Salai, ( opp. Spencers Plaza ). Crockery. Manasthala . 12 Cenotaph Rd , 91 44 2433 2842 Terracotta ceramics. Victoria Technical Institue . 180, (old No.765) Anna Salai , 91-44-2852 3141 10am to 7.30pm. They have a huge display of handicraft items, paintings, wood carvings and metal work statues. : rupees 20 to any amount. Art galleries Prakrit Art Gallery , 91 44 42188989 Dhandayuthapani Nagar, 2nd St, Kotturpuram. Lakshmi Ethiraj Art Gallery . 70 1st Main Rd , 91 44 4359 223 CIT Nagar. Raasi Art Gallery . 1 Anna Ave , 91 44 2441 0389 Bakthavatsala Nagar, Adayar. Apparao Galleries , 91 44 2827 226 7th St, Wallace Garden. Contemporary arts and crafts showroom . 41 CP Ramaswamy Rd Alwarpet, 91 44 2499 7069, 91 44 2466 0159. Chennai Studio . 222 Peters Rd , 91 44 98405 43420 Royapettah. Sarees Revathy Stores , 91 44 24934328 No. 78, RK Mutt Rd, ( Luz Bazaar Building ). Small store with a wide variety of Kalyani and Indian hand-loomed sarees. Aavaranaa , 91 44 24988292 15, Ashoka Street, Alwarpet. Vardhrams and Sons Silks . Harington Rd, Chetpat. Radha Silk Emporium (Rasi) . Silk sarees, ethnic wear, arts amp crafts in multiple locations. 1 Sannadhi St, Mylapore, 91 44 2494 1906 827, Dhun Building, Mount Rd, 91 44 2852 0251 23 1st Main Rd, Nanganallur, 91 44 2232 4176 Shilpi . 29 C. P. Ramaswamy Rd, Alwarpet. Co-Optex . No.350, Pantheon Road, Egmore, Chennai - 600008. , 04428193175 State government operated store. Good place to buy authentic silk sarees and dhotis. They also sell other items like salwar sets, curtains, bedsheets, pillow covers etc. Jewellery Joyalukkas . 39 North Usman Road TNagar. Indias largest exclusive jewellery mall, housing the worlds largest jewellery showroom of international retailer Joyalukkas amongst other world renowned retailers. Jaipur Gems . 50 Cathedral Road Exclusive designer StarFire Diamond jewellery, authentic Jadau jewellery. Vummidi Bangaru Jewellery . Nungambakkam, Features diamonds and gold. There is also a location TNagar. Aishwarya Jewellery . Mylapore Tank. Gold and silverware. Bapalal Jewellers . Kakani Towers, Cathedral Road. Diamond merchants. Jugalkishore Jewellers . CP Ramaswaamy Road, Alwarpet. Traditional and antique jewellery. Aarthi Thanga Maligai . 60 East Kalamandapam Road Royapuram. Gold for reasonable prices. Narayana Pearls Good collection. Kasi Arcade, T. Nagar. B. B Jewellery . 6127 Arcot Road Porur. Specializing in gold. Kanishk . Usman Road, TNagar. Great value for money amp wide range. Rasvihar . 17a, Sterling Avenue, Nungambakkam. For exclusive contemporary jewellery. 11 N. Gopaldas - Jewellers since 1929, New No. 59, Dr. Radhakrishnan Salai, Mylapore. For exclusive diamond jewellery. 12 Tanishq . 100 Ft Bypass Road, Near Velachery Lake, Velachery From the house of Titan. Gold, Diamond and Platinum jewelery. Trendy collections, transparent pricing and clear billing. Tanishq also operates other outlets in Adyar, Anna Nagar and T. Nagar Music Sapthaswara Musicals . Features Western and Indian musical instruments. Shruthi Musicals . 10 Harleys Rd , 91 44 2660 3630 Kilpauk. Sruthilayais . 93 Royapettah High Rd Mylapore, 91 44 2499 4045,91 44 2498 2625. Musical instruments. Lakshman shruthi . Vadapalani Signal, Vadapalani. Musical instruments, CDs. In addition to these there are several exhibitions at Das Community Hall (Cathedral Rd), Shankara Hall (TTK Rd) where artisans display their work. Check the local newspapers for details and timings. Chennai has numerous restaurants, offering an assortment of cuisine. The beach restaurants are well maintained and serve great food during the evenings. The eat outs in Chennai range from budget, midrange and to up-market. There are swanky star quality restaurants, plain open traditional vegetarian or non vegetarian restaurants - where you share a table with strangers, street stalls, tea kadais, fast food centers, western fast food centers, food courts, coffee shops, bakeries to exclusive specialty establishments. Vegetarian restaurants serve tiffin and vegetarian meals. There are also a number of restaurants that serve a variety of Tamil, Andhra and Kerala vegetarian and non-vegetarian fare. Many of these restaurants have nowadays diversified and offer other Indian and Indianized Chinese dishes as well. Usually the check includes a service charge, written next to S. C. If no service charge is added, it is customary to leave a moderate tip. Budget Hot soup stand outside Santhome, Chennai All these budget eateries serve only vegetarian food and are very cheap. Eat N Drink . 570-N, Anna Salai, Teynampet South Indian fast food, from masala dosas to uttapam and pongal. Fast, cheap, tasty and hygienic. : Rs 20-40. Geetha Caf, Pondy Bazaar. South Indian tiffin. Hot Chips . T. Nagar and Anna Nagar for budget priced South Indian tiffin, including North Indian chat (snack) items. Kebab Junction . Royapettah, NV, opp. Express Ave, ( near Melody theatre ). Karpagambal Mess . Mylapore, ( opposite the Kapaleeswarar temple ). Cheap and authentic South Indian Food. Komalas . Kodambakkam High Rd. South Indian fast food. Mansuks . T. Nagar. Best for Bombay Chat, Lassi and an unlimited Gujarati Thali. Palimar . Parsn Complex, Mount Rd, Anna Salai. South Indian cuisine. Rathna Cafe . Triplicane. also Thiruvanmiyur, ( opposite the RTO ). For fluffy hot idlis, hot vadai, delicious pongal dripping in ghee and accompanied by sambhar. Quality maintained for more than 100 years. More expensive than Murugan Idli shop. Sangeetha . at intersection of Valluvar Kottam High Rd and Nungambakkam High Rd in Nungambakkam Chain of vegetarian restaurants. A mix of good-quality and tasty South Indian, North Indian, and Indo-Chinese cuisine at very reasonable prices. It is a chain restaurant. Hotel Saravana Bhavan Probably Chennais best known restaurant chain, with 25 branches in Chennai itself (incl. one next to Kapaleeswarar Temple). Pure vegetarian Indian food with high standards of hygiene. Cholayil Sanjeevanam . New No. 97, Old No.45, Nungambakkam High Road in Nungambakkam , 91 44 4549 0324 A popular vegetarian health restaurant that cooks its foods using ayurvedic principles. The food is truly delicious, and the concept is that they are cooked with low amounts of oil, using healthy ingredients. The chain also features ayurvedic and yogic classes. Sri Krishna Sweets . Mount Rd, Spencers Plaza, Adayar, Anna Salai, also at MG Rd, Shastri Nagar. Indian sweets amp salad bar. North Indian chat (snack) items. The Spice Box , 91 44 4304 2365 Thiruvanmyur. Lunch deliveries and gourmet outdoor catering. Wholesome, innovative lunch-dinner in 6 options is great to try out. Vasantha Bhavan . ( near Vadapalani Bus stand ). Chain of vegetarian restaurants. Mid-range Shanghai Annaachi , 91 93 2357063 9B, 1st Floor, Kakani Tower, New No. 34, Old No. 15, Khader Nawaz Khan Road, Dynasty . Harrisons Hotel, (Non-Vegetarian) 315, Valluvarkottam High Rd, Nungambakkam, 91 44 2222777. Good quality Chinese-Indian cuisine. Reservations available. The Cascade , 91 44 2834 3030 Quality Inn Sabari, 1. floor, 29 Thirumalai Pillai Rd, T. Nagar, Texas Fiesta . (Non-Vegetarian) 172, Shaffee Mohammed Rd, ( off Khader Nawaz Khan Rd ), 91 44 43087882. It is owned and operated by a Tex Mex aficionado who fell in love with this great cuisine while in the USA. Favorite dishes include chicken wings, cream of leeks and potato soup, chicken fajita and grilled tenderloin steak apart from burritos, quesadillas and tortillas. Meal for two would cost about :INR 500. Table reservations available. Amethyst . (Vegetarian),Sundar Mahal, Padmavathi Road, Jeypore Colony, Gopalapuram, 91 44 2820 3582, resv 91 44 28353581. Garden and patio cafe and restaurant with a mix of western (pastas, burgers) and Indian fare. Cuisines served by Amethyst are Coffee and International. It is a nice, cozy, romantic place to chill out on weekends. Their cuisine is nice and so is their interiors. Its a colonial house turned into a restaurant. Table reservations available. Curry House: (non-Vegetarian), 2, Block AB, 11th Ave, Anna Nagar, 91 44 42611167, 91 44 42611168. Chettinad, and Kerala delicacies. Good tandoori fare of the non-veg variety popular among the Punjabis and found all over Delhi. Open: 12:00-15:00 and 19:00-23:00. Meals for two around Rs 350. Table reservations. Dhaba Express . 9 Cenotaph Rd , 91 44 2432 8213 Teynampet, and Nungambakkam High Rd. Cuisines served by Dhaba Express are North Indian. They serve Chicken Tikka Masala, Mutton Rogan Josh, Tandoori Aloo (starter), Naans and Roomali Rotis. Valet Parking. Open: 11:30-15:30, 18:3001:30. Meals for two Rs 500. Table reservations. ECR Dhaba . ( non-vegetarian ), 976, Kunnukadu, East Coast Rd, Near Muttukadu Boat House, 91 44 44 27472943, 91 98 407 04050. Punjabi food. Table reservations. Open: 11:00-23:45. The Chimney , 91 44 2472 5950 Liberty Park Hotel 9, 1st Main Road, U. I. Colony, Kodambakkam. Predominantly North-Indian kebabs amp Chinese cuisines served. A very pleasant place on the cooler evenings when theres always a gentle breeze. Table reservations Coastline , 91 44 28251128 118, Dr. Radhakrishnan Salai, Mylapore. South Indian seafood. Freshly done interiors, slow service but delicious food. Crab rasam, prawn or fish biryani. Vide variety of sea food offerings. Must try place. Price range: Meals for two Rs 600. Table reservations Aiwo , 91 44 66514241 7 Rosy Towers, Nungambakkam High Road, Nungambakkam. Fusion and health foods. A 14-course meal served on a conveyer belt that moves around the room. Various dishes served are supposed to be cooked in olive oil. Healthy tasty food for the health conscious. Rs 199 per meal inclusive of taxes. Table reservations Amaravathi . 1 Cathedral Road Gopalpuram, 91 44 28116416, 91 44 28110305. South Indian sea food cuisines and is known for its spicy Andhra food . Their famous Andhra meals, chicken and mutton biryani. Vazahapoo and keerai vadi are a must try. Chilly chicken, chili paneer, momos, soups, burgers, rolls, etc. Punjabi dishes like kadhai chicken, butter chicken, daal makhni, roti, butter naan, paneer butter masala, allu matar etc. Special fish prawns and Amaravathi chicken are the main dishs of the restaurant. Price: Avrg. for 2 persons Rs 500. Seating: 135 covers. Valet parking and take away. Open: 7 days a week. 11:00-23:00. Table reservations Amma . ( non-vegetarian ), No 1 Dr. Giri Rd, ( near Bharathi Raja Hospital), T Nagar, 91 44 28340242, 91 44 242122176. Known for authentic Chettinadu cuisine. Price range: Meals for 2 around non-vegetarian ), Anjappar . ( non-vegetarian ), J. P. Tower, 72, Nungambakkam High Rd. Speciality: Anjappar Popular Meals: White Rice, Chettinad Chicken, Mutton Gravy, Fish Gravy, Sambar, Rasam, Kootu, Porial, Keerai, Curd, Buttermilk, Appalam. Also famous for Spl. Mutton Dum Biriyani, Nattu Koli Biriyani and Chettinaad Fish Masala. Price range: Meals for two :INR 500. Table Reservations Tele: 91 44 28217200, 2825666, 42144573. They have other outlets in Chennai: Anna Nagar: . (91 44 26264111) Chennai Airport-Food Court - Anna International Airport, . (91 44 22561793, 2256194) Near Central Station: (91 44 25382666, 25383334) Egmore . (91 44 42134111, 42179222) Purasaiwalkam . (91 44 42089188, 26400200) TNagar . 91 44 224328444, 91 44 224328555) Mylapore . 91 44 224982883, 91 44 224981226) R. K.Salai . 91 44 228114555, 28114666) Annalakshmi: (vegetarian) 183, Rukmani Lakshmipathy Rd (Marshall Rd), Sigapi Achi Building I Floor, Adjacent to Raja Muthaiah amp Rani Meyyammai Hall, Egmore. 91 44 228525109, 91 44 242141210. This is a must try expensive South Indian food restaurant. Elegant ambience, friendly service and good food. Filling portions served. Best selling dishes - Elumichai Sevai, Badam-saffron milkshake. Elite crowd. Pricy at :INR 1000 for 2 meals. Open: Tuesday to Sunday (Monday weekly holiday) Lunch: 12:00-14:30 PM. Dinner:19.3021:45. Table reservations Anupama Southern Spice . (Non-Vegetarian) 25, 1st Floor, G. N. Chetty Road, Thyagaraya Nagar, Chennai 600017. Specialty Andhra Cuisine. Table Reservations Tele: 91 44 31000733 Hotel Coronet . ( non-vegetarian ) 128, Lattice Bdge Rd, Adyar, 91 44 224413446, 91 44 24411915. This is one of the oldest restaurants in the area. Very reasonably priced, Coronet is known for its great Mughalai food. Their specialties are the mutton korma with parotha, Ceylon egg parotha, and kheema masala. They also serve Kerala Malabar dishes. Modest ambience. Open: 9 AM to Past midnight. Madurai Appu . ( non-vegetarian )40, Sarojini Street, TNagar, 91 44 224490077, 91 44 224491515). Authentic Chettinad cuisine: Known for its Chettinad chicken masala, Chicken and mutton biryani. Meals for two :INR 500. Table Reservations Tele: 91 044 2432 8484. They have other outlets in Chennai: Valasaravakkam: . (91 044 2486116624860022) Mugappair: 91 44 226567676, 91 44 226567393) Triplicane . ( 91 44 228580786, 91 44 228591515, 91 44 228592929) East Coast Road (ECR - Vettuvankani) : Barbeque Nation (BBQ Nation) . Sri Devi Park hotel, T. Nagar and Hotel Bhimaas, Vadapalani. 13. Buffet costs :INR 800 per person, advance reservation is strongly recommended. Gallopin Gooseberries . Burgers, Sandwiches and Entres. Has two outlets: 1. 4359,Gatsby Village, Mgr Road, 91 44 24493924 2. 11, Shop 2, 2nd Floor, Greams Road, Landmark: Near Thousand Lights Police Station Phone: 91 44 28291077, 28292190 Gyan Vaishnav . Mount Road, Near Anand Theatre. North Indian Kadalivanam Mogappair. 100 natural, fully vegetarian restaurant Karaikudi . VeeraRaghava Road, T. Nagar, 91 44 2815 1021. (also at Anna Nagar, Besant Nagar, Mylapore, Thiruvanmiyur) Chettinadu cuisine. Edens . Harrisons Hotel, 315, Valluvarkottam High Road, Nungambakkam. Wonderful Continental cuisine, fully vegetarian. Once Upon A Pirate. . A Pirate Theme Restaurant, Besant Nagar Beach Road, Opp Velankanni Church. 91 44 45511980. Indian Tandoor Chinese Cuisines. Murugans Idli Shop . 2 locations: GN Chetty Road T. Nagar and Besant Nagar. Murugan Idli Shop is a chain restaurant, and the GN Chetty Road shop in particular is a well-kept secret among locals as a purveyor of high-quality food on weekends, there is a long line for entry. The price for one meal is around 20-40 rupees, or around 1. South Indian. Mughals Zaika . Rajaratnam St, Chetpet, Behind Ega Theatre. This is the best place in Chennai for any Kebabs esp their Juicy Irani Kebabs They also serve the best amp authentic Mughlai Biryani. Great value for money. One drawback (or advantage) is its non-ac, its an Open air restaurant. The price for one meal is around :INR 80 rupees, or around 2. MughlaiPersianAfghaniIrani. Noodle House . A chain restaurant, whoese locations include: 1. Spencers Plaza, Anna Salai (Mount Road) and 2.the Intersection of Sterling Road and Nungambakkam High Road in Nungambakkam. صينى. Pizzaurant . Velachery Road, Little Mount, Saidapet. Cuisine - Pizza amp Pasta.(Without MSG) Home delivery for nearby areas, Very Indian. Poonamallee . Breeze Hotel, 850, Poonamallee High Road. 91 44 2641 3334, 91 44 2643 0596. Multicusine Ponnusamy . Commander-in-Chief Road (opp Ethiraj College), Egmore. Chettinadu cuisine Rangis . Nungambakkam High Road, Nungambakkam. صينى. Swati and Swayam . at Saravana Bhavan, Peters Road. South Indian. Sparkys . located in Egmore, is an American diner operated by an American expatriate settled in Chennai. Mexican, Italian and American food. Prices range from 70-150 rps for a meal.14 Sparkys has been closed since the end of 2018, ever since their head Chef passed on. They are yet to commit on when they will be re-opening the joint. Splurge Peshwari . Sheraton Chola Hotel, Cathedral Road, Chennai 600 086. The award winning Peshawari is the Indian specialty restaurant with the rugged flavours of the North-West Frontier and the art of tandoori cooking. The food is cooked in clay ovens or tandoor in the traditional style which is viewed through the open kitchen. (5 Star Hotel) Rated Expensive. Table Reservations Tele: 91 44 28110101 Mainland China . Hotel Tulip Aruna, 144145, Sterling Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai.( 4 Star Hotel) The restaurant chain serves authentic cuisine from the major provinces of China. Table Reservations Tele: 91 044 28238345, 044 39155261, 044 39155256 Shanghai Club . Hotel Chola Sheraton, 13,Cathedral Road, Chennai 600086. Well known for its most authentic Chinese Cuisine. Live three piece band. (5 Star Hotel) Rated Expensive. Table Reservations Tele: 91 44 28110101 Shansi Chinese amp Tandoori Restaurant . AnnaNagar - Indian and Chinese - 26213109 Cafe Mercara In Chola Sharaton Hotel, 13,Cathedral Road, Gopalapuram, Chennai - 600086. Coffee Boutique which serves an amazing array of coffees and tea from around the world - Burgers, pizzas, salads and snacks. (5 Star Hotel) Rated Expensive. Table Reservations Tele: 91 44 24322640 91 44 28110101 Cilantro . Coffee Shop Restaurant of Le Royal Mridien,1 GST Road, St. Thomas Mount, Chennai-600016. The restaurant serves continental, Indian, South Indian, Italian, Arabic Shawarmas, Chinese, Thai and a teppenyaki grill of Japanese Cuisine. Open: 24 hrs. Table Reservations Tele: 91 44 22314343, 91 44 43534545 The Residency . Park Sheraton Hotel and Towers, Chamiers Road, Alwarpet, Chennai. Lavish buffet and an international a la carte menu. In a gracious setting reminiscent of the Edwardian era. Live music. Open: 12.30 PM to 2.45 PM, 7.30 PM to 11.45 PM. Table Reservations Tele: 91 44 2499 4101 Grill and Indian Cuisine Pergola . The Accord Metropolitan Hotel, 35, G N Chetty Road, T Nagar - The highest open to sky restaurant in the city - Featuring GrillsIndian cuisines - Hours of operation 19:00 Hrs - Midnight - Seating capacity 120 covers - Table Reservations Tele: 91 44 28161000, 43911000. Bella Ciao - Lounge Beach Garden, 4, Shri Krishna Enclave, Kottivakkam, Chennai - 600041, Italian-owned and run, authentic Italian food. The famous wood fired oven pizza, home made pastas, steaks and salads. Table Reservations Tele: 91 44 24511130 Little Italy . Italian Restaurant, Eldorado No 112, Nungambakam High Road, Chennai-600034. Italian classic cuisine with a perfect wine. Chefs favourites: Pizza Mellino, Pasta del Fattore and In Wines - Brunello di Montalcino. Table Reservations Tele: 91 44 42601234, 42601230 Prego . Taj Coromandel, Nungambakkam High Road, Nungambakkam. 91 44 5500 2827. Gourmet Italian dining, replaced Patio Akasaka . Suraj Towers, Ground Floor, 128 L. B. Road, Behind Jayanthi Theatre, Thiruvanmiyur. Japanese Chef, The ambeince is Japanese - low seating and all that. Own fishing boat, excellent sushi and sashimi. Very expensivefigure on over :INR 1000 for a meal here. Table Reservations Tele: 91 44 24453424, 24456493 Teppan . 146, TTK Road, Alwarpet, Chennai. Hibachi style, the cook prepares your meal with a show right in front of you. Very entertaining especially for younger diners. Excellent sushi and sashimi. :INR 2000 for a meal for two. Table Reservations Tele: 91 44 32216635 Arirang Korean Restaurant - Dr Thirumurthy Nagar 91 Main Road Nungambakkam, Nungambakkam, Chennai-600034. Table Reservations Tele: 91 44 28233739 Lebanese and Middle Eastern Delicacies Cedars . Wallace Garden Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai - 600085. Dim lit ambience is beautiful with exquisite furnishing in Mediterranean style. They serve the most authentic Lebanese, Middle Eastern delicacies and some interesting Mediterranean cuisines. Table Reservations Tele: 91 44 42182397 Don Pepes . 73, Cathedral Road, Gopalapuram, Chennai. Mexican. Located above Hot Breads as an extension, They are best known for their Fajitas (sizzlers) and Enchiladas (a tortilla wrap with some Mexican rice). Rated Expensive. Open: 12:00 to 2:45 PM, 7:00 to 11:45 PM. Table Reservations Tele: 91 44 28221461 Entree Restaurant . Located in Emall hotel, Express Avenue Mall, Gate No 1, Pattullous Road, Anna Salai, Chennai 600 002. , 91 044 28463333, 91 044 28463358 100 Vegetarian multicuisine restaurant in chennai. Serve a delectable fare from all around the world - Thai soup, maxican main course, Indian spices tadka, French Pastry for deserts. Citrus . Savera Hotels Ltd. 146, Dr. Radhakrishnan Road, Mylapore, Chennai - 600004. Multicuisine - featuring Mediterranean barbeque and Norwegian smoked salmon. Table Reservations Tele: 91 44 28114700 Cream Centre . 55, 2nd Main Road, Raja Annamalaipuram, Chennai - 600028.(Near Kaliappa Hospital)Cream Centre offers a wide range of vegetarian food choices - North Indian and Mexican, to American, Italian and even Lebanese. Nachos, Channa Bhatura, American Corn Cheese Ball, Sizzlers amp Sizzling Brownie. A specialty here is the Mera Thali, where you have a choice of dishes from which you can make your own thali. Open: 11:00 AM to 3:30 PM, 7:00 PM to 11:00 PM (11:00 AM to 11:00PM on Weekends). Table Reservations Tele: 91 044 42815777, 91 044 42815776. Seasons . The Accord Metropolitan Hotel, 35, G. N. Chetty Road, T Nagar, Chennai - Extensive Buffets featuring cuisines from all over the world - Oriental to Italian, Continental to Indian, and Global A la Carte - Open: 24 Hrs. Seating capacity 65 covers - Breakfast buffet 07:00 - 10:30 Hrs - Lunch buffet 12:30 - 15:00 Hrs - Dinner buffet 19:30 - 23:00 Hrs - Table Reservations Tele: 91 44 28161000, 43911000 Copper Chimney . 74, Cathedral Road, Gopalapuram, Chennai. (Opposite the Chola Sheraton). Mainly North Indian and Iranian inspired dish. Specialities: Bagani Bahar, Paneer Musselum. Rated expensive. Open: 12:00 to 3:00 PM, 7:00 to 12:00 PM. Table Reservations Tele: 91 44 28115770, 28114941 The Great Kabab Factory . Radisson G R T Hotel, G. S.T. Road, St Thomas Mount, Chennai, 600016. Specialities: Galoutti Kabab, Tangri and Murgh Malai Kababs, Fish and Mutton Kababs. They serve alcohol and have velat parking. Pricing: Rated expensive. Open: 12:00PM to 2:45PM, 7:00PM to 11:45PM, Table Reservations Tele: 91 44 22310101 Navaratna . Le Royal Meridien, Le Royal Mridien,1 GST Road, St. Thomas Mount, Chennai-600016. India Restaurant serving Royal Indian Cuisine. Live Ghazal performances. A Private dining room is available for up to 12 persons and an intimate bar for pre-dinner drinksRated very Expensive. Open: For Lunch from 12.00 Noon to 3.00 PM amp For Dinner from 7.00 to 11.45PM. Table Reservations Tele: 91 44 22314343, 91 44 43534545 Tandoor . Quality Inn Aruna Hotel, 4th Floor, 144 amp 145, Sterling Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai - 600034. Specialties: North Indian, Punjabi, Tandoori and Mongolian Amenities: Outdoor Seating and Valet Parking. Serve alcohol. Table reservations Tele: 91 44 28262626, 91 44 28283636. Kayal . Seafood Restaurant of Le Royal Meridien, 1, G. S.T. Road, St. Thomas Mount, Chennai 600016. Specialities: Coriander Prawn, Seafood Platter, Kadia Lobster, Prawn Biryani. Nice complimentary garlic bread with butter. Rated very Expensive. Open: 7:00 to 11:30 PM. Table Reservations Tele: 91 44 22314343, 91 44 43534545 Dakshin . Park Sheraton Hotel and Towers, 132, T. T.K. Road, Alwarpet, Chennai. South Indian Cuisines - Dakshin offers the rare pleasures of ethnic coastal and regional cuisines. The choicest cuisine of the four Southern states served in a regal setting. Live Carnatic Music. Expensive but excellent food - Starters include traditional, kuli paniyaram. Try the Idi appam or Appam with mutton stew. Desert: Kulfi. Open: 12.30 to 2.45 PM, 7.30 to 11.45 PM. Table Reservations Tele: 91 44 24994101. Southern Spice . Taj Coromandel, Nungambakkam High Road, Nungambakkam. 91 44 55002827. Benjarong . 146, TTK Road, Alwarpet, Chennai 600018, The authentic flavor of Thailand. Seating capacity 68 covers. Open: 12.15 PM to 2.45 PM and 7.15 PM to 11.45 PM. Table Reservations Tele: 91 44 24322640 Chennai is a difficult place to drink. Government rule states that only establishments with a minimum of 21 rooms can obtain a bar liquor license. Hence there are no standalone bars or pubs here. All the bars hat are around are part of some hotel or the other and in general overpriced. Government run liquor stores called TASMAC are all over the place but in general not at all a pleasant experience. They usually have rude staff, are filthy and usually never have the brand of your choice. Also they always tend to mark up each bottle by Rs 5 to 10 over the listed price. Go for it if you want a one time war like experience in order to obtain some booze Nightclubs close at 23.00, even on Fridays and Saturdays, according to government rule. Budget The Pub . Liberty Park Hotel, 1st Main Road, UI Colony, Kodambakkam, Ph - 24725950 - Very nice decor and good service for the price. It gets crowded on important cricket match days as the local sports fans gather for a drink here. Paradise Bar . Aruna Hotel, 20 South Usman Road, T Nagar, Chennai - 600017, Ph - 243465650834 Mid-range Bike and Barrel . Residency Towers, T. Nagar. nice ambience there are 2 levels lower level for couples and upper level for stags. Nice sitting arrangement but can get crowded. Expect to spend around 1000 for 2 people for drinks and food. Champagne amp Cider . Grand Orient, Anna Salai (Mount Road). Crystal . Hotel Ranjit, Nungambakkam High road, Nungambakkam. Grammy . Hotel Sabhari, Thirumala Pillai Road, T. Nagar, Ph - Platinum . (Formerly HFO), Hotel Quality inn Aruna, Sterling Road, Nungambakkam Hudson . Harrisons Hotel, 315, Valluvarkottam High Road, Nungambakkam, Ph - 42222777 Has two levels. Hudson Upper and H2O. Cramped seating providing very little privacy. The Liquor stable is limited to the local brands and a bottle or two of Scotch. Society . Hotel Ambassador Pallava, Montieth road, Egmore, Ph - 28554476 Pretty small. Crowd is predominantly hotel guests. Attire is business casual and drinks are a little pricey. Diesel . G. N Chetty Road, T. Nagar Cambridge . Hotel Dee Cee Manor, GN Chetty Road, T. Nagar Million Dollars . Hotel Ambica Empire, 100 Feet road, Vadapalani Star Rock . Kodambakkam High Road (Next to Palmgrove hotel), Nungambakkam Zero bar . Quality Inn Sabari, ground floor, 29 Thirumalai Pillai Road, T. Nagar, Chennai - 600 017 Splurge OPM - Nightclub . The Accord Metropolitan, 35,G. N.Chetty Road, TNagar, Chennai - Open: 18:00 Hrs Onwards. Closed on Mondays and Tuesdays but available for private events. Information and Reservations: Tele: 91 44 28161000 43911000 Zodiac - Lounge Bar . The Accord Metropolitan, 35,G. N.Chetty Road, TNagar, Chennai - Popular labels, ingenious cocktails, rare blends of liquor amp a wide selection of hot and cold canaps. Open: Monday to Friday:16:00-23:00 Hrs, Saturday amp Sunday:11.00-23.00 Hrs - Seating capacity 76- Information and Reservations: Tele: 91 44 28161000 43911000 Geoffreys - The Pub, Radha Regent (formerly - Radha Park Inn), 171, Jawaharlal Nehru Salai, Inner Ring Road, Arumbakkam, Chennai 600106. Dcor is a mix of British and American - very contemporary and trendy look - pool tables, swinging DJs and live shows. An area of 2700 sq ft with 97 covers which makes the largest in its kind in the city. Open: 4 pm to 11 pm on all days. Information and Reservations: Tele: 91 44 66778899 The Westminister . Park Sheraton Hotel and Towers, Chamiers Road, Alwarpet. 91 44 2499 4101. Zara . Cathedral Road. Dublin . Park Sheraton Hotel and Towers, Chamiers Road, Alwarpet, Ph - 24994101 Durrants Bar . Chola Sheraton, Cathedral Road, Ph - 28110101 DIstil Bar . Taj Connemara, Binny Road Leather Bar . The Park, Nungambakkam High Rd. The largest liquor stable in Chennai - includes hard to source Moet amp Chandon, Glenfiddich and a variety of other scotch. Loud Music. The Rain Bar . Hotel Raintree, St. Marys Road, Alwarpet The Havana . Hotel Raintree, St. Marys Road, Alwarpet 10 Downing Street Kences Inn Hotel, North Boag Road, T Nagar Local specialities - soft drinks Tender Coconut Definitely try a tender coconut on a hot summers day. Available on roadside stalls at :INR 20 a coconut. NeerMoar Spicy butter milk, with local seasoning. Available at most South Indian restaurants. Fruit Bizz . left corner building from ananda bhavan road to guindy This is one of the best juice shops very famous in adyar region. Shop open from morning 10 am till 1am. : :INR 30-50. Low-budget Broadlands lodging house No 18, Vallabha Agraharam Street, (opp Star Theatre) Triplicane - Very popular with the backpacker crowd, leafy courtyard, a rustic feel to the whole hotel, good rooms are in the back of the hotel and two of the most recommended rooms are room 43 and 44, which are roof cottages. Rooms are 250 for single and 400 for double. email: broadlandshotelyahoo. Kanchi . C-in-C Road, Egmore Old Woodlands ,(a. k.a Royapettah WoodlandsWoodlands Hotel that is next to Woodlands Theatre) in Royapettah. Phone: 91 44 2848 2150, 91 44 2848 2152. Little known, but an excellent place to stay. The hotel building is at least one hundred years old and stands in the middle of sprawling grounds and surrounded by massive trees. The main building was once the palace of Raja of Ramnad. The auto-rickshaws taxis will not tell you about the place as the hotel does not pay a commission to middlemen. Pay no more than 40 rupees to get there from the railway station. New Woodlands Hotel It is sometimes crowded and a tad busy. There is a nice quiet art gallery and cafe nearby. Sri Krishna Residency . 044 24643617 South mada street Ph: Mylapore. Hotel Karpagam International, Ph: 24613701, South mada street, Mylapore. Hotel Regent . 11 Kennet Lane , 91 44 2825 3347 Zam Zam Guest House . 41 Subathral Street, Triplicane. Phone: 91 44 42664508. Newly built with clean spotless rooms and nice staff. It is located about 100m behind Thaj Regency Hotel on the small street. Look for the black marble entrance and sign. All rooms have bath, fan, sat TV and intercom. Squat toilets only. No mosquito nets on the windows though. Prices are :INR 200 for a single person, :INR 250 for two persons and 300 for 3 persons per 24 hours. في الغالب مشهد هندي في وقت كتابة هذا التقرير. Close to Broadlands Lodge, Comfort Hotel, and the great Gee Gee Internet and Surya Restaurant (old name Maharaj). The whole spot is about 300m from the T-junction of Triplicane High Rd and Walaja Rd where there is a bus stop of 27B bus to CMBT under the big tree (every 5 minutes). (Feb 2018) Hotel Impala Continental . 12 Gandhi Irwin Road , 91 44 2819 1423 Hotel Chennai Gate , 91 44 2819 4377 Gandhi Irwin Road. Deluxe room is Rp1500 with AC with internet socket available for Rp100 for 24hours. Cristal Guest House . 34, CNK Road, Triplicane. Phone: 91 44 285 13011. Double room is Rp300 with :INR 10 Hot water bucket. Very clean and friendly place with western toilets. No towels provided bring your own. Near goodinexpensive eateries. From the Central Train station, get out and take a pre-paid Auto Rickshaw for a total of :INR 50 (:INR 2 fee :INR 48) to Triplicane. This place is walking distance from the beach and a bus stops to reach various sites. Milestone Concepts amp Services - Serviced Apartments . 11, Krishna Kuteera Apartments, Harrington Road, Chetpet, Chennai-600031 , 91 9962078282. : milestoneconceptsandservicesgmail Serviced Apartments at various locations in Chennai including at Harrington Road (Chetpet), Guindy, Ramapuram, T Nagar. Available as single rooms or 3 BHK apartments, with 24 hrs check-in amp check-out, 24 hrs Housekeeping room service, air conditioned rooms, attached bath with hot water facility, separate lounge and dining areas, each room equipped with TVs with individual DTH connections, wi-fi internet free and a functional kitchen. Mid-range Alcove Service Apartments Chennai . Anandapuram, Off Dr. Ranga Road, Mylapore, Chennai 600004 , 91-9900578231. : stayalcove. co. in Single room, Independent 3 or 4 BHK Apartments, Air-conditioned rooms, Lounge and dining area and independent bathrooms, TV, fully furnished kitchen with refrigerator, microwave, toaster, mixer grinder and gas stove, complimentary Breakfast, free Wi-Fi internet. Comfort Inn Marina Towers . 2A Ponniamman Koiil St Egmore , 91 44 2858 5454 Dakshin . Venkatnarayana Road, Near Nandanam Signal, T. Nagar. Dee-Cee Manor . GN Chetty Road, T. Nagar. GRT Grand Days . Grand Orient . Anna Salai ( near Anand Theatre ) . Harrisons , 91 44 5222 2777 315, Valluvarkottam High Road, Nungambakkam. Imperial Serviced Apartment . 11 Harrington Rd , 91 98 417 42520 Chetpet. Both long term as well as short term stays. Lemon Tree Hotel, Chennai Sardal Patel Rd, Guindy. Liberty Park Hotel . 9, 1st Main Rd, UI Colony, Kodambakkam , 91 44 2472-5950. : reservationslibertyparkhotels 5 min away from the heart of the shopping district - T. Nagar. Ask for a 15 discount before you make a reservation. They sometimes have a better deal for the multiple night stays listed on their website. : Rs 2,000-3,000. Mowbrays Inn . TTK Road, Alwarpet. New Woodlands . Radhakrishna Salai, Mylapore. New Victoria . Kenneth Lane, Egmore. Oriental Inn , 91 44 28114941 71 Cathedral Rd, Gopalapuram. 32 rooms in central Chennai. Rs 1,500-2,800 plus taxes. Peninsula . GN Chetty Rd, T. Nagar. President . Radhakrishna Salai, Mylapore. Raj Residency . 22 Kennet Lane, Egmore : US17-147. Ranjit . Nungambakkam High Rd. Residency . GN Chetty Rd, T. Nagar. Residency Towers . Boag Rd, T. Nagar. (close to Pondy Bazaar) Somerset Greenways Chennai . No 94 Sathyadev Ave, MRC Nagar , 91 44 7100-0001. . 91 44 7100-0010. : enquiry. chennaithe-ascott The residence is 10 minutes away from the Chennai CBD. Studio through to 3 bedroom apartments. Each apartment features kitchens, separate living rooms complete with home entertainment systems. : Rs 6,500. Westin Park . Montieth Road, Egmore. Aspni Inn .77 Jawaharlal Nehru Rd, 100 Feet Rd, Vadapalani. , 91 44 2362 2284 Nearby to Chennai Metropolitan Bus Terminus and Vadapalani Lord Murugan Temple. 51 rooms. : Rates start at Aloft By Starwood Hotels, 102 Rajiv Gandhi Salai, Sholinganallur. Opened 1 July 2018. From Rs 4,000. 2 0.48amplon80 13 50.45ampzoom17amplayerOamplangheampnameD79ED7A9D7AAD79ED7A9:D795D799D7A7D799D79227D790D7A0D7A7D799Chennai Best Guest House . 29 amp 31 South Usman Rd, Corner of Damodaran St. , 91 44 24360717, 91 44 24360718 Double and triple AC and non-AC rooms with bathrooms and cable TV. : Rs 300-1,000. Splurge The closest hotels to the airport are The Trident . Le Royal Meridian . Hilton and Radisson GRT Hotel all five star properties. The Accord Metropolitan . 35, G N Chetty Road, T Nagar , 91 44 2816 1000-4391 1000. . 91 44 2816 1001. : hoteltheaccordmetropolitan Ambassador Pallava . 30, Montieth Road, Egmore , 91 44 2855 4476. . 91 44 2855 4492. : pallavaambassadorindia Friendly staff. My Fortune , 91 44 2811 0101. . 91 44 2811 0202 Courtyard Chennai . 564, Anna Salai , 91-44-66764000 Known by locals simply as the Marriott . this is a gorgeous, recently renovated business hotel located on the western edge of the city core, near the airport. Two restaurants, gym, no pool. : :INR 7100 and up. Hyatt Regency . 365 Anna Salai, Teynampet , 91 44 6100 1235 ITC Hotel Park Sheraton amp Towers . T. T.K. Road, Alwarpet , 91 44 2499 4101. . 91 44 2499 7101 Le Royal Meridian . 1 GST Road, St. Thomas Mount (Near Kathipara Junction) , 91 44 2231 4343. . 91 44 2231 4344 The Park , 91 44 5214 4000. . 91 44 5214 4100 601 Anna Salai (next to the Anna Flyover). النمط الحديث مع موضوع الفيلم. Radisson GRT Hotel . 531, GST Road, St. Thomas Mount (Near Kathipara Junction) , 91 44 2231 0101 Taj Connamera . Binny Road , 91 44 5500 0000 Taj Coromandel . 37, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Nungambakkam , 91 44 5500 2827 Trident Chennai . 124, G. S.T. Road , 91 44 2234 4747. . 91 44 2234 4555. : chennaitrident-hilton Emall Hotel (E hotel, Chennai) . Express Avenue Mall, Gate 1, Patullos Road , 91 44 2846 3333. : bookingsemallhotel ITC Grand Chola . No. 63, Mount Road, Guindy , 91 44 2220 0000. : itc. grandcholaitchotels. in New 5 star hotel in Guindy. Grand design cues taken from Chola architecture. Ramada Egmore . Gandhi Irwin Bridge Road, Egmore, Chennai, Tamil Nadu-600008 , 91 44 3000 4777. . 91 44 3000 4888. : inforamadachennaiegmore Near the Egmore railway station, providing easy access to central business areas. Includes a restaurant. Road facing rooms can be noisy. Chennai is generally a safer area of India in terms of crime, although pickpocketing, muggings, and robberies sporadically occur. Keep your doors and windows shut and locked at night and do not carry or display large amounts of cash if possible. It is advisable for women, especially unaccompanied ones, to dress modestly and limit their interaction with unfamiliar local men. Foreigners are generally overcharged by autorickshaws simply because they are ignorant of the prevailing fares. It is necessary to confirm whether the driver knows the exact destination and to fix the fare before boarding. Autos, as autorickshaws are known in Chennai, are notorious for fleecing customers, tourists and locals alike. Be alert to your surroundings and watch where you step, especially if you get caught in a large crowd where it is difficult to look at what is in front of you. Cross streets extremely carefully as traffic is generally heavy. On major roads, use the underground crossings (locally called subways). Avoid using underground road-crossing subways in the night or if you notice them to be empty. Traffic signals are frequently ignored by drivers and pedestrians alike, and it is not at all advisable for tourists to try driving in Chennai. While in Chennai it is advisable to drink bottled water keep a bottle handy as it is EXTREMELY HOT. trusted to an extent). Eating fresh vegetables and fruits that have sat outside in the presence of insects can also be unhealthy, although bananas and coconuts are usually safe because they are opened only immediately before eating. Hot drinks in restaurants such as tea, coffee, and other local specialties are safe, as are packagedbottled drinks such as Aquafina water, Frooti (a popular local mango drink) and others. If you have access to a stove, boiling tap water before drinking is also an option. Chennai summers are humid and sultry its better to step out with an umbrella . bottled water and some oral rehydration salts (available from pharmacies, the brand name is Electral). These come in handy if you happen to get dehydrated. Chennai is the medical capital of South East Asia. Hospitals Apollo Hospitals . Greams Lane, Off Greams Road, Nungambakkam Tel - 28293333 Aysha Hospital . 91A Millers Rd. Tel: 26426930. Balaji Hospital G. S.T Road, Guindy, Tel - 22345282 New Hope Medical Centre . Kilpauk, Tel - 25321532, 15 CSI Rainy Hospital . Royapuram, Tel - 25951329 Hindu Mission Hospital . 103, G. S.T. Road, Tambaram West, Tel: 22262244, 16 . Madras Medical Mission . Moggapair 37 -26565961 91, 17 . Ramachandra Hospital . Porur Tel:91 44 2476 8403 Dr. Kamakshi memorial Hospital . No1, Radial Road, pallikaranai, Chennai 600 100 18 Dr. Mehtas Hospital, No2,McNichols Road,3rd Lane, Chetpet, Chennai 31-Tel:4227100042271004 Devaki Hospitals . Opposite to Rangachari cloth store mylapore Pharmacies Apollo Pharmacy . All Over the City Health amp Glow . Spencers Plaza (Phase 3), Mount Road Nungambakkam High Road Madras Medical Mission . 24 ساعة. Pharmacy, Mogappiar The Psychotherapy Clinic ,261, Arcot Street, T.nagar My Mother Pharmacy, E.B. Colony Parasu Dental Pharmacy 11, 3rd cross st kasthurbha nagar adyar chennai - 20 ph 4211 5000 Landlines BSNL and Airtel Reliance, Tata, are main providers of terrestrial telephone lines in Chennai. You can make long distance calls from one of the many booths that display NSDISD i. e. National Subscriber Dialling (National Long Distance) and International Subscriber Dialling (International Long Distance). Calling cards are also available with these providers which are considerably cheap. Mobile Phones Cell phone rates are one of the cheapest in the world. There are Ten GSM service providers: BSNL 19 GSM Triband with 3G services AirTel 20 GSM Triband with 3G services Vodafone 21 GSM Triband with 3G services AirCel GSM Triband Reliance GSM launced in 2009 Tata DOCOMO GSM launched in 2009 Idea GSM launched in 2009 Uninor GSM launched in 2009 MTS CDMA launched in 2009 mtsindia. in Virgin GSM Videocon GSM launching 2018 You can buy a sim card with a photo and a copy of your passport. For making long distance calls Aircel is cheaper with :INR 49 card calls to US and Canada will be :INR 1.50Min. this will work only in home network. For other destinations Please check with operator. CDMA service providers are Reliance 22 , TATA Indicom 23. Virgin Mobile and MTS . Starter packs and top-up cards can be picked up from numerous outlets. Seemles roming across the country is provided by all providers. Internet There are several internet cafes from where you can access the internet for sending email or uploading your digital photos. Reliance WebWorld . incorporating JavaGreen coffee shops, Spencers Plaza, Anna Salai (Mount Road) TTK Road, Alwarpet, Besant Nagar, L. B.Road, Adyar. The TTK Road branch has free wifi if you use the coffee shop. Sify iway . 24 Several of them in the city MTS MBLAZE High Speed Broadband Internet Through USB Modems. Call 9150-955-955 Apart from that you can access Internet provided in your hotel or if you are staying long you can buy Internet packs from all mobile providers. ATMs ABN Amro . Harrington Road, Opp Residency Hotel on GN Chetty Road, Adyar - Sardar Patel Road, TTK Road, next to Citibank branch ANDHRA BANK . All over Chennai HSBC . Adyar, Mylapore, Pondy Bazzar, Tidel Park, Kadar Nawaz Khan Road, Annanagar, Rajaji Salai, Kathipara Junction American Express . Near Anand Theatre, Anna Salai (Mount Road) Citibank . Opp Spencers Plaza, Anna Salai (Mount Road) Opp Hotel Parthan, GN Chetty Road, Opposite Citi Centre, Velachery Highway, near Vijaya Nagar Bus terminus, Nanganallur. HDFC Bank . ITC Centre, Anna Salai (Mount Road),Anna Nagar(West) All over Chennai ICICI Bank . All over Chennai Axis Bank . All over Chennai Standard Chartered Bank . Haddows Road State Bank of India . All over Chennai. They have an ATM locator online 25 Indian Overseas Bank . All over Chennai, they have InstaCash ATMs. Indian bank . All over chennai Oriental Bank of Commerce . Adyar LB Road, Mylapore, G N Chetty Road T nagar. ATM cards issued by any bank will work with ATM of any other bank, but they may impose restrictions on number of transactions, amount per transaction and may also charge a small transaction fee of :INR 20. Money changers Many hotels will change money for you at the front desk. However, they may not have the best rates. It is best to change money at the city based money changers than the ones located at the airports. The ones at the airport offer much less for exchanging forex into Indian Rupees and sell forex for a much higher rate than the market rate. American Express . Spencers Plaza, Anna salai Thomas Cook . Spencers Plaza, Anna salai Beauty parlors amp hair salons Celeste Beauty Salon . Spencer Plaza,(Mobile -9941130508) F-26, Phase 1, First floor, Chennai 600002 Ayush . Anna Nagar (Ph - 262231022622344626203862), Kilpauk (Ph - 5217963526472298), Mylapore (Ph - 5206707130907691) - Therapy includes Abhyangam . Abhyangam with Pichu . Abhyangam with local Pizhichil . Abhyangam with Thalam . Udvartanam . Abhyangam with Nasyam . Abhyangam with local Navarakizhi . Muka Lepam Anushka ,6,Thyagaraya Road, Pondy Bazaar, T. Nagar, Ph - 52179197 Green Trends . 1576, 13th Main Road, Anna Nagar (ph - 26161534) Ashok Nagar (Ph - 52193636) Adyar (Ph - 24451759) Purusawakkam (Ph - 52174414) Taylors Road, Kilpauk (Ph - 26453331) T. Nagar (Ph - 28143886) Velachery (Ph - 22445590) Virugambakkam (Ph - 55511973) - Exotic natural treatments like Strawberry facial, Avocado Butter Massage Facial, Red Banana Facial, Baby-Corn under eye treatment etc. Jazzy . North Boag Road, T. Nagar Lakme . Adayar (Ph - 24469730), Alwarpet (Ph - 24662481), Anna Nagar (Ph - 26268841), Ashok Nagar (Ph - 23750207), Kilpauk (Ph - 52179634), Nungambakkam (Ph - 28333050), T. Nagar (Ph - 28155577) Salon Nayana . GN Chetty Road, T. Nagar, Ph - 28256064 Style Mantra - Makeover Concepts . Nungambakkam (Ph - 28280066), R. K. Salai (Ph - 28110707) Dollys beauty parlour . Elcanso Plaza, Egmore, ph: 9840118882 Naturals . Unisex beauty salon with more than 100 salons located around Chennai. Gyms Mind N Body 360 degree Fitness Studio - Ramapuram amp Mugalivakkam. 9600030058, 8754409900, 044-42018949 Body Sports Gym - Govindan Road, Saidapet. 9841151091 Blue Boutique Gym -329, TTK Road, Alwarpet.24996045,24996064. Talwalkars . Near Khader Nawaz Road, Nungambakkam Talwalkars . 23rd Cross Street, Indira Nagar, Adyar O2 Gym . Kader Nawaz Road, Nungambakkam, Velachery Soldiers Gym . Triplicane High Road, Triplicane (and on Anna Salai) Golds Gym 17, Kasturi Rangan Road Alwarpet, Chennai - 600018, Phone:044 42088201 Post amp telegraphs The telegraph office on Anna Salai (Mount Rd), near Higgin Bothoms accepts letters and parcels up to 8PM with a small late fee. Snail Mail in India is by a Post Card (25Ps), Inland Letter Rs 5, or envelope Rs 5. Speed Post facility allows you to send mail more conveniently than a courier service. They have a pan India coverage and also provide international service. International delivery is considerably slower than private competitors like FedEX or UPS but it is also much cheaper. Telegraph services have been discontinued from July 2018 citing very poor response. Due to proliferation of mobile phones and VOIP, the public telephones are fast disappearing. Telephone Booths or public telephones in India can still be found near travel hotspots like the airport, railway station or CMBT and usually painted with the letters PCO (Public Call office, local calls), STD (Subscriber Trunk Dialling) and ISD (International Subscriber Dialling). All booths have electronic metering and you pay whats displayed on the meter (included in the metering is a nominal Rs 2 as service charges). Youll also get a receipt if you insist on one. Coin operated phones :INR 1 are located in many busy junctions (easily identified by bright yellow or red colour) but support only local calls. Libraries amp Cultural Centres British Council - Anna Salai, Phone - 52050600 Ext 350351. 26 Connemara Library - Pantheon Road, Egmore, Phone 28193751. 27 Max Mueller Bhavan (German) - Khadar Nawaz Khan Rd. Nungambakkam. 28. American Information Resource Center Library (located within the American Consulate - see list of consulates) Anna Centenary Library - Kotturpuram, Phone - 65515031 29 High Commissions Even as recently as about ten years ago, the ECR, which was then known as the New Mahabalipuram Road, had nothing much to offer by way of entertainment, except for VGP Golden Beach and Romulus Whittakers crocodile bank. Further down, the road led you to Mahabalipuram, and that was that. The scenario that meets a traveller today is entirely different. The East Coast Road could very well be termed the entertainment highway of Chennai. The road is brand new, flanked by the sea on the left and dotted with amusement spots through the entire stretch. Driving down ECR is an experience. Really You can pick and choose from Amusement Parks, Water Sports Centres, Beaches, Eco Conservation, Cultural and Religious Centres, Restaurants or Resorts to spend your day in. The road caters to practically every type of pastime that one could think about. Prarthana Drive In Theatre: Approximately 10 km out of Adyar, this complex offers both a drive in theatre and a drive in restaurant VGP Golden Beach: The first amusement park in Chennai, just about 11 km away from Adyar. Still a landmark of Chennai, this park offers over 40 odd rides for the fun seeker. The only park with an access to the beach Ahaa Water Park: A spot for frolicking in water, the Ahaa Water Park offers a variety of water sports and fun activities. It has a wave generator, which can generate waves of up to 3.5 ft. Kart Attack: A centre dedicated to fulfilling the speed maniacs desire for thrill in a safe and secure environment. The first go karting centre of Chennai, this has placed Chennai on the go karting map of India, and has been instrumental in creating a few go karting champions also. Radio Control Car Racing at ECR RC Track: Chennai has the only active RC Car race track in India. On a weekend, you can find several RC car racers at the ECR RC Track located near Hot Kitchen Resatuarant on the ECR Road. It is very close to Kart Attack track. Visit IRCRA on Facebook for more details. Mayajaal: 100,000 sq. ft of air-conditioned space. A multitude of activities and entertainment avenues, including movie theatres, bowling alleys, video games parlours, multicuisine food courts, and much more. This is Mayajaal, a multidimensional entertainment centre, on par with any entertainment zone found abroad. Open from 11AM to 11PM you can easily spend the entire day here. It offers that much and more. MGM Dizzee World: Spread over 27 acres, this theme park offers joy rides, food stalls and other games. It features one of the first roller coaster rides of Chennai, and many of the rides offered could make your hair stand on edge. On the softer side, you have the dashing car drives, and the swimming pool with its water slides. MGM Dizzee World is in Muttukadu next to MGM Beach Resort. Little Folks amp Dolphin City: Specifically aimed at providing entertainment for the children, this park has a longer history than MGM. Dolphin city was closed 30 after all of its dolphins and sea lions had died. It is no longer operational now. Muttukadu Boat House: Located at 23 km from Adayar, this backwater area is maintained by the Tamil Nadu Tourism Development Corporation, and offers rowing and speedboat riding. Eco Conservation, Cultural and Religious Centres: Marundeswarar Temple is the first temple that one comes across on the route. A Shiva temple having a rich sthala purana or location history. Sai Baba Temple: Approximately 8.5 km from Adyar, the temple is peaceful, clean and breezy. Jagannathan Temple: An exact replica of the Puri Jagannath Temple. Those who have not been to Puri can take a look at this temple. Cholamandalam Artists Village: Set up by a group of artists to serve as a recluse for artists of all genres. This village offers the ambience needed for creativity to flow and is inhabited only by artists. The village offers guesthouse facilities exclusively for artists from elsewhere so that they could also benefit from the environment provided by the place. A must visit for those who appreciate the finer things of life. Tiruvidanthai Nithya Kalyana Perumal Koil: As the name denotes, a temple dedicated to Lord Venkateshwara found on East Coast Road. Crocodile Bank: The brainchild of Romulus Whittaker, the acknowledged specialist on reptiles, this center has gained fame as an endeavor for the preservation and propagation of endangered species of crocodiles. The center also houses a large variety of snakes. To get to Crocodile Bank from Chennai (Triplicane), you need to get on the PP19BX bus (runs along the beach) to Kovalum, which is the last stop for :INR 14 (75mins30 km). Then at this same intersection, get on 588CX bus to Mamallapurum (7 km7mins) for :INR 1418AC. The entry fee is :INR 35locals60foreigners w a :INR 20 still camera :INR 40 video camera fee. Some people know it as a farmpark rather than a bank if you are asking for directions. 31 Dakshinachitra: A venture of Deborah Thiagarajan and her associates from the Madras Craft Foundation. Dakshinachitra is an amazing place to visit, as various kinds of traditional houses have been transported to Chennai from interior parts of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Kerala and rebuilt here piece by piece. Vedanthangal: Around 80KM south from Chennai, Vedanthangal is one of the oldest bird sanctuaries in India. Built around the Vedanthangal Lake, it is home to thousands of native and migratory birds. Best time to visit between November and March. Mahabalipuram: The internationally recognized heritage monument of our country, personifying the art and culture of the Pallava kings. One of the most famous temples here is the Shore Temple and is next to the beach. If coming from Chennai ensure you reach this temple between 6AM to 6PM, as it is shut down after 6PM. Also, keep in mind that it takes roughly an hour to reach Mahabalipuram from Chennai. Hotels and Restaurants in ECR: The ECR road abounds with restaurants and eating spots, which offer a wide range of cuisines and tasteful ambience. And you can plan your dinner or lunch in one of these hotels. A few of the food outlets are listed below: - Basera - Blue Lagoon - Thanjavur Restaurant - Food Village - Coastal Kitchen - Hot Kitchen Beach Resorts: Another convenience that is found in plenty on the East Coast Road is the presence of several comfortable, pleasing, beach resorts, which enable you to take a break, and enjoy a seaside environment. Take your pick from those mentioned below: - Buena Vista - Blue Lagoon - Green Country Resort - Fishermans Cove - Casuarina Bay Drive your way to fun and thrill . But be prepared to pay a small toll fee on the East Coast Road. Krishnas Butter Ball - Mamallapuram Pondicherry Go on a spiritual trip or volunteer at Auroville - an experimental township with no religion or politics. The drive down the East Coast Road (ECR) is delightful, with lovely beaches all along the way, and on the way you can stop over at. Mamallapuram (Mahabalipuram) There are several things to see on the way and in Mamallapuram 60 km south of Chennai. Hill stations of Tamil Nadu. including Yercaud. Yelagiri. Ooty and Kodaikanal Kanyakumari Site of the famous Vivekananda memorial. Temples South India is famous for its temples. Even if you arent on a pilgrimage, these are worth a visit if you are interested in grand buildings and architecture. There are 33, 000 temples in and around Chennai. Some of them are - Chidambaram Approximately 250 km from Chennai. The famous Lord Nataraja temple which has the golden roof for the moolavar which was offered by Parantaka Chola I . Tiruvallur Approximately 45 km from Chennai. It is famous for its Vaidhya Veera raghava Swami Temple and Sri Viswaroopa Panchamukha Anjaneya Swami Ashram which has a 40 ft tall Murti of Hanuman. Tirupati Approximately 150 km from Chennai, in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Madurai Home to the famous Meenakshi temple. Tirunelveli Home to the Tamil Nadus largest Shiva temple, Nellaiappar Temple . Swamithoppe Ayya Vaikundar Pathi, religious head quarters of Ayyavazhi. Kanchipuram Kamakshi temple, seat of one of the Shankaracharyas - the closest Hinduism comes to a spiritual head. Thanjavur Brihadeswara temple (Big Temple). Tiruvannamalai Arunachala Temple famous for full moon day girivalam and Deepam Tiruchirapalli Its situated 350 km south of chennai. By NH45 Trichy can be reached in 5-6 hrs and it has lot of attractions including the Srirangam temple (Sri Renganathar), Ucchi Pillayar (Rock Fort temple) and the river Cauvery.

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